Hello ladies
Angel boo for af Xx
Nanna still got everything crossed for you Xx
welcome lullaby
Squeegs I'm sure you look gorgeous all the time, but yay for makeup I love it
I had a great past two days ladies! Haven't been angry once at anybody, especially not Daniel!I Jeep thinking positive every tinge a bad thought comes to mind, and I tell ya it's zoo I nice feeling like my old self

just going to try keep it up, cause I can tell D is much happier too that I'm back to myself! I want to thank you ladies, cause I think talking about it has helped an awful lot! Mummy still get thanked too her!
Catch up would be awesome! Why do I have to live in Smelly WA haha (I love it here, but so mad you Gus are over there haha)
Ms it's worse than ever! As soon as I hit 12.weeks, I've had terrible headaches and projectile vomiting! Nice! But I suppose it's a good sign that bub is ok? Will find out tomorrow

so excited! Then we can tell everyone

xxx love u all so much xxx