Hellllllllloooooooo girls! Caught up on everything but feeling rather lazy and wont comment on it all!
Just quickly...
Smithy, I think boy for you!
Number2, nice to have you back!

to you and your family xxx
Maddy, fingers crossed for you lovely-I do hope it's a BFP for you xx
Abby, can't wait for you to test! increased farting can be a symptom!
Ginny, glad you have gained some insight from your appointment xx
Angel and Nanna I'm still hoping for xmas babies for you both

Lainey-Happy anniversary!!!!
M2Q, I'm sooooo excited for my scan

Now I will remember that it's your first antenatal appoinment the same day too! Hoping baby will cooperate and spread it's legs too!

Hi Rosie, Lisafr,Lucy, Missie, Tara and Jaymey!
Forgive me if I've forgotten anyone!! btw, great hair do's and all things xmas on fb!!!! I'm so behind the 8-ball this year! Hoping to have presents wrapped tonight. Have T's 3rd birthday over the weekend so trying to get prepared and cope through the damn ms that is now appearing right through the day and night!