wow, read everything, not sure i can catch up!!
angel - sorry you're not feeling well, hope the days off help you recover quickly!
lucy- hope your Maggie and house dont get worse and get better soon! Be careful cleaning with all those yucky chemicals!

hoped you kicked ass at tennis tonight!!
nursery decor/etc.. we have a huge need to find out the sex, but thinking its a boy, if so we'll go for a nautical/under water 'theme', as our next house will have a beach house/nautical feel to it, and who knows for a girl, but not too pink or girly. my friend that is having boy is going grey, white, turquoise and navy. is great for nursery ideas, gender neutral or specific. I like the tree wall stickers Lucy was talking about. I like something they can grow into, my nephews had the jungle theme and loved it, so cute, its now dinosaurs.
had an osteo appoint today as neck and back were in a mess and now spasming bc she said it would get worse before it gets better. OH had an appoint at the hospital today, we should have more answers next wed at the specialist appoint.
Shell asked the other day, thanks love, my aunt refused to go off her antibiotics and solid food so they won't take her to hospice so she's in an in between hospital and hospice place at the moment, but she's now having more bad days than good, so thats not great news. Poor thing, said she had things she wanted to do before she goes, one includes a baby book for us, she's trying so hard it breaks my heart.
sending all my positive thoughts to kiwi, maddy, lisa, and i know i'm a huge cow for not knowing, but everyone else who is waiting and trying to catch eggs, please excuse my horrible memory.
love you all