cossi- never was sick with ms, not many symptoms in general, crazy dreams still, sore boobs like i wouldnt beleive, and the latest but shitty symptom is crazy breaking out, hate it!!

their tests probably include the pap, bloods, internal and external u/s. have a fun ride next week, but i still think you are crazy!!! haha

hope you had a great morning at church and that it raised your spirits a little, and have a relaxing sunday arvo!!!
lucy- hope those girls of yours and you start to feel better really really soon
maddy- so good to have you back
so sorry for those of you suffering with ms, but its a good sign and all worth it no matter how horrible ( i know terrible coming from someone that hasnt had any)
i like the relaxed approach that some of you are taking, like i said before, we took a looonng break and finally concieved after not stressing or worrying about it, to be honest, i didnt think, and i hoped it wouldnt work the time that it did (only was hoping bc i would have rather travelled 2-4 months pregnant not 5-6, but it was apparently the right time, so ill take it)
everyone else- thinking of you, hope all is well.