Sam- I think cd 15 or 16 too. did you get any help from the expert charters? so sorry your marriage is struggling. hoping you find some peace this month. stress can def delay ovulation too.
Christiana- I can't believe you're in so much pain! sounds miserable!! I love that you're going to man up and bd anyway!! anything for the bfp haha. you're tough! hoping o stays away til you're more heard! is your husband around more now?
rafaella- so sorry about your bfn.

let us know what happens. glad you have such a good attitude.
Alyssa: you sound like you're doing great! it's funny I had sushi the day before my bfp (oops) and thought it tasted delicious and scarfed a ton of it. oh and I work in Baker City!
liz- the symptoms I remember most was this weird cramping. it was like a constant pinch and cramp like higher up than my usual AF cramps. and then my nipples were more sensitive. boobs didn't really hurt much and I had no nausea or food aversion. I was tired but nothing like I am now!!
afm- we did a scan last night!! saw our tiny little baby with a flickering heart! my husband almost started crying it was so sweet. I was measuring right on my o date. I thought my sac was a weird shape but dh told me to stop worrying. everything looked okay. we missed telling my mom tho bc she was busy and now I'm back in Oregon for ten days!!! ah! oh well ten more days til the families know won't hurt them.
nausea has hit horribly this week. and exhaustion. I could barely leave my bed yesterday. I'm working a 12 hour day today and not sure how I'll get through but we do what we must. at least all my cramps are gone.
fx for some more BFPs here!! can't wait til Saturday.