Lainey - sorry to hear you're feeling down. Glad you're at least getting out of the house to walk the dog though

I can be a bit reclusive at times - I don't feel like I need tons of friends and sometimes don't make an effort to meet new people. DF is a bit the opposite - loves making new friends with anyone who'll talk to him, I love that about him coz it sometimes drags me out of my shell. Don't feel bad about wallowing! Wallow away hehe
number2 -

I think I sometimes crap on about my loss so much that I forget other's have all gone through it too x You know, now that I've passed my first angel's due date (November) it's so much easier to think about it and I can handle seeing babies that would have been that age. So, I think it'll be slightly easier once April passes too. Glad the doppler made you feel calm! Totally not insensitive - all us ttcers want you to be happy and enjoy the pregnancy!!
Janey - hope you're doing ok! What's it like being back in winter?
Abs - I hate that 35 is a magic age in terms of fertility, because surely fertility would decrease at different rates for everyone - 35 might just be a most common age that is starts to noticeably decline. I guess that's one of the benefits of seeing a FS is that you'll know exactly where you stand in terms of "fertility age" if that makes sense and then based on that you can decide what you want to do.
Maddy - It was lovely to hear a dad be so excited, and you could tell he really wanted a boy coz he kept playing with M. Maybe I should have told him my story and he would have gave us a better quote! haha! Seriously though, I'm happy for other people, just wish it could also be me. I wouldn't be happy if no one was pregnant either.
Hi to everyone else I've missed!!!
Had such a busy night! M has terrible nappy rash from having the runs so we let him have some "air time" after his bath. Resulted in a poo on the couch in his playroom and a wee on the kitchen floor... don't think we're ready for potty training yet!