Yeah you have to love knowing you're safe from syphillis now, eh.
My GP didn't request a HIV test for me, so the hospital insisted I do it on the spot at my booking in appointment. So after a wait of an hour for my appointment, folowed by an hour and a half appointment where they asked me lots of strange questions and didn't look at the baby or me at all, then I got in another line to get a blood test. I should have known there was something going on when there were 2 ladies in the room where the bloods were being taken. Rolled up my sleeves, and then heard those words you never want to hear. "Now, this is how to draw blood"...
Shortly after followed the other words you don't want to hear - "Nope, you've missed the vein, just jiggle the needle around a bit till you feel it. Yep, that's it, oh no, yep there it is, nearly, there you go!"
When I left, I smiled nicely and wished the lady lots of luck with her training. I do still have the bruise now though.