Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

Lainey - I love real Christmas trees, but the smell and pine needles make my eyes hurt

well at least 2012 is nearly over - can't fit any more pregnancies into it thank god. I know that's not why things went wrong, but I didn't like the fact that I had gotten pregnant again this year.
Gin, I get along really well with my parents, so I fins it works well. I have been there for over 3 years now. something I never thought I'd do, but they needed a staff member and I needed a job, so we trialled it and it worked. So they put me on a traineeship, which also worked cos they got funding for having me there, I got funding cos it's a 'dying industry' so they encourage apprentices etc with 'tools for your trade' allowances - I got $5500 over the 18 months I worked there, plus they paid me a proper wage, which was great to get a qualification and not have to be on such a pathetic wage while doing it. For Maternity leave, I will get the 18 weeks from the government and then will go back to work after that, I will work throughout that time off, but am only entitled to 10 days while earning the government money. After that, because of the changes wehave made to the way we run the business, we no longer have a showroom, so I won't have customers to serve anymore, we will only have to work when there is work. The plan is for them to 'work smarter, not harder' so they have more time to themselves too. Our office is set up in their home, they have a 2 storey house and don't use downstairs, so I will be able to take my baby to work with me. I do a bit of everything, so if I am doing office work, I can be there, if I need to be out, Mum or Dad can mind the baby (which mum is sooooo excited about) and I can get my work done. It will be really flexible as now we are the only 3 who work in the business, so we just work in around each other (which we do pretty well) so if I need days off etc, it will be no problem. I will also have days where I can work from my home where I'm only doing internet based things. We're all pretty excited about the changes, and I'm glad it took us longer than expectet to fall pregnant, as now I can see how well it fits in to our lives. I'm pretty lucky to be able to have so much flexibility. If I couldn't do this, it would mean bub in daycare from very young, which I would be fine with, but would much rather ba able to be at home more with it.

Sorry about your stupid tests. I still have everything crossed for you! You said both were missed misscarriages, if you don't mind me asking, how did you find out about your first one? Was it at your 12 week scan? Sorry if that upsets you, I don't want you to go into it if you'd prefer not to. xx

Hi everyone else! big hugs to everyone! xox
I've started getting pinky cm! A bit sad, but more yaying! Usually I spot for at least one day before AF, so it's a bit late to be starting, but I am so relieved that this isn't going to drag on! I was seriously freaking out at the thought of having to have another procedure - a bit premature, but the more D&Cs you have the more likely you'll get scarring, so it's something that plays on my mind a lot!

M2Q - that sounds like a really good arrangement you'll have! So glad the timing worked out all for the best :)

Yeah, the first time I found out at my 12 week scan :( I had already had a dating scan at 7 weeks and then I had another scan at 9 weeks coz I had a tiny bit of spotting - both of those were fine, no reason for the spotting. Then at my 12 week scan (I was suppose to be 12+1) there was simply no heartbeat even though the baby measured 11+5. My stupid GP at the time got me to have repeat hcg tests to make sure my levels were going down - thinking about this now I can't see why on earth this was done as obviously it doesn't matter what my hcg is doing if the baby doesn't have a heartbeat! Also I think it's normal for your levels to start going down/plateauing out around 12 weeks anyway. So I had just over a week wait to get the D&C.
Oh gosh, that sounds just terrible. That is something no person should have to experience, especially not this many times! Glad you're feeling ok about the spotting, but remember that the minute you're not ok, we're here for you. I'm so sorry hun, I wish I could take away your pain!

2013 will be a good year. It just has to be! And next Christmas, you will have 2 children to buy for! xoxox
Hi girls, just checking in quickly as have been out cleaning the old house and need to get some dinner sorted!

Went and saw Gussie at the vet tonight too, she looks so tiny and skinny without her fur and can't come home yet because she isn't well enough but was so nice to see her and she seemed so pleased to see us!

No time to comment on the posts I've missed but will catch up in the morning, just wanted to check in and say that I love you all!!!!
Glad you got to see her Nana, it would have lifted her a lot to see you. she's in the right place hun. have a good sleep when you get t bed!

Night everyone!
Good Morning all! Ginny i am just so sorry about everything that you have been through. i like to believe that in the end, when we look back we see reasons for everything, so i hope that is true, although i think i want to hit that doctor.

im glad you have DF, M and us. And im really glad it didnt drag on. much love honey!

Shell sounds like you have a good plan there! im a bit worried about the work situation. if we stay in Sydney my work will be flexible and i know i can work one day from home and may be three or two days in the office. the other days im hoping, seeing as my mother is retiring i can use her! she doesnt know that yet. ive got enough leave stored that i can take a year off. so that is the plan at this stage. if we move, then DH will have to step up and get a main income job!

Nana, im glad you got to see Gussie, poor little thing. they just lift our spirits so much our little fur children. im having a little cry thinking about it.

is that normal? i keep crying! like all the time. yesterday i jammed my thumb in the bathroom door (trying to close the bathroom door with crutches is hard) it didnt really hurt that much, but i just sat down and cried and cried. then DH bought me a crunchie ice cream to have for desert, i was in bed, and i spilled a tiny bit on my old shirt....cried and cried.

also finding this not knowing if i will miscarry or not super stressful. Ive tried to make my peace that if it happens, it happens, and i know that having sex every day works for us to get a bfp. so thats a good thing. also the amount of drugs and stuff i had in the surgery and to some extent still am, will have me worried till the very end. ive really tried to cut down on the meds at home....but the pain is just so awful sometimes....i can feel the screw in my ankle and its sickening!
i take my temp all the time, and check for spotting all the time. may be its because im home and lonely and what else am i going to do. so now im having a little cry again!
what is with all these tears!

Abs, its normal to feel emotional. It's also normal to be worries early on. You will find in a couple of weeks, that will ease. The doctors know best, they would.t give you something to harm your baby. At this stage, if you mc its cos its not viable. You should use your pain relief, cos its not doing any good not taking it. Your baby is fine, you have to trust that until you have a reason not to. You have to s positive. Xx

There is a crazy botch who moved in out the back (im on a battle axe block) and she's recently divorced & always has loud phone calls to her ex. This morning she is crying so loudly. Very weird sounding. She is talking, but I think to herself... Hhmmm
Thanks Squeegs, I will try, I might ditch the thermometer after 18dpo. Not sure I can, but its stressing me out.

I used to have a neighbour who would scream at her teenage son, we shared a wall so we could hear everything! It was terrible, the things she would say to him! (And he would say back) . Sometimes I wasn't sure if she was talking to herself or in the phone!
Abs definitely ditch the temping - it was making me so so anxious.
Take your pills - they won't give you anything that you can't have.
There was a family that lived over the back fence from me at our old house. Blended family, with mum, dad, and each had about 4 kids - so together a big houseful of somewhere around 8 kids. One day a kid was crying lots and the mum snapped "Oh for f's sake stop crying, it wasn't even your real grandma who died, it was only your step grnadma, so shut the f up". Yep. Poor kids.
Use the pain relief Abs! They wouldn't give you something if they didn't think it was Ok for the baby - they would just have said you can only take panadol if that was the case.

oh crazy neighbours are funny (to a degree). In our old place we had flats next door and I think there were a couple of unstable people living there - one would scream/sing all kinds of songs during random hours of the night. We woke up in the middle of the night once to him screaming the song "living in the the wild, wild west" - but that was the only line he knew so he just kept repeating it! haha
We moved as soon as we had Harrison - so that we weren't living in the wild wild west any more. Just the more mild and suburban north-west, lol.
Yep, some people are so horrible to their kids. The lady behind mum & dad screams at her kids all the time. You can heat her slamming them against walls and stuff getting broken all the time. We call the cops regularly, bit so do the rest of the neighbours. They show up, she days nothing is going on, they leave, nothing happens. Her youngest has roamed the streets bare feet since he was in nappies. Sad life, but they will never know any different.

Abs, ditch the thermometer. Especially with your crazy temps. Especially sleep deprived. Especially on medication.
Abby I know how you feel. Because most of us here find out about our BFPs so early, we have often had 1 or 2 tests at the Dr before "normall" (not TTC) people even know they're up the duff. I reckon that's stressful in itself and then you've got the surgery & medical stuff on top.

Ginny hope you're okay sweets. 2013 is definately our year!

Newbie glad Gussie perked up when she saw you. Sounds like she's on the road to recovery now.

AFM I'm feeling very anti-early-testing at the mo. I had 3 blood tests before I was even past my normal AF date this month (CD21, CD25 and CD27). The crap with my HCG not doubling was given to me on CD27. In a normal world I wouldn't even know I was pregnant and I wouldn't have had to go through the stress and worry. I'm thinking for our next IUI I won't ask for the test results until after the 3rd test.
Morning ladies

Ginny,I just want to give you a big squeeze honey xxx :hugs:

Abby, I'd put the thermometer away,I wad freaked out by the changes also! how's your foot doing?

Ababa,I love you're daily Harrison pics! He's too adorable! :)

Hoo everyone else :happydance:

No nightmares for me last night :) just wipe up every hour to pee soooooo guess there was no time to dream haha been very dizzy again lately, don't know what's up! Also I did a pump class about 8 months ago and effed my arm up! It's still soooooo sore and they won't do anything about out cause they can't do an x ray! It's soooooo painful!I can't even lift my arm without pain!
Oh girls, what a disaster! I have just found out that my job for next year has fallen through (even though i had the contract sorted and everything)...they had the funding for the role cut out of their budget....not what i needed to hear on my last day of work!

Mega Bummer.
Oh Nana that really does suck! I'm so sorry

Maddy when is your appointment?

Lainey can you see a physio? I've been thinking about you recently. Cause I'm stuck at home, cant leave, I find myself a little lonely and could see how this could quickly turn into depression.

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