Good morning/afternoon girls - hope your having a wonderful monday. Are all the bets in for tomorrows Melbourne Cup? Mine are so fingers crossed! So for my long monday update
EXILIUS - HI and welcome to the group. All the girls on here are lovely and will help you with anything. Good luck with the FS. I am currently going through IVF myself so if I can help you with anything, I will do my best.
ANGEL - hopefully those cramps ease off soon for you. I am sure your kids will be on their best behaviour.
COSSIME - your holiday is sounding fab. I am very jealous of you. Ah yeah for the wifi!

How is the CP checking going? I have never checked mine so wouldn't know what I was feeling for.

Wow LISA great description of how to find it.
SMITHY - how are you feeling? Has the MS settled down yet?
LAINEY - we miss you. HOpe all is well with you.
MAJOR - hope you are dosing yourself up and keeping that cold at bay. How is the TTW going?
ABS - sorry I can't help you with evap lines. I have nevver had a double line on a test before so I have no idea. I am sure the girls will help you out. Fingers crossed that its not an evap line but a BFP!!!
MISSIE - Woohoo on telling the family your news. They must be so excited for you. I am so excited for you.
NEWBIE - hi there missus. How are you feeling?
As for me... all is ok. I have been MIA for a bit but been catching up on everyone's news. I wont lie the needles are a b***ch. The first one was ok. It stings but it is fine. The second one is the bloody killer. You know how when you get bitten by a bee and how it stings for ages and leaves a slight raise in the skin (??) well that is what the second one is like and it hurts for a little while afterwards. But only 5 more nights to go hopefully. 1 in 10 have symptons of nausea, vomitting and headaches but thankfully that is one statistic I am not! WOOHOO. No side effects (touch wood) at the moment. I go for a scan this thursday and will see how the follicles are going and how many there is. Getting pretty exciting now until night time comes and DH arrives with the needles in hand.

So if all goes to plan this time next week I will be having egg removal and by next weekend I should have the start of a sticky bean. Prayers are still needed please.
So anyhow a massive

to everyone else that I might have missed. Hope you are all having a great day.