Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

Oh maddy you have had some tough stuff to deal with on the family front of late....I'm so sorry Hun xxx I think this holiday is very much well timed and well needed for you!

Good luck with the job!!!! X

Fx smithy, I just want us all to be duffered already!
Edit: or maybe even twins squeegs???? I reckon someone on this thread is gonna fall with twins...just a matter of who!!!!!

twins runs in my family, but I won't be getting any speggy action for at least a few weeks. Who knows, it could happen.
Afternoon all, well I'm just checking in to avoid finishing my job's an internal transfer at the same level. I LOVE my current job but this section will always be here and they regularly have jobs available. Whereas this job I'm applying for.... well I always wanted to do and I've been waiting for it to become vacant. Sooo many people applying for it, but I can't complain if I don't try.

Having a hard time with peripheral family right now. My Mum is great but I have found out that my SIL (who un-friended me on FB after she got pregnant) has also unfriended my aunt, who was very kind and supportive of her - actual the person in our family that was closest to SIL. And now I have a family member posting on FB about how much she hates Muslims and doesn't want them to come to Australia and...I just wanted to yell at her - HELLO? Have you ever actually MET a Muslim? You've never left your suburb! Ugh. She would be horrified to know that one of AD's closest friends is Muslim and, worse, was IN MY CAR this afternoon! Bleugh.

Right now I'm def off to write this darned application because I need to submit it before I go on holidays!

Have a wonderful day girlies :)

Jeepers! Enjoy that holiday lovely!
Oooh, what do you mean run in the family? Are you talking identical or fraternal? My sis had fraternal twins cos apparently there is a multiple egg releasing trait in my fam but I'm guessing its skipped me given were coming up to 6 mths trying!
Fraternal, but I have heard about the whole 'skipping a generation' thing before. My mums mum had twins and so did my mum won't be me with twins sash! karma will be good to me cos I haven't wished it on anyone else! lol DSS will have a little play mate soon, not me, his mum...I worte about it while you were away. she's pregnant again...different guy this time (obviously) and she's split up with him now. she's only 6w4d or something. told me, i got pretty upset...then 24 hours later, I built a bridge. so I'm happy to wait a couple of months so we're not exactly the same...that would suck having to go thru my whole pregnancy with her!

Maddy - good luck with your job, I hope you get it!! weird about your SIL...does explain why your brother had no idea what it was all about when you called him the other day tho.

Smithy...i don't like even's going to have to be 9!!

Jelly bean - so sorry hun! I thought this was it for sure! hope you're ok! have a wine! Whats your real name? (don't have to say if you don't want to!) also...sorry if you already have & I have been oblivious!

OOHHH Nana...just read twinnies in your fam! Identical doesn't run in the family, fraternal does tho, so it could be coming to you! it usually skips a generation (not always) so you're in the right generation if your sister has them! may take a while cos you're going to get double trouble??
jellybean - I just noticed our dsignatures are almost the weird!!!!! haha must mean we'll get duffered this month! lol - you will probably O at the same time as me even with my head start! haha
No I haven't, I'm Kelly. I'm sure I'll get to know everyone else's name along the way
jellybean - I just noticed our dsignatures are almost the weird!!!!! haha must mean we'll get duffered this month! lol - you will probably O at the same time as me even with my head start! haha

I 'O' pretty late in my cycle, usually around CD22. If I 'O' a few days earlier, I might get a BFP for my b'day on the 24th.

I must be the generation it skips then, since the last 2 generations had twins
Yeah I saw that squeegs and felt awful for you, I don't understand why some people can seriously get satisfaction out of intentionally hurting someone else :( are one heck of a woman building abridge that quickly! But I don't care about her baby, just about the beautiful little bubba to be for you and dh!

Yeah I think twins will skip me too, my sister caught em for our generation!!!!
Squeegs are you gonna stop trying to make a gap then? I dont know If I could sacrifice my own ttc time like that!
Hell yes! I'm ovulating, tired, hungry and bitchy.. Mega bitch badge
Kelly, I'm the same last time I was cd 23, the time before i was cd 34. time before I was around 18. Hoping this time will be an 18 dayer, then I will be ready soon! you'll get there with names.. we even have nicnames for eachother, so that makes it harder. lol just ask if youre not sure tho!

Thanks guys. I had to make a conscious decision not to go down the 'why her, not me' road. At the end of the day, only good can come of it, it may mean we see a bit more of DSS if she needs more help. I cried the night I found out, I am not envious of her in any way as I would not want to be pregnant in her situation. It just brought back a lot of the last 2.5 years, she has put us through a lot and all DH wanted was to know his son & she denied him of that for a long time, I just hate that she doesn't appreciate what it is to have a child, she spent almost 3 years using hers as a way to get back at my DH.

The worst thing I think is that they split up in june, were over for about 1-2 months & then decided to get back together (after her telling us she was relieved when they split) and they were going to take things really slowly. Here we are September & she's 6wks. She hasn't even known this guy for the amount of time we have been actively trying, inluding their time apart...

Anyway...I will get there in the end, I'm happy to wait as I know I will have a beautiful baby, a loving home and a GREAT DH by my side through it all. and to top it off, things are good at the moment, so he/she will have a big brother around all the time!

No, i will definitely not stop TTC! It wouldn';t bother me THAT much to be pregnant with her, it's just an easy way to be ok with not falling right now if it doesn't happen for us this month.
My goodness squeegs, you are far more mature than you should be at your age! Well, than i was at your age lol xxx good on you for taking the high ground, you are one impressive lady!!!!

Well f her, I want it to be your turn now already!!!! XX
Lol, that's why I didn't 'click' with aquiss.... hahahhahaa well we have started our every second day now, so hopefully we will hit the jackpot!

You nervous about work this week to see the reaction fromt he letter?
Hi Girls,

Many pages to catch up on.

Not sure who mentioned it or asked the question but this is my second month in using preseed. Can't say weather it works or not but if you are :sex: every day it does make things a little easier. I only use it a couple of days before O and then a day or two afterwards - just incase. You have to insert the gel and wait up to 15min. But very easy to use and no feeling at all. Fingers crossed it has worked.

TWINS???? Hopefully there is a set of twins on here. That would be lovely. Twins are in both sides of the family (mine and DH) but not directly in line to us. I read somewhere that it follows the womans line?? Not sure how true that is. I would be delighted for one but two would be nice.

Mum2Q - your DHs ex really sounds a little messed up and your right not to be envious of her, she is going to do it tough but truth is she is probably envious of you. You are in a wonderful relationship (with the guy that got away from her) you are kind and loving and when this baby (yours) comes along it is going to be so loved and so wanted. Maybe she wants that. That closeness of a relationship and thought that a child will give her that (even with a boy she hardly knows).

ROSIE & NEWBIE - fingers crossed those shy eggs of yours come out to play soon. Must be boy eggs, don't they say that boys are always slow and late :) LOL

2MUMS - glad the scan went all well for you. Next time you can post a video up here for all of us "aunties" to look over! Doing backflips and bouncing off walls already, gosh you are going to have your hands full in a few months time LOL

MELAINEY - Donegal v Mayo in All Ireland football final today. UP DONEGAL!! HAHAHA will keep you posted on the results. :)

:hi: to everyone else and hope everyone's weekend is going well. My 20yrs high school reunion was last night and some photos have been posted on facebook. I must be in my TWW now as here comes the bitchy hat..... looking at the pics I am a little (ok a lot) delighted that I haven't changed since highschool. All the "cool" kids and footballers and cheerleaders have all aged and gotten so fat. Of course they all have kids (some have 18/19 yr old kids) but glad that I can probably still fit into my grad/prom dress :) OK enough of the bitching. My sunday has started and to be honest its going to be a pretty boring day. Cupboards are bare and house is a mess so its a cleaning, shopping, cooking day today so must go and get busy.

Enjoy what is left of the weekend!
Kiwi - you know, it's always the way. it pays to be anice person, cos looks & highschool popularity fade very quickly!! I think you look great! so I'm glad you feel that way too!

Oh, twins on both sides. Makes sense that it runs down the women's line...Maybe the men can still pass it to their daughters?? That might be why it skips a generation? That is purely based on my facts at all...but it does make sense to me.

I used the gel last time (maybe baby) but I only used it once right before, not so much leading up to Ov cos I got the dates wrong to start with. I've got one tube left, might pick a day to use it this time & see how we go!

Yeah, I think you're right. I'm sure she is envious of what we have. We think that's why it took so long for her to let DSS in our lives. She actually told DH the baby wasn't his & cut him off after he said he wanted to be a dad but not her partner. Nobody even told him when DSS was born. Broke his heart. It was when he was 6 months old and we had been together 3 months before she came to him and said he is yours & he needs a dad. he then did paternity test & she let them meet 2 or 3 times in a couple of weeks. then she cut him off again, basically said to choose between me & him. I have no doubt in my mind that she thought that I would get the hell out & he would go back to her... Didn't pan out that way though, cos we already knew where we were headed. since then it has been on again off again. I was only allowed to meet him & her for the first time about 1 year ago. It's only been this year that we've been able to have contact with him alone, before that DH had to go to a contact centre to see him. He said it was full of deadbeat dads who didn't even want to be there. Police liaison officers had to be there for some DH definitely didn't fit in there. Plus it cost us $80 for 2 hours of fully supervised contact with his son. There were two people who changed every 15 mins so they could write reports of what happened throughout the visit. That was just another way to keep me out of the picture.

Anyway...that is just the beginning of a story that has gone on for a long long time, but things are finally going well now. Hearing DSS say love you to me & DH still melts my heart every time!

So you can see why I had a few quiet tears that she is up the duff again and the cycle just continues...

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