Squeegs- so happy the spotting stopped! Xx my only symptoms are sore boobs and slight occasional waves of nausea, mostly at night. Last week I had major head congestion and cold Sx but that may have just been a cold!! How are u? Any symptoms??
Angel- so happy you finally get to start the medications, you will be TTC again in no time! Praying your body responds really well and your thyroid l els go back to normal in record time! Xx
Taralyn- welcome!
Maddy- Fx'd you have no problems getting that referral for DH!
Abby- I love Disney movies too! Cinderella is my favorite! *Love fat lil Gus Gus!!

- cant wait to hear how your ride goes! I bet all that biking will help with implantation!
Ginny- you are truly such a strong person! Chris sounds pretty great also.
Kiwi- these fertility meds are your way of telling Ethan you aren't waiting anymore! Your chances will be greatly increased after the HSG and injections that you may get 2 Ethan's!!!! *

2mums- how did the scans go??? Thinking of you and OH xx
Cossi, Smithy, Lisa, Missie, number2, Pammy, major, and Halli- hi ladies!! :wave:
AFM - it's fall here and I loooove fall but I hate spiders and right now it seems they are all trying to move into our house! Actually got in the shower and saw one out of the corner of my eye and turned into crazy

spider Killer! Then freaked out on DH because I've been telling him to spray spider killer out side the house for 3 days! Grrrrrrr. Making him take me out for steak dinner to make up for it! Hope you ladies all have a great day!! Xx