I finally met with my fs! He told me my Amh result was 1.15. (Down from last year, 1.3). Not horrible, but not great. He did a vaginal ultrasound and saw about 6 follicules on one side and 4 on the other. Considering all this, he won't put me on BC. Looks like we'll have an hour consultation with a nurse to go over the procedure, in about a months time. Then start injections on the next cycle....so likely October! So excited! We have to decide about whether we do ICSI(I think we should but my hubby is worried about birth defects so he suggested we try doing have with ICSI and see how the other half do). We also have to decide if we should go with 1 or 2 fertilized eggs. It will depend a bit on my egg quality but it is our choice. Again, DH is worried about twins

. Some decisions to be made!
Brandy, did you go with ICSI?
I also saw a Doctor of Chinese medicine today (since I was going to the city, I booked both apps). This guy is a bit of a guru. He has helped a lot of women get pregnant and he said to me, "give me 3 months and then, if you're not pregnant, do the Ivf". He gave me a list of supplements and foods (and alcohol)to avoid. He also did some accupuncture. ..... I wish I would have seen him months ago! At this point though, I just can't handle trying something new, more visits to see him, et.. When I could end up doing Ivf anyway! Ergh!
Brayr, how is your summer going?