Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

Abby, that is horrible! I can't believe you had such a bad hens experience! This girl is a poison in your life! Why don't you two go on a weekend away, tell them you were plannin it with friends from away for this year, and that is the only available weekend they can make it and you really want to see them!
I guess we add another layer on why i dont want to go to this chicks baby shower! but im very anti DH going to the bucks. im sure nothing would happen. but i just dont trust any of them, and would be worried about him all night. DH can certainly take care of himself. but i just dont think we should be overly involved with these people.
any way, i dont often bring that night out of memory, so will put it back there now... this stupid woman, and her relatives, and everything to do with her. and now her pregnancy. Ugh
Squeegs it was booked a while ago, and i was comfortable with him going out to dinner with some of the guys. but leaving before strippers and the like happen. but now its been moved to duffered bitch house. so who knows what will happen there.

DH will find a way out, he is very good at being diplomatic. but i told him he cant go, and he can blame it on me (ie im not into him being around drugs and strippers....which he isnt into either, but he can use me as an excuse).
at least im not married to one of the many men who are keen to go to that sort of thing! that i can be happy about
Yeah, Abby, I always tell my hubby to just blame it on 'the Mrs'. it's an easy way out of anything, and I don't really care what anyone thinks of me - DH & I know the truth.

I used to be all for strippers, quite like watching women get their clothes off. lol. I told DH before his bucks it was totally fine for him to have strippers etc. His best man ended up disappearing off the face of the earth for ages, so I ended up organising his bucks for him. great day out at bowls, then back home for bbq & beers.

at the last minute (like 2 weeks before) his best man got back in touch, took over the plans, added in 'lingerie waitresses' to serve them drinks for a couple of hours. So call me naive, but I expected the waitresses to be in lingerie. so the next day thay all told me about their night (DH is very open with me, would never hide anything) and all talked about the topless girls and blah blah blah... the more I heard the more I wanted to know (like a car crash...don't wanna see, but can't look away...) and it turns there were tequila shotss out of their belly buttons, DH got cuffed to a chair while one of the slutty waitresses (what I now call them) put whipped cream all over him, then she did a strip show at the end....really how much more can you take off when you're only wearing a thong...

DH told me everything, but the thing I hated the most was that he hates that kind of thing, he told me he just felt so peer pressured & was trying to explain that when 20 blokes stand around saying do it, you just do it. He wished his best man didn't even get a say in the organising, cos he would have preferred just what I had organised.

I cried for days after tho, I thought i'd be fine, but so wasn't I hated it! So glad we didn't have the bucks the weekend before the wedding or soomething, it was just horrible!

anyway...just saying I get where you're coming from with the stripper thing. I know now that DH & I don't do strippers. lol
:hi: girls,

How are we all on this lovely sunday? Our clocks went back this morning (daylight saving - though I don't think we save too much daylight as it is still very dark outside) so I am not sure what is happening with the time. I am very confused :wacko: ever clock in the house is different.

LLPM - I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your DH cousin, so young and in such tragic circumstances. Thoughts are with his wife and son.
As for hte presents... My neice and nephew are spoilt brats. Don't get me wrong, I love every single bit of them and would do anything for them but my Bro and SIL spoils them. Its a classic case of "keeping up with the Jones'". They have always been that way even when the kids were babies (they are now nearly 14 and 11). My nieces birthday is 4 days after christmas and I remember one year the kids got up from the Christmas tree because they were bored opening presents and my niece was still unwrapping Christmas presents on her birthday. And they are brats. I want I want. You ask them what they want for Christmas/birthday and its ipod, iphones, scooters, laptop, wiis..... so much for a doll or roller skates. One year my neiece got 2 bikes (????) why in gods name would a girl need 2 bikes. I blame my family not the kids because its not their fault. My cousin then has two kids and she is very religious (not that that makes any difference) and she teaches her kids to share and that there are poor kids in the world (so once a year any unwanted toys or things they don't play with goes to charity) and her two are the most well mannered, polite, gorgeous children I have come across who is happy with hand knitted jumpers and just one big toy and a handful of little toys. They appreciate what they get. I know which type of child I would like.

ABBY - sorry to hear your story. God I can't believe your still "friends" with crazy duffered biatch. WOW your DH has some control as I would like to punch that guy and I can't believe you still see him around. :hugs: to you hun.

Hope eveyrone is having a great day. I don't think I will test just yet. I had to pick up my script yesterday :cry: I came home and cried when I looked at all the different injections and needles. I am due to see the consultant on wed for a scan and AF is due either wed or thurs. I bought a FRER so I might test tue or wed morning. I don't know. I am not ready for the BIG FAT NO just yet.


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Wow!!! Mega post kiwi!!!

Cannot wait till you test, I'm smelling a bfp!! X
Kiwi, you will get the surprise of your life if you see those double lines!! I really hope you are preggy! really really really!!!xoxoxox
Just throwing it out there.....I just went to have a browse on some other threads....thought I might like to comment on something, and I just couldn't bring myself to comment on anything, cos I just get so much from you ladies, and know I won't get that out of other threads!

pointless story, I know. Just feeling the love for you all. getting so excited we're getting close to test time again!! I can't wait till everyone has a positive to look at!
Stick wirh us squeegs, not to say they aren't nice, but we're ace!!! XX
Hello all,

Hope you've all had a good weekend :)

Lucy - such a sad story, it always is so upsetting when you hear about someone leaving small children.

Melainey - sorry you're feeling so poorly and are missing family - thinking of you and hoping you get a good Skype with your Mum soon :)

Major - hope the bd'ing is going well!

Kiwi - I'm pretty new to this temping stuff but even I can see what the rest of the girls are seeing with the thermal shift business even if ff can't!

Number2 - concerts while preggo are great! I went to see Kasabian when I was 34 weeks - I swear DS was dancing in there - a completely different beat to me and the band but rocking away! (I went home early and slept for about 2 days after!)

Newbie - good luck for the job interview tomorrow. Hope the puppies are recovering well :)

Smithy - I hope you didn't run out of rice crackers today! Hope you are feeling less sick really soon.

Abby - What an awful story, glad you came through it so well and have the support of your DH. Got everything crossed for you, again as a beginner ( although I think I may have spent more time with ff chart galleries than with DH today - oops) I think you chart looks pretty hopeful :) Dirty Dancing is one of my all time fav movies. Also love a bit of Pride and Prejudice. Have you seen Downton Abbey?

Rosie - hope the party was good, did you dress up?

Squeegs - ditto what the others have said, your body and baby and its up to you what and who you tell. It sounds like you handle what is a very shit situation very well - you should be very proud of yourself :)

Maddy - good luck for Tues :)

2Mums - hope you've had a fab weekend away.

Big hi to everyone else.

Afm - I finished the 10km and only missed a few obstacles out! Most of them weren't too bad but all of them involved a lot of mud so was very happy to get home for a long soak and an early night. I had another 'same' temp this morning - 4 days in a row now. I woke up with really sore boobs this am and got all excited until I realised its actually the muscles underneath that hurt from yesterday :( Not been in the mood for another bfn this weekend so haven't tested but thinking I might tomorrow - it's our 8 year anniversary - so if its a positive it will be a massive celebration and if not I'll have something to distract me. While making sure I had a test for tomorrow I came across a load of old bfn tests from the last couple of months (my 'I'll just pop it there and check like a maniac every 10 mins for the next 24 hrs to see it turns into a bfp' pile!) and realised how expensive this not getting pregnant is!
Abs, what a terrible story. Hugs love - scary xo

I feel like a bad mum now - I bought Harrison so much for his first Christmas and birthday you'd all be horrified. For his birthday I gave him a jumping castle. And took him to Fiji. lol. Which was much more restrained than Christmas...

U2 were better the first time I saw them. In 1987. My god I'm ancient. :)

Also, I wouldn't really care of my other half went to see strippers. Doesn't matter where you get your appetite as long as you come home to eat...
Lucy- sorry to hear about Ls cousin. My thoughts are with your and his family. And dont mind the other people and christmas, I think that whoever said it was right on the money, the girls will not remember what they got but the day they had! I have seen a pin that is a gift of four, one thing they want, one thing they need, one thing to wear, one thing to read. I liked that idea.
I also was raised with, and will do the same for mine, for every item received one is given away to the op shop, or similar. I think its a good way to teaching to share, and give to the less fortunate, and to not to be bogged down with so much 'stuff'.

amanda- concert was great, we had an awesome time. Being from the states, i never was into inxs all that much, knew a few of their bigger hits, but couldnt tell you the difference between MH and the new lead singer, i do know thats terrible. But, OH was pleasantly surprised by the new lead, it wont be the same, ever, but he did the band justice, better than she expected. I'm not 'heavily' preegnant, but man did my feet and back hurt, and been sleeping all day. :) Getting too old for this I guess.

angel- so thrilled for your house news!!!! must be so exciting for you and P. And to have the puppies back soon with a fabulous park in your background to play in!

:jo: i can eat zucchini again!!!! just thought you would be uber interested in knowing that :rofl:
And best of luck with your interview, not that you'll need, i'm sure they'd be lucky to have on their staff, so just make sure its where you want to be.

hello to everyone else, thinking of you all!!! I think its time to go back to sleep!
Hi ladies! Sorry I feel slack for not jumping online today but after church this morning I got stuck into writing reports and got stuck in that bubble for most of the day! No where near finished but made a big dint!

Have read everything but won't try and comment on all of it as I really must hit the sack so I can get up in time for work tomorrow!

Abs so sorry you had to go thru that! My best friend from high school was raped in the mens room at a night club we were at - the rest of our group were freaking out when we couldnt find her - needless to say I've never been clubbing again! Rape is so awful - some people really are bas***ds!

Thinking of you all! Love love love! Night. X

Ps sash - praying all goes well tomorrow!
Oh Angel that must have been just awful - the club scene has never been my cup of tea, that sort of thing happening is just one reason of many why.
Night all - and good luck tomorrow Newbie x
Abby - :hugs: what a horrible experience to go through.

DF has been quite unlucky and we've nearly always been in the wrong country at the wrong time for when his friend's have had bucks parties. So because of that I kinda feel like I could never put my foot down on that. Not sure how I feel about strippers and stuff.

We have a very good mutual friend - the guy who introduced DF and I actually - and his current girlfriend is actually an ex adult film star and stripper :shock: We found out through other friends and then googled her stage name where I saw more of her than I'd ever want to see of anyone!

Hi everyone else, sorry I've read though everything, just can't remember it all!

I can't remember if I shared with you guys that we've been searching for an Aussie bulldog. Anyway, we were on a waiting list but all the puppies in the litter died due to problems with the mum dog's milk. That was a little while ago, recently we've been on another waiting list and the pups were due next weekend. Found out this morning that the mum dog suddenly and unexpectedly died :cry:

I've been feeling really down all day with this news. I feel like it's a signal from the universe saying I can't be a mum again. I dunno it's just really touched a raw nerve with me :(

We found another pup tonight that we might be interested in. Hopefully this one works out and it's the start of a happy news chain reaction! [-o<
ginny FX you get good news for this new dog, must post pics of him/her when you get that news!!! Try not to let the other dogs/pups get you down too much, more often than not its bad breeding that leads to these unfortunate events. All you have to do is look at Max and know you are a brilliant mum, the universe has a sibling out there for him, hope there's room in that new house for two bubs and a dog!!!! :). xxx
Hi ladies!

Nana- what type of job are you interviewing for? I'm sure they will love you! Who couldn't?!?! I can't wait for you to POAS! Great vibes this month!

Abs- so sorry about all you've been through :hug:

Squeegs- I really dislike DSS's mum right now, sounds like a nosey wanker! I'd tell her to eff off! I have my first appt with OB tomorrow am and I am hoping he will order a dating scan for Thursday! I'll be 7 wk 2 d then and should def see a HB. I'm actually terrified there will be no HB! Every morning I wake up and squeeze my boobs to make sure they are still sore! :doh:

Laineypoo and Smithy- how are you both feeling??

Ginny- puppy is adorable!!!!!

Number2- how at you feeling? MS still staying away?

Kiwi- hopefully you don't have to start those shots and they were the best waste of money ever!! Xx

Missie, Maddy, Angel, Amber, Lucy, Major, and anyone I forgot! Hi :wave: xx

DH and I did dress up last night, I will post the pic on FB. Costumes were his idea, he loves old westerns and wanted to be the drunk cowboy who shows up to the bar in his undies and gets kicked out, and of course I had to be the saloon girl kicking him out! Lol he's such a goof!

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