August 2017

Great news Amber! So amazing to see the little heart flickering!
Hello. May I join ? Due August 21st :)

What is everyone's thoughts on vaccinations ? I came across an old post and saw someone say they don't agree with vaccinating their children ? How does everyone feel about that ?
Vaccines are the safest and most effective way to protect your children from terrible illnesses that can cause disability and even death. All this anti vaccine propaganda originated from a study that has now been debunked.
I have studied the ingredients and risk and benefits of each vaccine that is on the recommended schedule in my state. I have discussed my concerns with my pediatrician. I have made the choice to delay all vaccinations until a further date, and have (on the recommendation of my pediatrician) obtained the appropriate legal exemptions for my children. It is a personal choice, and in this day and age a controversial choice, but I must do what I feel is best for my children. I'm not looking to change anyone else's mind, I expect the same courtesy from others. If it is something you are concerned about, I implore you to do the research for yourself. The ingredients and information sheets for all vaccines in the US are listed on the website.

Perhaps in the UK it was all the Wakefield dude, but my mother chose long before Wakefield and his study, redacted or not, to not vaccinate me or my sisters. So for me, this did not start with any debunked studies.
Our family is pro-vaccine, and while I don't necessarily agree with the anti-vaccination philosophy, I appreciate each parents' desire to practice what they feel is best for their families.
Can I join and quietly lurk through the posts? I'm not sure if I'll be staying around, or possibly get thrown into the September group. I got my bfp on the 22nd of December, though my lmp was on the 22nd of October. Until I get a scan I'm rather in limbo, with baby due anywhere between July & September.

There's also the small 'oopsie, you really should check your tests better' incident which makes me even more confused. A few days after my bfp I decided to check through the bin (as you do), to make sure my thrown away tests were actually negative only to find 4 more positive tests in the bin. Now, due to very irregular cycles I tend to test 2 or 3 times a week which would mean the earliest positive test was about a week and a half or 2 weeks *before* when I thought my first bfp was. I'd gotten so used to seeing negatives over the last 2 and a half years (ntnp) that I'd obviously become a bit too comfortable with tossing them before checking properly.

So yeah! Who knows
I've just filled in my self referral for my midwives, so hopefully I'll hear from them within the next week or so. Looking forward to doing it all again (for the 4th time)! =D
I have 2 other children . We are a pro vaccine family . I was just curious what everyone's stances were . I couldn't believe there were still people who believed not vaccinating was the best thing . Misspriss- no offense, but if your child contracts one of the deadly diseases you chose not to vaccinate for , will you regret not vaccinating ? The risks have been debunked . There is no factual basis to vaccines causing anything harmful . The risk is far less than the benefit . my child's school won't even allow unvaccinated children to attend and rightfully so .. it creates a higher risk for the community as a whole and since the anti vax thing started in recent years , we have seen a spike in ailments that have long been eradicated from our country. It kind of just makes me sad for children that don't have the choice to protect themselves . It can and likely will effect them well into adulthood. I understand your parents did not vaccinate but that's no reason to do the same .
I was hoping that if just one person could change their mind about not vaccinating simply by me bringing up this subject , it would be worth it .
Good day everyone , hope everyone is feeling well today !
I'm vaccinating no questions asked, no way am I letting my children go around unprotected, just my opinion but I just couldn't not vaccinate my kids!
Can I join and quietly lurk through the posts? I'm not sure if I'll be staying around, or possibly get thrown into the September group. I got my bfp on the 22nd of December, though my lmp was on the 22nd of October. Until I get a scan I'm rather in limbo, with baby due anywhere between July & September.

There's also the small 'oopsie, you really should check your tests better' incident which makes me even more confused. A few days after my bfp I decided to check through the bin (as you do), to make sure my thrown away tests were actually negative only to find 4 more positive tests in the bin. Now, due to very irregular cycles I tend to test 2 or 3 times a week which would mean the earliest positive test was about a week and a half or 2 weeks *before* when I thought my first bfp was. I'd gotten so used to seeing negatives over the last 2 and a half years (ntnp) that I'd obviously become a bit too comfortable with tossing them before checking properly.

So yeah! Who knows
I've just filled in my self referral for my midwives, so hopefully I'll hear from them within the next week or so. Looking forward to doing it all again (for the 4th time)! =D

Sure you can lurk! I will add you to the first post when you get an EDD, or just lurk around! I also took a test a few days before AF because I was in the habit from breastfeeding and not having cycles. I looked at it for a minute or two then stuck it in the back of the drawer...two hours later there was a line!
I have 2 other children . We are a pro vaccine family . I was just curious what everyone's stances were . I couldn't believe there were still people who believed not vaccinating was the best thing . Misspriss- no offense, but if your child contracts one of the deadly diseases you chose not to vaccinate for , will you regret not vaccinating ? The risks have been debunked . There is no factual basis to vaccines causing anything harmful . The risk is far less than the benefit . my child's school won't even allow unvaccinated children to attend and rightfully so .. it creates a higher risk for the community as a whole and since the anti vax thing started in recent years , we have seen a spike in ailments that have long been eradicated from our country. It kind of just makes me sad for children that don't have the choice to protect themselves . It can and likely will effect them well into adulthood. I understand your parents did not vaccinate but that's no reason to do the same .
I was hoping that if just one person could change their mind about not vaccinating simply by me bringing up this subject , it would be worth it .
Good day everyone , hope everyone is feeling well today !

If your child gets a vaccine injury, will you regret vaccinating? (Do not argue they do not happen, there is a searchable database of them here in the US and they frequently go unreported)

Perhaps you did not read my post, I am not trying to change anyone's mind and I expect the same courtesy from you. This is not the debate board, it is a pregnancy group.
Guys can we leave the vaccinations arguments to another group? They never end well and I'm sure there are other forums they can be discussed in. People always end up falling out.
My midwife called today, a lot faster than I was expecting!! I only sent off my referral last night, last time it took well over a week before they got back to me. Impressed and very happy! I've had 2 pregnancies and labours through this company, so I'm biased anyway, but less than 24 hours is pretty good going. My midwife is called Donna, and I'll have my booking in appointment on the 13th (home visit, as most appointments are). Thankfully that gives me a week and a half to get the house in order as it's a tip after the Christmas holidays! We'll also arrange for a scan some time soon (making the appointment on the 13th, so imagine it will be in a week or 3) to date me more accurately.

Everything's feeling a bit more real now. I *think* I'll be due right at the end of August, though with my previous history of going nearly 2 weeks late baby probably won't arrive until September anyway.

So far we haven't told anyone yet. We hadn't planned on telling until after the 12 week scan, but as DD2 (and DD3, but she won't tell) will be home during next weeks appointment we'll have to break the news to our girls before then. Our oldest has been asking for a new baby for a while, so she'll be thrilled. With telling the girls, we'll also have to tell BIL & MIL as obviously our girls won't keep shushed (bit much to expect from a 6, 4 & 2 year old).

Is anyone planning a private scan this pregnancy? With my previous 3 I've had private scans at 16 weeks to find out the gender, and around 28 / 32 weeks for funsies. We'll be doing the same this time around (money allowing of course).
How is everyone else's bloat? I feel like by the end of the day I look about 6 months pregnant. I don't know if it's because I'm on baby 4 or what, but I just feel so huge already!

And is anyone else freezing? All the time? I keep taking my temp thinking I have a fever and it's always 99.5 or 99.3. Anyone know if pregnancy increases your body temp? I'm normally right on 98.7 so I thought it kind of strange that I've been almost an entire degree higher the last week or so
The bloat was bad weeks 5-7, seems to have died back down. Last week I could button my stretch jeans half the day, lol.

I do believe it does raise your temp, like your BBT goes up after you ovulate and dips before AF, when you are pregnant it just stays up. Hormones and all.
Ugh. Had my first bout of "morning" sickness, only in the evening.

Totally, very TMI. I was feeling crappy, so I decided to shower (I normally shower in the evenings after the kids go to sleep). Halfway through the shower I had to get out and poo, then before I was proper done with that I had to puke! It was awful. Then I got back in the shower and before I was done I had to get out and poo again, this time I had the runs and stuff. Then again right after my shower.

Worst. Shower. Ever. I mean, that kind of awfulness should be reserved for the before labor cleanout kind of stuff. It was like my body just decided nope - this stuff is coming out, all systems clear out, now! Ugh.

TMI over. Lol.
The bloat is real!!! I was massive 5-6 weeks, went down at 7 but seems back again past couple of days, by the end of the day I look 5-6 months gone :haha:
I feel shocking today, vomited twice and have a really long shift today, I'm not looking forward to today!!
Hi mamas,
I disappeared for 3 weeks and just got caught up.

I had a scan yesterday at 6w6d and we saw a heartbeat! Only 1 baby, something of a relief tbh. We will have another scan on the 17th with our reproductive ends and then be released to a regular obgyn at the end of the month.

If all continues to go well, I may tell my extended family at the end of February for my moms birthday. I would like to give her a flight voucher (she is 800 miles away) and the ultrasound pic and say, please come meet me in the fall!

We visited home for the holidays and it was difficult to try to keep it all normal when I didn't feel great and had to run after toddler while staying at my parents. Kid kept eating my stash of saltines I have to keep the queasiness down. Luckily no return of the gnarly sickness I had around week 3. Had a couple spotting episodes so the scan was a relief to see.

Have a great week! Any New Years resolutions?
Congrats, Letsgo! DD was born after our second IVF cycle. After three unsuccessful outcomes with our remaining 3 genetically normal embryos over the past year, we had pretty much given up hope of baby #2. We were pleasantly surprised when the test turned positive in early December without any new attempts at fertility intervention. :thumbup:

We had a scan yesterday, and I was measuring spot on for our August 5 due date. We feel incredibly blessed. :kiss:

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