Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

Yeah I've got a gender test kit too, it's called a 20c piece. Heads, it's a girl; tails it's a boy.
Hey girls! Sorry for being totally MIA! DH has been away and Mum & Dad told me to come for a sleepover & it sounded like a good idea! But I ran out of credit on my phone, so couldn't get on here! lol Now I have a new phone & I am on a plan, so I shouldn't run into that problem anymore...well not after I figure out how to use the damn thing... Sash knows...I'm hopeless at technology! lol I hope you have all been well! Glad there isn't too much to catch up on!! xoxo

Smithy - thanks for your encouraging words witht he solicitor thing. Feels good to have some extra support! How come you sent your doppler back?

Lainey - hope you're feeling better & that DH learns to pay more attention to you! I agree with Smithy - talk in the Garage...then have sex on the bonnet! hahaha

Maddy - thank you so much for your words too - I haven't thought about approaching it that way with DSS. I guess I fugired she would badmouth us for doing it, but I hadn't figured how to combat that yet. But I love the idea of the 'special papers' cos we love hime so much!

2mums - so glad you could pop your head in here still while you're living the home life!! hope you're enjoying yourself!!

Rosie - beautiful scan pic! so glad everything is coming along nicely!!

Cossi - your scan falls on the same day as my first appointment at the antenatal clinic! Will be interesting to see if they get the gender right!!

Nana - great news on the house hun! bad timing though with being in NZ!! boo! Is it the one DH liked heaps? You will get used to it & we are all looking forward to the pool party! Least you're moving ther ein the right season!!

Angel - weird AF came back! I think I said before, but that happens to me. normally comes back for 1 day after 2 days of start white panty liners. Just to make sure you don't freak out it's a bad thing! It can be normal, just might be you adapting to your meds & figuring out a new cycle for your body!

Ginny - so fantastic to hear that. The vibe of your post is very positive & I am really happy to see you 'sounding' a bit more positive about it! The regular scans will be such a relief & probably allow you to actually enjoy your pregnancy! So proud of you, and so sorry for the loss of your little boy, and of course your first angel too! xoxoxox

Tara - hope you catch an egg with the supplies in the ovary bar! I think ditch the OPKs. temps are more reliable than opks, but you have to have a consistent rise to see the change.

To be continued......

I have to head out to dinner with friends. taking DH out for a night out, cos he's been a bit down & I wanna do something that's just for him as tonight we're not allowed to have DSS cos his mum wnated him tomorrow night & DH said no, we have plans, so she said ok no Friday either. so I'm spinning it into something nice for us!

hope you're all great & I will finish my catch up tonight of first thing tomorrow - I have 3 more pages to go, so sorry if i've missed you!

Enjoy your night out M2Q :)

Apparently there's a study out that that says one of the best gender prediction tests is the mother's gut feeling. It's right 71% of the time :)

This is also a really interesting site on gender prediction stats.

It says for me after having 3 boy pregnancies the chances of having a girl next time is still 43% - not too bad. I would have thought they would be way, way lower than that!

And if it's your first baby you're very slightly more likely to have a boy - 51%, since overall the population has slightly more males.
Maybe the world needs extra males floating around since so many of them turn out to be duds :haha:
Lol at Ginny and ababa!!!! Too funny girls....bedtime, much needed pre manic snoozes, much love xxx
Girls I have missed you all day! Did a stupid thing this morning and instead of clicking 'last page' managed to click 'unsubscribe' but didn't realise until tonight!!! So all day I've been refreshing my browser to see no new posts in my subscriptions - so silly! Here I was thinking everyone must be super busy and have no time to post - glad I realised with only 3 pages to catch up on! I am so blonde!

Well AF has finally left for real - her second visit was nice and short :)

All this talk about gender prediction is very exciting - cant wait to have a scan to analyse! Am loving practising my predictions on all of your scans in the meantime!

So lovely to see you online Amanda!!! H's present sounds awesome!

Hi amber!!! You are doing so well to catch up while you're away!

Yay for better phone plans shell!!!

Abs I am so hopeful for you!!! Your dedication to both the NRB and DBF certainly deserve a nice bfp for effort if nothing else! Can't wait til next weekend when you announce to us that you've seen 2 lines!!!

Maddy glad your tests have confirmed ov - praying that you also see 2 lines in the next week! X

Sorry for not commenting on everything! Love to you all! Night xx
ok...back from dinner late last night, then mym sister called, so this has been put off until this morning!

here we go....

Abs - your chart looks like a possible fallback rise & may continue to go up tomorrow! looks like it has possibly happened! hope so hun!

Rosie - enjoy tellin gyour family! how exciting!!

Lainey - glad bloods are good! And yay for 13 weeks. second trimester baby!

Smithy - do you think number 4 ill be your family complete? or are you going to have more? I was 1 of 4 and think of that as normal. With DSS, I'm hoping to have 3 of my own to make 4. I will have to wait & see at the time how many suits our family!

How many children does everyone else want to have?

Number 2 - glad your back, hope your week away wasn't too bad & that you didn'y miss Harrison too much! Question - do you call harrison Harry/Harri? by the way - I wanna play on his pressie too!!

Ginny - sometimes men are daft. lol In his defence, he doesn't know what it's like to have that 'motherly instinct' and that for most women, it kicks in as soon as she's pregnant, if not before, and usually never leaves! That's something a man will never understand. Constant monitoring is one of those things like the bad bits of pregnancy...morning sickness...most people hate it, but you appreciate it cos it means you're having a baby. the driving to the city may suck, but you will be able to see your baby regularly & will know it's growing nicely!

Maddy - that seems like a nice number then, glad to see you have popped an eggy, hope you guys were lucky enough to catch it! when do you find out? I have my whole body crossed for you!!!

Ginny - LOL at the needing extra males. let me tell you, I know a lot of dud females too! lol I think men are more simple though, so makes sense they're easier to make! hahaha

Angel - oops! haha I know it's been quiet...but NO POSTS! that must have been a give away! lol glad you're back with us! Glad the witch is gone for good! now it's time to get freaky!! haha

Well, my dinner was a great night out! On the way home, we did a few drive bys to see if this guy is hanging around DSS. Turns out his car was aprked in her driveway at 11pm last night, so they're obviously back in sleepover mode, so it explains a lot about why she is being such a bitch lately! Bad thing for poor DSS, but probably a good thing for us with solicitors as if she fights to keep this guy around, it will show any court she isn't putting our little man first and has him in danger. if she doesn't fight for him to stick around, we might find ourselves in a situation where DSS is safe wherever he is! how nice would that be!

Hope you all have a great day ladies! My first sleep in in forever cos we don't have DSS here & don't have to get up & we've both been up since 6.30. always the way!!

Lol at angel thinking there were no posts!!!! Glad the witch has finally gone!!!

Shellybear that's so bad...tho I can't say I'm surprised he was there. I really hope this all gets sorted out, and fast!

Urgh....weekend of packing. Meh.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! X

Ps did you sort your phone out Shelly?!?!
Yeah, we weren't surprised either... That's why we were doing drive bys, just to confirm what we thought. Thanks for your help with the phone Mrs. Fixit! Xx
Hope it fixed it!!!! X

Anybody feel like packing??? Lol. I am about to embark on the 'cleanse'....time to get rid of a massive pile of stuff I apparently don't need!!!! Aaarrrggghhh!!!!!!
Angel you are so sweet!

Shell...i really hope it works out with the solicitor, i am ashamed to not be surprised at a woman going back to an awful man....i did that (way before DH), twice went back to someone who treated me like shit. why do women do this? i was only ever risking myself though, this woman is risking a little like to think i would never do that. woman can be so dumb!

Ginny im really glad that you can share things on here with us, we all learn from each other and support each other.

i really dont know what i would do without you all xo, im glad we are on a site that isnt just about post a quick questions and off you go.

yes temp spike this morning, however it was a temp taken after more than three hours of sleep, but not the first temp i took. i took one in the middle of the night when DH got up briefly. i hadnt slept very well, and figured it might ease my mind to just stick a thermometre in my mouth so i knew it was done. that temp was 36.41. i then fell asleep and took it when i first woke up and 36.66. seeing as it is the latter is what i wouldve normally done any way im using that, but keeping the other one as reference. if temp stays up tomorrow then it still works out to be the same ov date. i will keep the DBF going just in case.

Good luck packing Nana! i hate unpacking more! but neither are fun. can you drink? have a few wines to help you let things go! every thing is more fun with wine!
Yay for your temp abs, if trust it, it's always going to be lower if earlier than you normally take it!

I'm doing soooo well with the clean out. I've barely 'saved' anything, and am halfway through my big pile of crap!!! Dh is wrapped, not that I know how he intends to get rid of it all!!!
Good effort with the cull sash!!! If my weekend wasn't booked up already I'd offer to bro g some ciders over and help you out! Can't wait to have a summer BBQ and catch up in person! Xx

Shell I want 2 kids preferably one of each :)

Taking the dogs out this morning, then lunch with my cousin and her hubby then dinner with other friends - will jump on when I can - have a great Saturday girls!! X
Well ladies this tim last year I was one dress size larger! I just put on some shorts that didn't fit last year, and now they are a little lose! Yaay me! One more dress size to go!

Yaay nanna for getting rid if crap! When we moved last time we had cleaners come and do a post move out clean!, they were awesome, and used environmentally friendly stuff! Let me know if you want their number!

Today I'm going to get a little Christmas tree in a pot and bake gingerbread! I'm trying to get my Christmas cheer back
Thanks girls!!!! Going through this stuff I can't believe I've made dh move it every time we've moved in the past few years....there is just so much crap! I'm almost there...only a few boxes to go and I reckon I've thrown out enough stuff to fill a single car garage....

Well done abs!!!! Great achievement :) x

Enjoy your outings angel! X
Nana - good luck on culling the crap in your life. You will feel good after it! I agree with Abs, if you need a drink to let go of some stuff, do it...just not wine...its kind of a problem drinking wine at this time of day. however, beer is fine, or vodka & OJ! :)

Abs - I agree. I don't have a care in the world about what kind of man she ends up with. as far as I'm concerned, they deserve each other. they're quite a good match. Not with children involved though. That's not right. Sorry to hear you were in a bad relationship, glad DH snapped you up instead! your life is very different for it! Great CH!!! they look good where they are. a fall back rise puts you in a good position to have caught the eggy!!! well done on the weight loss! you're kicking all sorts of goals today!!

Angel - 2 kids sounds perfect. Add them in your profile pic & you look like the perfect family!!

I'm going to head off in a while, got DH's xmas party for work this evening. its at his boss' house. which kinda sucks. they used to have killer xmas parties. missed out last 2 years and now it's at his boss' place. it's just cos his boss is getting a bit greedy & wants that money in his pocket, not paying for extravagant xmas parties! Too bad I missed out on all of them! oh well. might be a good night. His step dad & brother work there too, so they will all be there & his mum, so at least I have someone to hang out with!
oh, by the way - DH had some luck on keno while he was away...then he put $7 in the pokies. he won $1200 on keno and the next day $1300 on the pokes. I hate gambling, but I am happy with those wins, cos he took them both in the full amount cos he knew i'd be cranky if he didn't bring it home. Now we have more money to put towards solicitors & also can pay off the rest of our car!! Winning!!

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