Lainey...have a very merry

with DH today. What are you planning?
Abs...a hair colour is as good as a holiday methinks

Good on you for braving Woolies. Honestly I am boycotting the supermarket for the next couple of days!
Angel and Newbs... boo to FF. I have FAR less trust in it now, since it gave me crosshairs on CD16 last cycle when my bloodwork showed I def O'd on CD14.
Smithy...congrats on the aunty-news! Do they live nearby, will your babies get to spend much time together?

welcome to our board. We love to hear all the ins-and-outs of your life, so feel free to overshare immediately

I'm another over-35.
Ginny... good reminder about the miscarriage stats.
Xmas dinner with friends last night was fantastic and I woke up perky this morning...maybe I'm still a bit over the limit? The sangria was so easy, from this month's Womens Weekly (apple juice, white wine & Cointreau served over chopped peaches & strawbs). My British friend made the mulled wine, it was outstanding! The fridge is groaning with leftovers today. Daughter had a tasting plate of brie, hommus, crackers, prawns with chilli dipping sauce for lunch!