maddy- scan went well, MIL absolutely loved it, she was just amazed, and we had a few really good face shots, could see the iris of the eye and stuff, was a great day for her to be there. She feels more a part of it now, which was a slight issue before, she thought bc she had no blood ties to the child it wasn't her family, but we've set her straight now. Glad to hear your shots aren't painful, there is too much pain in this ttc, I have everything crossed your scan goes well and this is yours and DHs month!!!

how was your brothers visit. house intact?? lol.
abby- we do that with our pups when we have to go out too. I say curly, i'm a sucker for curly hair, but like nana, its probably bc mine is straight. Hope you and DH enjoy yourselves at the wedding! Keep your head up and dont let anyone ruin a nice day for you.
smithy- good on your DD for wanting to try, short or not, if she has the passion for it it wont matter! But, I also dont know a damn thing about netball

But she is a cutie!!!
melainey- thanks, i'm hoping to visit her, but not sure she'll make it another month, as i have a few days in LA and a week and a half up in seattle with my mum before I get to where my aunt is. But she is hanging on for something, no one knows what or why, but she keeps rallying when they think its going to be her time. so fx. Bump is actually looking more like a baby rather than a meal, lol. Still at that, is she fat or pregnant stage?!

So sorry your down and lonely, I skype with the family a lot it helps me, but I know how you feel, when i came over here I had no friends, it can be very difficult esp with you wanting someone right now while pregnant.

shell- yeah i'm hoping to see my aunt, she also has some friends flying over next week from the east coast, so maybe that's what she's been waiting for. I just know she is in a tremendous amount of pain, so i hope she knows its ok for her to go when she wants. I really hope you can get this avo, crazy man/ dss mum drama handled easily, you don't need that added stress, but its so heart-warming seeing how much you and DH care and looking out for DSS.