Good afternoon ladies!
Would love to take the boys to Disney land (and would love to go myself!) probably wait until they are a bit older.
We have just moved into our first own home and I am so looking forward to getting the rooms decorated. My oldest cant decide what he wants so we are having a dinosaur corner, a space corner and a car corner (the door is in the other corner so we limited it to 3

) I think with the youngest well go for a soccer theme.
Ginny and LLPM I have also spent time feeling selfish and guilty about wanting number 3 when I have the two most amazing boys who fill my every waking (and sometimes when Im meant to be sleeping) second. And knowing that so many people, so deserving, are trying for their first. My DH and I spent a lot of time talking about #3 and coming to the decision to yes go for it. We talked a lot and worked stuff through and decided it was the right thing for us (I guess touching on another subject covered this pm ;-) ) I needed to know he was 100% before we started ttc. With it taking longer than hoped for it to happen it has really made us realise how lucky we are to have the boys and how much we want to have another for our family sorry for the ramble!
Melainey - so nice to have your Mum for advice
Hi Rosie!
Angel hope you are getting lots of rest and are feeling better soon
Maddy hooray for fixed laptop
Newbie good luck with the job hunting and the haircut!
Big hi to everyone else, hope all your days are going well.
Not sure what's going on with my ff chart - I think it looks pretty but don't know if it looks at all hopeful. I keep trying to remind myself that its been a hectic few weeks so chances are down but know there are going to be tears when af arrives

I've still gone out and bought myself a nice shiny 3 pack of frers and am reminding myself that the sickness I've got is the family packet of snakes I've troughed at my desk this afternoon!