Thanks girls for all the well wishes and thoughts and prayers. I am first up do just waiting to be taken down to theatre. Stoked there is free wifi lol dr said sexual activity can resume in 2-3 days woohoo just in time for O lol. He said provided I keep mOving around I should just feel like rubbish for 24-48hrs. So feeling positive about that. If tubes blocked they can't do anything today I will have Togo back another day to clear them.
Far out abs, you must have some serious self control cos I can't even imagine what I would have said to her if I was you!!!
Ginny honey I hope you are managing ok in these difficult times xxx we are all here and hoping we can somehow lessen your pain xxx
Thanks again for the sticks 2mums, I hope I can do you proud with them and bring in a bfp in the next couple months!
Angel you're hilarious! The cant be f'ed method!!!! Love it. Might tell dh we will give that a go next!
I had such a busy day today, completely forgot to call my Gyno for my appt! Must try to remember tomorrow...
Hope all of our duffered club aren't feeling too ill today and my fellow unduffered I hope we can all share some more good news really soon xxx
I think I might finally be able to see the light. Either that or I'm just excited that its officially one month tomorrow till I finish my job (provided I have another!) and only a few more days until my road trip to what I hope will be sunny Melbourne and a fabfabfabfabulous ride!!! Xx
My heart goes out to you Ginny. Angel gives good advice on taking time to grieve. Take care x
Hope everyone else is going well.
AFM I think the witch is lurking. Proper AF cramps and brown cm. And no boobie symptoms at all - I think that's what's making me think no baby this month more than anything else!
I'll test tomorrow if no AF but I'm not sure I'll get the chance.
Gosh you're a good girl much as I try and try again to adapt to brown rice I just cannot do it! Just eating dh's concoction of eye fillet, steamed broccolini, snow peas and zucchini with sautéed mushrooms...he did good tonight!!
Thanks again for your well wishes - I am feeling much better this afternoon. Although I'm sure there are lots of tears to come, there's only so much crying I can do in one day.
I have my medical management/surgery booked for Thursday. I won't go into detail because it's not a pleasant topic, but basically they give me medicine in the morning to see if the miscarriage will happen naturally and then I have surgery booked for the afternoon which I may or may not need. I hope it happens naturally, but I also don't want it dragging on and on which like a proper labour can happen with this too.
I also had 14 vials of blood taken today to see if they can find anything wrong with me and tests will be done on the baby. However, because I have Max the term "bad luck" has also been mentioned. The dr I saw told me that she thinks that Max is proof of her confidence that I'll be able to have another successful pregnancy one day.
Ginny I'm glad to hear you are feeling a little better today but can't imagine this will be an easy week. I hope for your sake that it all happens very quickly and easily on Thursdsy. I'm glad to hear they are doing lots of tests to try to get to the bottom of things for you - as awful as it would be for them to find something I'm sure it would be better to know do they can rectify whatever the problem is rather than you having to go into another pregnancy wondering if you will have more 'bad luck' as they say. Really praying they can give you some answers honey! I am so pleased you have little Max! Big xx
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