Warning - this is a LONG post!!! I won't be offended if you don't all read it, I just wanted to write it!
Hey! Omg I've had the most hectic day!!!
I had my appointment - another female doc that was really nice. I might have not much luck with pregnancies but lots of luck with getting nice doctors! Even though I don't actually want to be seeing her!
All the blood tests done on me came back normal. Some of them they have to repeat because what they're looking for can change from day to day so they have to make sure. Plus they added a couple more "next level" blood tests.
The baby was a another boy

I knew it. I actually was pretty composed until she told me that then I burst into tears! His chromosomes were normal though - so didn't have anything like Downs etc.
They haven't got the results from the post mortem yet, apparently it takes 8-10 weeks. She thinks the placenta will tell hopefully give us more answers.
She's given me a referral for a pelvic ultrasound to be done when I'm not pregnant. She doesn't think there's anything wrong with the shape of my uterus as the types of miscarriages I've had aren't consistent with uterine structural problems, but it's more of a ruling out type of thing.
Chris has to have a blood test too to check his chromosomes, once again a ruling out thing.
Since at the moment I'm in the "unexplained" category she's started me on 100mg aspirin per day. She said that it doesn't really have any negative effects on the pregnancy and possibly could help with how the placenta implants next time - I felt like saying why didn't I get put on it after the first miscarriage then if there are no real bad side effects. Anyway.
She also said what's happened to me is uncommon - this actually makes me feel a bit better to hear this. Kinda makes them seem validated or something.
I asked what happens if everything comes back normal and they said they might treat me as if I have Antiphospholipid syndrome (sticky blood syndrome) since I have some of the symptoms of it even though my blood tests don't back it up. But really we have to wait for results of the post mortem because they might reveal something that overrides everything.
Also, for any future pregnancies I'll be getting weekly ultrasounds from 6 weeks until around 14 weeks depending on how I feel. They'll do my 12 and 20 week scans and from 16 weeks I'd get a growth scan every 4 weeks. I'd also be having at the baby at 38-40 weeks, they wouldn't let me go overdue. She actually said that the extra monitoring alone reduces the rate of miscarriage - maybe because you're not stressed as much?
She said the best things I've got going for me is the fact I've had M and that I'm young.
oh nearly forgot! I mentioned I was worried that my blood pressure was a bit high during this pregnancy at times and could that have caused anything. So she took my blood pressure on the spot and it was 120/100 which is high! But I think it was because I was stressed about today. She took it again after I had my bloods done and it was still high. So she's going to talk to a physician at the hospital about whether they should do a 24 hour blood pressure monitoring check on me. She still thinks it could be a one off thing though.
Next appointment is 3rd Jan, so will get more results then and find out about the blood pressure issues then, if not before.
woah that was a long post - sorry, I just wanted to get it all written down!!