Hey - how slack do I feel, not posted for days but have been keeping up to date (just) and thinking of you girls and sending out positive thoughts - hope you got them.
I'm not going to comment on everything but......
NRB - ha ha, let the bonkathon commence!
Newbie - hope your last day has gone well. You must have such mixed emotions. Sending much love and I hope there is a bit of wine involved this evening. I hope the casual work works to your advantage (and your bank accounts!) and that your perfect new job is just around the corner.
Ginny - massive congratulations on the move. And so good to hear your doctor is so good (you could always pop to Smithy's for a giggle though!)
Major - have everything crossed for testing tomorrow
Angel - that is amazing news

enjoy your night tonight
Abby - been thinking of you today with all the shit going on at work - hope it was ok. Good riddance to EDB! The Facebook one is tricky - I would probably just change my settings so as not to rock the boat but I also wouldn't want her to know that she'd affected me that badly or give her fuel for her gossiping and bitching. If you change your settings now you can always defriend her later. But she is a bitch and makes me very angry!
Maddy - good luck with the injections
2Mums - woohoo for holiday

hope the packing is going well!
Got my blood results back and all good, went up from 180 to 3300 in the week

Got my scan booked for Dec 21st and booking in at the hospital 10 Jan

I'm just holding on right now to the fact that based on track record by the time I have my booking in appt I'll only have 2ish weeks of ms left! Been feeling pretty bad the last few days - seabands and ice pops out in force but not really cutting it. To be honest though I am happy that I feel sick cause I worry so much that its kind of nice to have some reassurance. Not so sure about the level of reassurance it should give me and don't care as long as it stops me worrying. On the flip side I keep realising how lucky I am and getting giggly excited - hormone crazy! Off for a weekend in the country with friends tonight and will be off network til Monday - have a good weekend all and looking forward to catching up on Mon!