Hi my lovely ladies! Wow - lots going on today!
Abs I'll be thinking of you hun and praying that today goes by quickly and as stress free as possible!
Ginny - still praying for you and Chris - when will you find out the results of the tests they are doing on the baby?
Cossi - how big is your suitcase? Will I fit?! I'm sure you are going to have the best time and I'll be praying that you're duffered by the time you get home!
Rosiecheeks - I miss you! Hope you're well xx
Amanda - Harrision is such a cutie - He does have that mischievous glint in his eye - I'm thinking he gets that from you! LOL Was it your biscuit stash he raided?
Amber - sending you lots of hugs and love - have been thinking of all that you have going on in your life at the moment - can I just say you are a strong and amazing woman as you seem to be dealing very well despite all that it going on! Praying for you and your family!
Lucy - how are you and your girls this week - are you all well again now? I hope you get the chance to enjoy some of this sunshine and are no longer house bound!
Laineypops I am so sorry that you are unwell - I wish I could take your pain away! My DH gets bad migraines and I hate not being able to fix them for him either! I'm pleased to hear that you're not at work - I hope you get some great sleep and wake up feeling a million times better! Yay for having the money to fly home for mummy cuddles the moment your visa is approved (praying that is soon!). I’m sure she will be absolutely stoked for you and Daniel when you share the news tonight! xx
Sasha – I’m so pleased to hear that all your bits are feeling normal again! How is the job hunting going? Looking forward to meeting in person at Bark in the Park this weekend – you still up for it? If any other Sydneysiders are planning to come and would like the details please let me know .
Kiwi – How are you feeling hun? I’m hoping all the surgery pain is gone and that you can get on with BDing for fun while you wait out the next week and a bit of the 2WW!
Pammy – sending you a big hug!

My DH is looking forward to hearing when I am finally duffed but is not particularly keen on my FF chart either – he worries that I obsess to much about my cycle and doesn’t get it when I try to explain it to him – I find it easier to just chat about charting with our little bnb family and just concentrate on chatting about BDing with him (after all that is all he really needs to get right with ttc – the rest is my job - checking cm, etc – although it would be funny if he was the one who had to check cm and temperatures, etc – I don’t think he’d cope!). Hopefully you’ll be duffered soon and you will be able to celebrate the good news with your DH! Praying that all your other worries (money stuff, etc) get sorted out by then too so you can really enjoy sharing the news with him without worrying about anything else! Xx
Zoom – I hope your gut feeling is right – can’t wait til you test!
MajorBee - I hope you get your temp sorted out – I had the same temp every day for 5 days once and then back to the normal fluctuations after that – who knows maybe you’re just a very even tempered person (get it? LOL!)
Shell – how are you today hun – I hope the morning sickness doesn’t strike today!
Smithy – Have you told us the story about how you broke the news to DH yet? I don’t remember reading it?! Keen to hear it when you’re ready to share!
Hi Lisa – how is little Audrina today? I hope you have a nice little brother on the way for her – looking forward to your 2WW being over and you announcing a bfp! X
Maddy – only 2 and a half weeks to go until your results now – continuing to pray for a great outcome for you and your DH! X
Missie – I hope today is a better day and that things start looking up – we are all here for you whenever you need to vent, chat or whatever! X
Janey – I miss you – you haven’t been on for ages!
Halliwell – I haven’t seen you for a while either – hope everything is OK! Xx
I don’t think I have missed anyone but am sorry if I have – love you all xx
AFM I am exhausted today and am starting to get a cold – am thinking I will take my rest day tomorrow even though I worked last Wednesday… just don’t think I’ll make it to Friday without crashing and burning if I don’t take Wed off this week! Feel a little bad about it though as one of the Year 1 boys is being accelerated into my class and is supposed to have his first transition day tomorrow – I know it is no big deal if it has to wait another day – but still can’t help feeling like I put everyone out when I stay at home! Am seeing the doc this arvo and know he will pretty much insist I have it off anyway so I guess I should stop beating myself up about it!