Kiwi - I'm sooo happy for you . I know it isn't the way you would have preferred it, but you will have months and months to enjoy being preggers once you get a bean safely nestled in there.
Rosie - gorgeous pics

. Did you go alone or take someone with you to share the joy?
Abby - that's no good about work...did Evil Duffered Bitch

retain her job? I think you're spot on with your assesment of what is going on with her.
Newbie - "temp a little". Now that's a concept I haven't heard of before
MissieT - I'm amazed when people have trouble getting an early scan

My GP just wrote a referral for a dating scan and said "here, just in case you want to get an early scan, here's the paperwork".
Jayney - welcome back love! Join the ever-shrinking group of ladies here that aren't UTD

Mum2Q, 2woohoo, MajorBee, Angel, Smithy, Lainey and anyone else I missed (I know there will be someone...) - have a great day!
AFM I am not OPKing this month as I ran out and forgot too late to order more. Oh well, nothing we've done previously has worked so we'll just try

and temping and see how that goes. Suddenly I'm very relaxed about the whole thing

Oh and DH got a job and starts next week. It's only part-time but permanent part-time which is fantastic as he gets sick leave, paid holidays etc. Sooo happy and he got a bonus

for being such a good man.