hi ladies, so sorry its been a depressive day!

easy to feel that way, at least we have each other to pull us out of it. I wish I had found you guys a year and half ago when we started ttc, def had the moments of breakdowns, its never going to happen, im a failure as a woman, etc etc. Its all normal, esp when it takes so long to conceive.
For those that aren't duffered yet and thinking about getting bloods done, do it. I had mine done last october, to check why it wasnt happening, everything was good, but then didnt get knocked up til july, should have had more done, bc bloods after bfp showed that i wasnt up to date on rubella (which i was in oct), which means until 16 weeks pregnant i cant be around children younger than 12 months. So i suggest you get your bloods done and check for rubella immunizations. also heard that bfp can reduce rubella immunity in your system so best to get the shot before duffed anyways. I hope that all made sense, i've found it to be quite annoying- the restriction around babies, i cant work and i cant cuddle any lil cutie pie.
edit: i forget who was talking about antihistamines, but i suffer from hayfever/allergies and our chemist gave me Poloramine- works really really well, and completely safe during ttc, preg, and breastfeeding.