Sorry I didn't properly catch up on everyone else with my own medical dramas going on!
2mums - there are negative stuff with aspirin, but it's the whole case of risks vs benefits. It's not negative to your pregnancy, it's more negative as in it obviously thins your blood so if you were to have an accident or an emergency operation there's a chance you could blood a lot more. I think no matter why you're taking aspiring they get you to stop at around 33 weeks so if you go into labour or have a c-section the bleeding risks are minimised.
RE the nub theory - I'm a believer now! If you find my ultrasound pic of my last angel, that had quite a boy nub and ta dah it was a boy! He did have a forked nub though - which I think apparently is more common with girl nubs
Maddy - hope your blood tests have nice high progesterone levels

I heard of another lady recently on here that had her progesterone levels done after Oing on a clomid cycle. They were sky high - she ended up being pregnant with triplets, although she lost one. So hoping for high but not sky high for you
Abs - my chart has gone a bit wacky too! I still think I'm 4DPO, or else I'm having a really strange non Oing cycle, because my AF is always 27/28 days.
number2 - hope your trip went well and things are going OK at work
Lainey and Smithy - I hope you end up popping on the same day! I can't wait til we get down to guessing who will pop when!
Thanks for all your kind words ladies - it means a lot to me that I can share all this stuff I'm going through with you. I can talk to my mum about it too, but because she's a nurse she acts like she knows it all already (must be where I get that from!) and DF is good but it's way over his head. It's like he can't compute it all. I told him about the extra monitoring (in an excited voice) and he goes "that sucks, you'll have to do so much driving into the city" haha doesn't get it all sometimes, bless him!