Hello all,
Hope you've all had a good weekend
Lucy - such a sad story, it always is so upsetting when you hear about someone leaving small children.
Melainey - sorry you're feeling so poorly and are missing family - thinking of you and hoping you get a good Skype with your Mum soon
Major - hope the bd'ing is going well!
Kiwi - I'm pretty new to this temping stuff but even I can see what the rest of the girls are seeing with the thermal shift business even if ff can't!
Number2 - concerts while preggo are great! I went to see Kasabian when I was 34 weeks - I swear DS was dancing in there - a completely different beat to me and the band but rocking away! (I went home early and slept for about 2 days after!)
Newbie - good luck for the job interview tomorrow. Hope the puppies are recovering well
Smithy - I hope you didn't run out of rice crackers today! Hope you are feeling less sick really soon.
Abby - What an awful story, glad you came through it so well and have the support of your DH. Got everything crossed for you, again as a beginner ( although I think I may have spent more time with ff chart galleries than with DH today - oops) I think you chart looks pretty hopeful

Dirty Dancing is one of my all time fav movies. Also love a bit of Pride and Prejudice. Have you seen Downton Abbey?
Rosie - hope the party was good, did you dress up?
Squeegs - ditto what the others have said, your body and baby and its up to you what and who you tell. It sounds like you handle what is a very shit situation very well - you should be very proud of yourself
Maddy - good luck for Tues
2Mums - hope you've had a fab weekend away.
Big hi to everyone else.
Afm - I finished the 10km and only missed a few obstacles out! Most of them weren't too bad but all of them involved a lot of mud so was very happy to get home for a long soak and an early night. I had another 'same' temp this morning - 4 days in a row now. I woke up with really sore boobs this am and got all excited until I realised its actually the muscles underneath that hurt from yesterday

Not been in the mood for another bfn this weekend so haven't tested but thinking I might tomorrow - it's our 8 year anniversary - so if its a positive it will be a massive celebration and if not I'll have something to distract me. While making sure I had a test for tomorrow I came across a load of old bfn tests from the last couple of months (my 'I'll just pop it there and check like a maniac every 10 mins for the next 24 hrs to see it turns into a bfp' pile!) and realised how expensive this not getting pregnant is!