Morning all!!!
Squarepants-way tooooooooooooooo early to A. test and get a BFP and B. Count yourself out!!! Just hang in there! They say usually test 14 days after ovulation but I suppose many test from about 12 days...
Ginny, I agree with you hence my 'plan' to speak with my GP on Saturday. I've heard she is very good therefore me asking for bloods may or may not eventuate as it's only my 2nd month ttc BUT we have been having unprotected sex for over 2 years now (I may not disclose to her that I kow anything at all about when NOT to do the deed to avoid getting pregnant hehehehehehehehe

) I think I just want some to speak too more than anything...Also, Squiggles you're completely right in saying a 'normal' couple only has a 20% chance in conceiving-thats an average of about 5-6 months of ttc for normal people!! I'd like to think of me and DH as normal... (we have managed to conceive 3 times now with only 1 pregnancy going to term)!
Nanna, I feel you babe

I have a girlfriend actually one of my best friends, feeling a lot like you at the moment. I can't even disclose to her that we are trying ttc for fear of sounding ungreatful or insensitive to her...I do hope you can get yourself out of this rut but whatever you do, don't give up! xxx
Melainey, so glad about your hcg levels! Can't wait to see what your next round will be

Also, I never had an early scan as they wouldn't give it to me

I had to wait until 12 weeks...
Smithy hope the sickness clears up soon. I'm not duffed and always hungry
And to 2mums and LLMP, I agree completely with you guys (and the general consensus round here) re. vaccinations! I respect everyone's choices but get really annoyed when they do not 'research' ALL of the facts...
Glad you're feeling more positive today Ab's!

to all the other lovelies xxx
afm...AF arrived in full effect charting, temping or OPKing this month. What will be will be! 3 weeks from tomorrow and I'm on a plane yay!!