Morning lovelies!!
Angel, good luck today, at least you will know where you stand at the end of it! I think you guys will nail it!! I think once you're there, the adrenalin will kick in and you will breeze through it! thinking of you! xxx
Looney, so glad you have an appointment! cab't wait to hear your results!
Rosie, sooo cute! I am going to do the samre thing for DH, but i'm going to do a treasure hunt for him to end up in the oven...I'm far too impatient to wait for him to look himself! lol I think mine will get it tho, cos I can never keep my mouth shut about my temps and enything pregnancy related, so he will cotton on when i start acting weird I think! haha I know nothing about beta. but remember it is very very early! most people don't even know they're preggy by now! so I wouldn't worry at all! tomorrow will bring a better result!

funny, men always think that their swimmers are awesome - it's like a baby is the direct result of their ultimate manhood! lol
Missie, welcome! I'm glad newbie enticed you to join our little group! Check out the front page for all of our real names etc if you're getting a bit confuse about who we are all talking about!! You will love it here!!! I wouldn't worry about missing the pages, we often just chitty chat, as you know! How long have you been ttc for??
hi smithy!!!!! thanks for sharing your points! I like this point of the cycle where its close to test time, and there is still a possibility of duffness! haha I'm weird! I prefer the tww to the waiting to Ov tho. at least in hindsight we can see if we have nailed the timing or not!
AFM, we started potty training dss yesterday, we had 5 wees in the toilet and 1 wet undies! pretty good effort I think. He's so not interested until yesterday, we got soooo excited for him doing a wee, now he loves it! back on the undies again today, I think we will make even more progress!! lol it's the small things in life when kids are involved! lol