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+++August Testing Group!!!+++


It was same here. Horrible headache and backache. And so so tired. Was off for a week and felt very tired for another week. Plus it brought back a skin autoimmune disease I had a few years back. Hoping it won’t affect our chances to conceive! The cycle I had Covid AF was 3 days late. I’m never late.
Ps my birthday is on Dec 13th.
My opks went fainter so wasn’t ovulation yet. the lines are really faint now and didn’t get any darker. Maybe I had a slight peak but didn’t ovulate and will peak again in a few days and ovulate. See I normally get a lot of ewcm so new that was strange. I’ve been drinking a lot even tho my pee is very dark. I’m so so thirsty all the time so been drinking a lot.
Oh well back to waiting to ovulate and hope it will be soon.
How you doing love?


It was same here. Horrible headache and backache. And so so tired. Was off for a week and felt very tired for another week. Plus it brought back a skin autoimmune disease I had a few years back. Hoping it won’t affect our chances to conceive! The cycle I had Covid AF was 3 days late. I’m never late.
Ps my birthday is on Dec 13th.

Oh gosh the backache was awful. The headache and back ache was definitely the worst part about it I remember getting that when I had it in January too but I got over it so quickly in Jan. it’s taken longer this time.

I hope it haven’t messed with my cycles either.

My opks are very mega again now so no ovulation yet. Not sure why they were so dark earlier and now so faint.
Just have to keep testing and hopefully get my peak soon.
I absolutely hate all the waiting.
Just had some blood when wiping. Cd11 what the heck?
My tests are a bit faded this morning :( really scared that it's another chemical
i just got AF tonight finally!! I was up to CD 63 i think yesterday. Glad it didn't go longer! So I'm putting myself down for 28 days time but will /prob change according to whether O happens or not. Hoping to keep up my healthy eating habits and see if that does much for this cycle
i just got AF tonight finally!! I was up to CD 63 i think yesterday. Glad it didn't go longer! So I'm putting myself down for 28 days time but will /prob change according to whether O happens or not. Hoping to keep up my healthy eating habits and see if that does much for this cycle

Oh finally I bet your so relieved tho I no you prefer having a baby but atleast now you no where you are sort of thing :haha: xx
i just got AF tonight finally!! I was up to CD 63 i think yesterday. Glad it didn't go longer! So I'm putting myself down for 28 days time but will /prob change according to whether O happens or not. Hoping to keep up my healthy eating habits and see if that does much for this cycle

Glad af has arrived!
Fx for this cycle x
Hi Ladies,
I am back after my D&C I took a little time but I started AF only 5 days after on the 19th July. I have seen my OB who has started me on Metformin for my PCOS. Also doing a few blood tests to see If we can figure out a reason why I have had 4 miscarriages in 12 months. I am not taking Femera this cycle and will just DTD around what should be Ovulation time ( although I haven't ever ovulated without Femera). If nothing happens this cycle then we will go back to Femera with follicle scans. OB said after 3 cycles if I'm still not pregnant then we will do triggers. In the meantime if my husbands and my blood tests come back with anything that could signify why I keep loosing babies, IVF will come on the table.
At this point I will play it by ear and test around the 16th Aug. Without medication I am not super hopeful but my OB said that sometimes after a D&C she finds women tend to have a successful pregnancy. Here is to hoping she is right and our little Rainbow is just around the corner [-o<
I forgot to add, if by some miracle I do end up pregnant this cycle then she will issue me with and array of other medication in hopes we end up with a sticky one. Fingers Crossed.
@WantingababyF hey love so nice to see you back I get the taking time out, my way of grieving after my d&c was on here I no might be strange to some:shrug: I finally ovulated on cd31 as I got told to could cd1 as my d&c but anyway good luck and fingers crossed for a supper sticky rainbow love :hugs: xx
Just had some blood when wiping. Cd11 what the heck?

That’s so strange! Was it like spotting or heavier? Hopefully just a one off!

My tests are a bit faded this morning :( really scared that it's another chemical

Oh no, I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully just a blip from more diluted wee? Fx for darker lines soon!

i just got AF tonight finally!! I was up to CD 63 i think yesterday. Glad it didn't go longer! So I'm putting myself down for 28 days time but will /prob change according to whether O happens or not. Hoping to keep up my healthy eating habits and see if that does much for this cycle

The relief when AF arrives after a long cycle! Hope this cycle is a better one for you!

I’m still in the boring part of my cycle. Probably another couple of weeks until ovulation. Just want to fast forward! I’ve bought a load more ovulation and pregnancy tests to add to my stash. Just did an ovulation test because I wanted to wee on something :haha:
Just wrote to you in the July group but I really hope the lighter test is just down to diluted pee. I know when I was pregnant in June and with my son my lines would sometimes be lighter than the day b4 but then if I left it a few hours and tested later with stronger darker pee my lines were way darker. Fx all will be ok love.

Hi love glad to have you back. So sorry that happened to you It’s awful. Listen I had 4 losses in 2020 in 7 months then fell with my healthy son.
Already had 2 losses this year but hopefully will get my rainbow soon and also you and @tdog be lush if we all end up pregnant with healthy babies together.
They say after every storm there is a rainbow. And I pray that to all of us that have had losses and ttc. Sincerely [-o<


it only happened once hon and was just on the tissue. But I was having a root around just b4 to see if I had any ewcm. And then the blood: was only light. Didn’t need a pad or anything. My opks were darker today too so hopefully ovulation will be in the next few days.
Will keep u all posted:

Oh my gosh what a long cycle. U must be so relieved that’s finally over and now a brand new fresh cycle. Sending loads of baby dust your way love.

Waiting for ovulation like :-= :bunny: LoL
I posted in the July thread as well but wanted to update that my spotting (not red) only pinkish and brown is gone. There were a few times that I thought AF was here, but nope. I also have cramps too, but it comes and goes. I have no idea what is going on…if it were implantation bleeding than why haven’t I showed positive on tests yet. I’m planning on giving it the weekend to see what happens between now and than. Maybe she will show her face this weekend. If not Monday is still my testing day! <3

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