Angel, I did the same, I used to sit here and try and think up the best name to attract comments to my thread! LOL I used the site for 1 month, then went off it for a month or so cos I just got so caught up in the symptom spotting, and hated it! Now we can drop it into casual conversation and ask questions still, but it's more about other stuff, which is what I like! I don't go anywhere other than my user cp, i have this thread & a thread about labour stories, which are the only two I keep up to date with. I didn't like that you would answer qquestions to subscribe to a thread to see if someone got preggers and as soon as they did, you would never hear from them again. I find that when people first post on here, its "hi my name is....this is symptoms are ...." once they get started they soon find out that we don't actually symptom spot that much for a group or a dozen or so girls all ttc! haha we're pretty cool if I do say so myself! I agree, it's about the friendship!
Kiwi, glad you're booked into the counselling hun, I hope it does you the word of good! If anything, maybe it can put you at peace with ttc so you know how to deal with emotions until you get your bfp! I understand if you take a break from here, but please do still pop your head in to update us on you, even if you don't catch up on everything that is spoken about!
Smithy, that is awesome that you dream about the sexes of your children! I have a gut feeling that this time you will dream of a boy, and you will have a girl! just to throw a spanner in the works!! are you going to stop at 4?
AFM, my period must be close....I just drove home & there was an oil spill, I got home as normal, but the traffic the other way was absolutely shocking! cars bloody everywhere!!!! I I don;t know if I was happy to get through quickly, or for the people who are stuck waiting, but i got very emotional! lol and then I started to laugh at myself for crying about a trafic jam......hahaha AF, hurry up! lol