Kiwi - Glad you had fun at the hen party

I guess if AF is going to turn up that's a pretty good occasion to turn up at! I've managed to either be pregnant or away for the few of my close friends that have hen parties.
Smithy - I stopped temping after I had my hcg levels checked, it feels good to stop hey? Although I quite like seeing that little pattern. I might even start temping again after having this bub even though we won't be ttc for quite some time (if at all!)
Cossime - just be prepared for them to give you a lecture on how 2 cycles is still very early etc. Hopefully they'll do your bloods as it kinda feels proactive doesn't it?
Newbie - sorry to hear you're feeling down

Maybe ntnp until you're settled into a new job will help you focus on something else for a while? Or would maybe seeing a GP to see if there's anything they can do to help speed things along?
I'm very pro being vaccinated and I get quite upset when parents are anti vaccinations and choose not to vaccinate their kids - everything else parents can decide for what's in the best interests of their child, but like LLPM said vaccinations are not just about your own child it's about reducing risks for the whole community. Sorry, rant over (and sorry if any of you are anti vaccinations!).
All you newbie BFPers, I feel the same as you (tired and sick) and I'll be 15 weeks in a couple of days :/ I have a bit of a fantasy lately where I check myself into a plush hotel for a weekend ALONE and just sleep and watch TV in bed for the entire weekend. I told DF about it and he told me I could do it for a night if I wanted and he'd look after DS - that made me feel like a selfish cow, so fantasy is a bit tainted now lol
Hope everyone else I've missed is having a good day