Angel - thanks so much for teelling me what it is, I will get on to it & do some research about the social narrative!!
Maddy - thanks for the suggestion. I just told DH & he thinks it's a great idea. I think after seeing you used it with your adopted daughter makes me think it may suit our situation (although very different) with this violence/tension that is going on in his home which we have no contorl over it. I think he would respond really well to it. Also, DSS has been acting out about whats going on, he's been super naughty & out of charachter. Once we talk to him, he gets his goo dbehaviour back out & is a little treasure. I think he's a talked & emotional like his dad, so is great to have a resource to help him through.
Angel - chart looks great, I would have done the same with temp. looks like implantation time to me! LOL at DH cooking with eggs on the side. hahah
Nana - your chart is a weirdo! lol it has a mind of its own now! It looks beautiful with those CH on it where they are! I think you're safe to trust your body. Nice chart name! hehe xox
Missie - nice dream lady! I think it's profetic! (I think that's the right word..??)
Ababa - great advice for Lainey hun!
Lainey, I know sometimes it is hard, but maybe you need to make a conscious effort to let go of all the shit, don't sweat the little stuff & start fresh when you see D. (don't take this the wrong way, I don't think you're doing anything wrong or anything like that!) for me, I sometimes have to say out loud to J that I have been upset & I am trying to get past it so I need him to forget everything we've been fighting over & I'll do the same. Most times it actually makes it enjoyable to spend time together in a rough patch! xox hope you feel better soon hun!
smithy - awesome dream!! Haha everyone is dreaming about everyone on here! I think Nana & Ababa are the ones appearing most in dreams. lol ps thank you also for your input on the social stories!
Abs - thank god it's over for you hun, close the book on that chapter & start fresh with today being a new day! EDB is horrid. and now she is gone. xoxox good on you for staying so strong!!

p.s. I think you would have tooked smashing!
AFM - had a great girlie catch up last night. slumber party while DH took DSS to his mums for the night. was awesome! DH just cooked the most amazing roast pork for me & some friends he invited over. it was delicious & was made better by the fact that I didn't lift a finger & he cleaned up after too! He's the best!
Hope you're all having a nice evening & are looking forward to the start of another week! Tomorrow is the start of everybody being 1 week closer to their BFPs!!!! how exciting!
love to you all