Wow - some GREAT catch ups! You've done very well Angel & Abby!

Angel, so glad you've got a chart going on again! It doesn't matter you're not TTC yet, you will be super prepared to start again. I would do the same thing!
Abby, beautiful words for Kiwi & Ginny! hope that bitch fucks off out of your life soon!
Smithy, when you said you don't want to entertain the thought of twins, my eyes jumped straight to your profile pic. VERY dark line! Gosh I hope you aren't having 2! Got everything crossed for you hun!
in saying that, anyone who wants two, fingers crossed you get them!

nothing against twins. lol Just would never wish multiples on anyone!
My appointment went well. Nurse was really good, her & the doc checked out my rash & I told them about spotting (which I have been having every day all throughout the day - lightly - plus every time I 'think about Melainey' on the toilet lol ) doc did a pregnancy test and he said it was definitely positive. He ordered a blood test for Monday for my rubella titre, if I have rubella which is very unlikely, the test will show the levels up compared to my last one. so I was seeing him then anyway, going to get a pap smear etc, so will prob get the test results after that maybe?
he didn't seem to worried about anything though. He explained that the spotting is probably from implantation. so I feel better for going.
sorry I didn't comment on everything, I'm STARVING!!! and have to cook dinner!