I had my d&c on April 13th and now even after I've had my period I am getting positives. The first picture was from before I start my period, the bottom was the first one I took at 3 1/2 weeks after the d&c and then the days after that, it got lighter but still there. I stopped testing when I got my period and now its been over 5 weeks since the procedure and I had a full blown period that I am just ending and I figured I would test just to reassure myself that it is all gone and I am still getting positives! It really makes me wonder if my bunch of hpts are fautly but the shades are different and I know falses are rare. I know I am not pregnant again as my DH and I have only had sex a few times since the m/c and we used condoms every time. It is just so frustrating. The last picture is from today, its a little fuzzy but in person the line isn't even a squinter.