Morning girls
Just finished catching up and the food stories are making me hungry
Welcome Damon
If you stick around, you will love it here
Lainey so happy about the Immigration process!!! Glad you got some positive news from the 'lonely' girl and I'm guessing she was 'lovely' too
Nana, I'm with Squeegs and loving your chart and Angel's chart too!!!!
Smithy, I'd love to attend the retreat and be taught how to have sex on my hand lol! Has you ms eased up now?
Missie, I'm trying the same kind of stuff with hiding my boobs as well as my tum tum! I have no idea how I am going to hide it for another 4 weeks
!!!! Also, when is your estimated due date? I have added this column to the Wednesday Watch List
Squeegs how's DSS doing?
2mums, yay for feeling baby move! I can't wait for that! Hoping I feel it a little earlier this time around since I know what to look out for
It's just awesome isn't it!?!
Number2, hope your day is going by as painless as possible xxx
Abby, how are you feeling today? Hope you are feeling better and if not, hope you have taken a proper 'rest' day at home today and NOT working xxx
Ginny, I agree with Nana and think that maybe it's your normal AF just finishing off? I can only imagine that it must be hard but you still have plenty of time to get that egg nice and ready
Maddy fx'd for you. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's only the first round so hopefully this round can give you some sort of answers and the platform you need to get your game plan ready for the next round xxx
Big hello to Lisafr, Major, Jayney, LLMP, Rosie and Tarelyn

Just finished catching up and the food stories are making me hungry

Lainey so happy about the Immigration process!!! Glad you got some positive news from the 'lonely' girl and I'm guessing she was 'lovely' too

Nana, I'm with Squeegs and loving your chart and Angel's chart too!!!!
Smithy, I'd love to attend the retreat and be taught how to have sex on my hand lol! Has you ms eased up now?
Missie, I'm trying the same kind of stuff with hiding my boobs as well as my tum tum! I have no idea how I am going to hide it for another 4 weeks

Squeegs how's DSS doing?
2mums, yay for feeling baby move! I can't wait for that! Hoping I feel it a little earlier this time around since I know what to look out for

Number2, hope your day is going by as painless as possible xxx
Abby, how are you feeling today? Hope you are feeling better and if not, hope you have taken a proper 'rest' day at home today and NOT working xxx
Ginny, I agree with Nana and think that maybe it's your normal AF just finishing off? I can only imagine that it must be hard but you still have plenty of time to get that egg nice and ready

Maddy fx'd for you. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's only the first round so hopefully this round can give you some sort of answers and the platform you need to get your game plan ready for the next round xxx
Big hello to Lisafr, Major, Jayney, LLMP, Rosie and Tarelyn
