Hi lovely ladies,
I haven't said a proper hello to Jayne yet so hello :wave: Hope your back is feeling better soon.
Newbie - I have my fx'ed for your interview today - I don't reckon a big company would waste there time interviewing someone they didn't think was up to the job so I think this one could be yours

- you also never know who may have passed on good info about you in the small work spheres in most industries - looking forward to hearing how it goes. Are the puppies back to normal from their recent ops?
Ginny - hope your week is going ok. Lovely quote from the other day
Abby - got everything crossed for you. Evil duffered bitch makes me so angry. I reckon she is so the green eyed monster and is not only completely socially inappropriate but also scared that you are going to be pregnant, taking away the only thing she feels she has on you and knows that your baby will be more beautiful and you will be happier than she will ever be! I'm counting down the 3 weeks with you!
Number2 - ha ha ha to not looking at photos of your self in the work toilets - I'm pleased you've found a better back drop. 12 weeks on Friday! - how exciting!
Melainy - How are you? Really hoping that your sickness starts easing off a bit soon. Did you get your Medicare sorted in the end?
Have any of you tried seabands,(Smithy - thinking you inparticular!) just remembered about them the other day - they are wristbands that have a plastic nobble on them that presses on an acupressure point. I used them with both the boys and although it didn't completly get rid of it but definately helped. I have them out and in use already with this one - feeling pretty green the last few days. Had to make a couple of runs to the toilet yesterday but have a really bad sick phobia so managed to swallow it back down! (sorry for the grossness!)
Hi Amie and Miss Calais :wave:
Cossi - so jealous of your fab holiday! Keep enjoying and looking forward to your bfp news on Monday!
Hi Lisamfr - I was 13 weeks before mat clothes with number 1, 9 weeks with number 2 and this morning couldn't put on a pair of trousers that last week were comfy. I know that it is bloating and have been trying to drink alot of water to try and reduce it but it does make me look pregnant and if it carries on not sure how long I'll be able to keep it a secret. I hope you've got someone to go and get your lunch for you and you're not wearing dodgy underwear!!!!!
Kiwi - hope the jabs aren't too painful. Getting so excited for you

And with you on the rugby front although have to fess up to being a Wales supporter!
Maddy - really hope that ff is just having a moment and that you did catch that eggy. Hope DH's job goes well today and you get some time to have a relax!
Hi Squeegs - how are you feeling? DH is home today?
Hello to everyone else I've missed - I hope yoou are all having a good day!