Hi Lovelies!
Arrgh have been so busy this week I feel like I have been mia heaps! You really are a priority and I haven't been offline on purpose!
Welcome bellydreams! I hope you feel right at home in our little group!
Ginny hun I am so sorry that you have had such a rough run - I really wish there was more I could do and can only imagine the hurt you have been feeling! I pray that all will return to normal with your cycles really soon and that you can start ttc again! I think setting a date and planning a wedding will be a great distraction for you - if it is december next year - who knows you could be walking down the isle with a new born in your arms! I still like your idea that we'll be bump buddies and I know it will happen for both of us at exactly the moment it is supposed to!
Sasha - you big bully you - what did she do when you cracked up laughing? Was it hard enough to make her cry? Have been thinking of you and your sis - I'm sure she knows you love her to pieces! Not sure who suggested flying down just after the funeral but I think that is a great idea!

at this stage our settlement date isn't until the 10th of Jan which would make our house warming party probably late jan/early feb - that enough notice for you hun?! Hope you catch that eggy this month!
Rosie! Your doggies are so cute! Did you make, hire or buy the costumes?
Smithy - I am sorry to hear that you're still unwell, but glad that the maxalon is at least easing things during the day. Have you had your scan yet - I'm sorry I can't reemmber! Maybe you are having multiples - not what you want to hear I know - but they say ms is worse with twins! Eeek!
Shell - glad you're getting checked out - I hope it is nothing to worry about - thinking of you!
Kiwi! Sending massive hugs your way

- I was sad to hear your news but am glad they are looking into every option for you. I'm sure you and your DH will make the right decision about which step to take next and I still haven't ruled you out for a natural pregnancy - 2.3 or 2.8 (sorry that was a few pages back) is not zero and therefore falling without assistance is not impossible - praying for you both as you work out what to do xx
Amanda - sorry you're feeling green - maybe it is not ms but chocolate related... how many milky ways did you say you ate?! Hope you feel better soon!
Amber - yay for getting the gym shoes on - I wore mine around the house yesterday but did not successfully make it out the door for my walk - hoping you were more productive!
Hi lovely Lainey! Hope you're well hun - is it wrong that I thought of you when pooing today - am blaming you though as you talk about it so often

hehehe hope your bum is behaving itself today!
Lucy - When in December is your big move? I can't remember if it is before or after Christmas - I think you said before????
Hi Maddy - how are you feeling post hsg - I don't know much about the procedure apart from it involving a flushing out of your tubes - is it invasive? Hope you're going well and that this is your month!
Lise - I think you are totally duffered - I think by tomorrow or the next day you will be announcing your bfp!
Hi Cossi - hope you had a great flight

and are having a fabulous time!
Abs - how are you today hun? Any news for us?
Missie - how is the first week of known dufferedness treating you? Have you told anyone yet - your parents or best buddies?
Hi to all those who have been mia for a while: Jayney, zoom, halliwell and anyone else I have missed!
AFM the witch arrived in the middle of the night last night... boo - let's hope her stay is shorter than 14 days this time round! Also I decided to start temping again this cycle (started this AM)- not that I am anywhere near ttc yet just curious to see how my meds affect my cycle and am wanting to have a good idea when in my cycle I ov so as soon as I am allowed to ttc again I can be in with a good shot! - hoping that it is normalish and that I will be back on the bandwagon asap! What is your opinion about me posting my chart in my signature again - are you keen to stalk it even though I'm not ttc - I'd be up for second opinions about ov, etc - but happy not to post it if you'd prefer I didn't
I have now copied the most recent Wed Watch List to the front page - sorry for being a slacker and not doing it yesterday!
Anyway - back to the report writing for me again - I will try and jump on again later on but can't promise!
Love love love to you all! xx