Good Morning Ladies! Rosie and Lainey sorry you are getting cold! feel better soon
Cossie: we are really thinking about it, i find i just cant motivate myself to go through all the steps to get there. Sell house, find job, find place to live, do bank loan stuff again, buy again! its a lot of stuff
Nana i dont know where you are, but with work and TTC you have a lot on your plate, i just want you to know that we miss you and are here for you for whatever you need!
Im feeling pretty good today! for some reason the fact that my pre-ov temps are good and low is making me feel good about this cycle! that is based on nothing other than i need something to make me feel good about it!
Had a good meeting with my old boss yesterday, and he really made me feel much better about the work situation. i told him what had happened to me recently and he was surprised they put that much shit on me, when at a much snr level (where he is) the quality of my work is always considered to be great. so that made me realise that the recent crap had actually very little to do with me!
I have today off, and its rainy so im still in bed! going to catch up on some TV, ive got some Gruen Planet to watch! (you guys like that show?) my DH looks like Todd and as a result i have a huge crush on him! hahahaha
Amanda the sex talk was all in an effort to get us duffered! we have to know what works!

Plus with the position that M2Q and I were talking about, it would be cruel not to share!