Baby Babblings

Thx girl's for asking, Im not to bad, I did that HPT test on monday, Obviously NEG. So gotta go see doc some time this week, hopefully tomorrow. Then I go from there, But Fertile time should be this week around sat/sun. If all goe's to plan. So me and my fiance started BDing CD8 and gonna do it at least once a night from now untill next week. So how are you lovly ladie's and baby's doing. x x x
Laura - Hopefully these 6 weeks for you and 8 weeks for me go quick :winkwink: Aww bless, I'm sure your friend won't think of it like that hun, I hope not anyway! :hugs: xx

Jess - Hope the Doctors give you some answers chick :hugs: xx
Glad to see your a bit better hun, and FXed for the docs and this cycle. Xx

Cheers Natt me too! Can't believe I'm 14wks today! Gonna text he later, got a feeling she won't reply but we'll see.

Works doing my head! We're moving to a new system so it's manic but the one girl is starting to get bitchy again. Soooo majorly pathetic can't wait to start may leave and get outta here! Xxx
Natt - The baby is PERFECT! Eeeee! Getting so big!

Laura - Fuck work...I hate my job...and pretty much everybody I know! This is not pregnancy hormones speaking either! I literally hate my job and 98% of the people I know...LoL. My husband and I have hated the State we live in since we moved here in 2010...he's in the Army so we got forced to move is one of the most dreadful places on the planet - the entire south eastern part of the united states is horrible...tons of dummies and assholes are from here...Anyhow...that was a rant...LoL.

Jess - I was a HPT addict for a while, and it drove me NUTS. I swear I must have spent $1000 on them in like 8 months! I hate to say it, but flipping off TTC and giving up is what got me knocked up finally! I can't say that I relaxed, but I can say that I just stopped thinking about it...


9+6 weeks preggers!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeee!

Going to the doctors today...don't know if I'll have a scan...I will be doing a non-fasting Glucose test though...UGH! I have to drink this icky sweet stuff 30 mins before I am seen...I don't even drink soda, so this should be interesting...

Oh, went to school lastnight (ugh) and I left early because I was mentally and physically drained from feeling ill...I swear, I cried...It can be really hard at times to be sick 24/7...I can't wait until it goes away and I can EAT and ENJOY food again...LoL.

Haha good to know someone else hates work!

My dream is to have a traditional tea rooms doing afternoon teas, cakes, homemade goods etc. in a nice little holiday village with old folks lol

I'd call it Flossy's Fancie's after my late great grandma :')

I'm so glad I didn't get morning sickness! Just aversions lol

Can you believe your almost 10wks already! It's going sooo fast! I love it lol I'm now officially in my 2nd tri :happydance: xx
We'll I've spoken to my friend and she's doing ok, has her ups and downs but is ok, glad to hear it, she's fine with me which is a relief, and her OH is doing better too. Glad they're doing ok. Such lovely people xx
Laura - You're welcome hun. Happy 14 weeks :happydance: Sorry to hear work is doing your head in, won't be long before you can leave and say Adios :rofl: Aww, really glad to hear your friend is doing ok chick :hugs: xx

Teenah - Thank you hun, it's amazing how much they grow in such a short time! :D I have to have one of those Glucose tests done at 26 weeks, I have to fast from midnight though :( xx
Thanks hun! Lol

Sounds like you've both got way better docs/midwives/hospitals than me :( so far I have appointments that I don't what they're for, notes not filled in, and the urine samples I take with me dont get tested, oh and I've not had my medical exemption certificate completed yet! Not to mention I had to ask for my bounty pack! Soooo at tomorrows appointment I shall be asking them to fill my notes in, explain what the appointments are for, and if they can't tell me I shall be cancelling them, I want my medical exemption filing in and back dating to 21st march (when I got my BFP), I will not be taking a urine sample and if they ask for it I shall simply say the last 2 never got tested so I didn't bother bringing one! Considering swapping hospitals if tomorrow doesn't go very well, only thing is the only other hospital I would go to isn't very big at all, it's where my SIL is going, nice but only has one birthing pool and she said its not very nice. ATM I don't know what to do :(

Sorry for the rant there ladies! Lol


I can't believe I'm 14wks pregnant, it's sooo surreal! In the next couple of weeks I will hopefully start to feel jellybean move and then it may become real! I hope it's not weeks away tho, there's a lot of fat for JB to kick through! :haha:

Not sleeping too good ATM, I'm exhausted but nights are restless and the vivid dreams make me feel like I've not slept.

Only 22 more weeks at work! Don't think I could take any longer there lol

Gagging while brushing my teeth is easing off a bit now, thankfully!

But mainly I keep realising we're having a baby, welling up and grinning from ear to ear, people driving past me must think I'm mad :rofl:

How are my ladies doing? Xxx
Laura - Your Hospital doesn't sound very organised at all! :( My notes get filled in at every appointment, my urine sample got checked and the Bounty Packs were on the tables so we could just take one. We picked our "Mum To Be Bounty Pack" up from Boots yesterday :D

Yay! I think it will all feel more "real" once we start feeling kicks etc xx
A.) what is a bounty pack
B.) what is medical exemption

Laura - you should def bring up your concerns to the hospital administration as it is illegal to not fill in notes for a visit. As for the urine sampling...this is very concerning as they should check your urine for proteins every visit...My doctor does. Also, Eeeeee! You are totally going to start feeling JellyBean's kicks soon! OMG! 14 weeks! I can't believe how far we have come from moaning over TTC together to being preggers! Oh, and I totally feel you on not sleeping dreams have always been vivid, but even more so now that I am sucks...oh, and what about when you find the perfect position with the right amount of pillows, and then Simon disturbs you and you have to start all over! (it happens to me with DH!)

Natt - It turns out that I had an early mini-glucose test so early because I have a high rate of diebetes in my family (I'm half-Mexican, half-Native American, so it runs really bad in my culture)


10 weeks Preggers!

Went to the Doctor's yesterday, my glucose test results were within the normal range, I gained 1 lbs (I just had lunch so I am hoping it was food), and we listened to the baby on their doppler (i had to tell the doctor where the baby typically is, and sure enuff we found him!) I have another appt in 4 weeks on June 27th, 2012 - I'll be about 14 weeks! Eeeeee! I just ate breakfast, so I am starting to feel happens everyday! :( Gingerale seems to help, so I discovered yesterday...I will see if it works again today.

P.S. The crib came last night! I can't wait for DH to assemble it!
Yh I'm gonna have words with them tomorrow and get my notes filled in, they haven't even filled in my EDD!!!!

A bounty pack is full of freebies and infor about all sorts of things during pregnancy. There's 5 that you get at diff stages of your pregnancy.

Simons not sleeping well neither, he only seems to sleep when he's spooned into me with his arm round and on my belly! Which makes me even hotter lol

Just had soup for lunch, that was a mistake I'm now sweating my ass off!!

I'll be sooo glad when stock take is over at work, my boss only wants me to work half a day because of being pregnant, fair enough, but the one bit h in the office hates this and can't see why I shouldn't work a full day! Maybe when she's pregnant she'll understand how tired you get! Then again her boyfriend hasn't even proposed to her yet and they've been together 4years and had their own house for 2! Sorry but she's driving me mad ATM!

Bit grumpy lately, think its the heat and hormones! Xxx
Teenah - Oohh I see, my brother has diabetes, not sure about anyone else in my family as I was adopted at an early age so not 100% sure of my family illness history xx

Laura - Omg that's shocking that they haven't even filled our your EDD! I would be climbing the walls! Must be a common thing to not sleep well during pregnancy, I haven't been sleeping well either :( Was going to get up at 2:30am this morning as I was restless but thought I better not as I need energy for moving house tomorrow! Eeek! :happydance: xx
You know what I was just thinking? We are all going to have infants at the same time! I mean, we are just about 4 and 2 weeks apart between us all! CRAZY! Eeeee! So excited to meet my tiny baby! It's hard to wait!
Teenah - Yay!! :happydance: Shame we don't all live closer, all our babies could grow up together :winkwink: xx
Tell me about it! Think it still says october! If they don't book their ideas up tomorrow I'll be switching hospitals!

How lovely would that be to grow up together :) its mad isnt it!

Only 22more weeks at work!!!! Eeeeek! Lol and yay for moving house! Make sure you take it easy and don't do any heavy lifting!

Well I could be meeting my niece or nephew before long! Stacey's either having braxton hicks or early labour! sooooooo excited :)) xxx
Well I'm at the hospital, had a dig about urine samples already as I was told to do one when I got here, half a bottle later I was all peed out! FXed today goes well and I don't have to switch hospitals! I shall update when I'm out!

Oh and today is day 100 of my pregnancy :happydance: xx
Ong omg omg!!! She filled all my notes in, told me what My next apt for, told me off for not taking a urine sample and made me do one and gave me bounty pack number 2!! The only thing I forgot was my medical exemption :doh: but I shall take this down to my docs and ask them to sign it :)

Feel soooo much happier now and can't wait to have JB at Good Hope Hospital :) xx
Happy 100th day Laura!

Natt - darling, how are you feeling? Any news on what happened when you had to go to the hospital? Any known cause?


10+1 weeks preggers

I am dreadfully tired, bloated, and generally uncomfortable...

My tummy down low is also getting harder! :happydance:

I can't wait to start showing a massive bump! I know some people dont care to look large, but I can't wait to really look preggers! Not just bloated and pudgey!
Same here! I want a nice big bump to show off :) xx
How are my ladies today?

I've been spoilt by the OH :) we have a new edition to the family!

Meet Delilah :flower:

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