Baby Babblings

Laura - I know what you mean haha, they will be sat in their pram or passed around family/friends rather than running around causing mayhem :haha: Oh dear, sounds like the animals are not in a friendly mood today :shock: xx
That's what I'm thinking lol less stress for me!

Feeling any better jess? Did you get the drugs? Lol

I just got Simon to find JB with the Doppler, his smile was so much bigger than when I find JB! :) and JB stayed still for much longer than she does for me lol xx
Jess - You're welcome hun xx

Laura - Aww yay for Simon finding JB's heartbeat :happydance: xx
That's good chick, they should work pretty quick and you'll be feeling better in no time :)

Ladies I spoke to Sarah yesterday (on fb) she's been having gallbladder problems for a while now and it's got to the point where they want to take it out but ATM she's scared of surgery. Also her 2nd cd21 came back higher than the first but still not great and they're waiting for matts SA results.

How are we all today? Xx
Jess - Glad you are feeling a bit better hun :hugs: xx

Laura - Thank you for the update on Sarah hun, such a shame what she's going through at the moment :( Next time you speak to her, can you let her know we are all thinking of her please? :hugs: xx
Yh I will do chick, some people haut don't seem to catch a break! Bless her :hugs:

Did I tell you guys about my sil's old boss and family friend? Xx
Yh I will do chick, some people haut don't seem to catch a break! Bless her :hugs:

Did I tell you guys about my sil's old boss and family friend? Xx

Thank you hun and no they don't, poor thing :(

I don't think you did hun :shock: xx
My SIL's boss had said to her that she wanted to start trying for a baby but didn't know if she could conceive or not cause she's never had regular periods.

Well a week later her husband persuaded her to take a test cause she'd not had a period for just over 3months. Turns out she was 14weeks pregnant and got scanned straight away! Babies fine, just looks long and thin compared to jellybean. She's due 3weeks before us :) xx
My SIL's boss had said to her that she wanted to start trying for a baby but didn't know if she could conceive or not cause she's never had regular periods.

Well a week later her husband persuaded her to take a test cause she'd not had a period for just over 3months. Turns out she was 14weeks pregnant and got scanned straight away! Babies fine, just looks long and thin compared to jellybean. She's due 3weeks before us :) xx

Aww wow! That's amazing news hun! I bet they are over the moon aren't they? I wish her a Happy and Healthy 9 months :flower: xx
Hey girls!

Laura - Poor Sarah, I really hope things start looking up for her. Please encourage her to not feel scared about the surgery, many people have their gallbladders removed and go on to living much happier lives, free of feeling ill. Also, Omg - 14 WEEKS preggers and she didn't even know it?! It's cool that she didnt have to go through the first trimester worries! Skipped right thru em! PS yay for daddy finding JB's heartbeat! I would love for DH to try, but baby is such a rascal that I think it would be frustrating for him.

Yesterday around 2 pm I started feeling a dull ache on my lower right side, it wasn't horrible, but it was annoying. At around 330 pm I went to the bathroom and pulled up my shirt to have a look, as it felt like a tender bruised spot. I pressed around and found that it was definitly tender to the touch, and also a bit hard. I was told it was just round ligament I got home around 5 pm and immediately got the doppler out, I looked in my ususal spot, centered above my pubic bone, and I couldn't find baby...I moved it directly over my tender spot, and BAM! Super strong and LOUD HB! The little rascal was nestled highup in my uterus on the right side! He got annoyed by the pressing as I heard his fetal movements swish away and hide in another lower centered spot! My tender spot went away after that! Isn't that CRAZY!? I was amazed, especially at his little "leave me alone" attitude! Just like his daddy! I tell my hubby that he's a cat (a. he LOVES cats, and b. cats LOVE him), because he doesn't like to be touched unless he initiates it, and he gets annoyed and moves away if you touch The baby seems to be the same! Awe, my little family of kittens!

P.S. I puked this morning...for the first happened as I was brushing my teeth, like Laura, I have had a horrible gag reflex ONLY when brushing since being preggers. It was only bile, but I wrenched for a few minutes, it was HORRIBLE!
Yh they can believe it! It's so lovely :)

Yh I said to Sarah if needs must it's gotta be done really. I know how nice to not have all the worries of first tri! The look on his face priceless :) I had to guide him a bit but was ok :) pretty sure JB kicked too :))

Aww how strange! I now think some of my pains are baby cause I know she is now :) sometimes we have to do these things to the oh lol I love it and get all emotional when Simon looks at baby things, makes me all warm and goey lol

Think we're gonna start planning how to do the geckos out for when del's bigger and we put them together! I'm thinking of getting a tree root ornament and making the background to match as I've got oak bark from doing darwins viv (that stuffs expensive!) the make it so the branches of the tree come over the top of the viv and hang down for them to play in, bark of the bottom and maybe some real plants for them climb too :) make it like a mini tree for them :) I love doing viv's out! Lol only I'll need more help this time round cause of JB :)

Oh and my sex drives starting to return ;) xx
15weeks today :happydance: only 25weeks to go!! 5weeks until 20wk scan!!

How are my ladies? Xx
Awww girlie's,

All that baby talk is so cute. x

I cant believe how quick the last 15 week's has gone. x x x
Laura - 15 weeks! OMG! I swear, that sounds so far along! Yay! Are you feeling movement yet? We need a belly pic again soon! I was gunna post one, but I just feel so damn fat that I dont want to! The bloating is horrible by mid-morning. You should be able to see the sex...I CAN'T WAIT TO KNOW! I swear it's a baby girl! Either way, we will be happy!

Jessica - how are you doing? Any big plans for the weekend? My hubby is off work for once!!!!! Yay! So we booked a posh oceanfront hotel on Emerald Isle in North Carolina...hopefully it will be as great as I hope! I'm thinking of getting a spray tan before we go, as I avoid to sun (even tho I am naturally brown due to my race) and I am a bit off colored! LoL. I look more yellow than anything! Plus the tan can help hide my dimpled thighs! Ugh...

Natt - BABY BUMP PICS are in order young lady!


10+6 days preggers! So nauseous, so full of belches! Ugh
My little baby seems to stay snuggled up high on the right part of my that is where i hear him with the doppler these says...such a little tadpole! I love him so! My cat loves me again, YAY! She is now being a snuggle monster (when it suits her) again! She's such a princess! for work...these assholes are scrabbling to complete that complex task I told you about, and I really dont care...if they dont care about me, than I dont care about them, or their revenue, or their inability to complete the task...They can suck it...

Anyhow...pray that no sharks get me this weekend! Eeek! :boat::shipw:
Laura - Happy 15 weeks hun :happydance: Not long until your 20 week scan! Woohoo! We have a Midwife appointment at the end of this month, get to hear OLM's heartbeat :happydance: xx

Teenah - I will try and get a bump picture soon. I have actually lost weight according to the scales lol! It's all the walking me and OH do :shock: You should do a bump pic too :D Hope you and OH have a lovely break and hope no sharks get you :o xx
Jess how you doing?

Thanks ladies, I can't believ I'm 15wks already! Yay for midwife apt Natt :happydance:

We should all post a bump pic tomorrow! Took one this morning lol

Teenah I hope you have a lovely time and stay away from sharks! I know what you mean about hiding the dimples, everyone looks better tanned! Lol mind you it's take more than that to make me look good :haha:

Natt yay for weight loss, I've lost 6lb lol don't look it tho, look like I've gained a stone! I want my bump now lol

Teenah this is what I think to your bosses and the task :haha: what goes around comes around ey! ;)
Feels like things are starting to fall into place now, hopefully weve found a wessing venue and we got some awesome news today :) Simon gets his contract 2nd July meaning we can now get a mortgage and buy :) bit worried about affording everything while I'm on mat leave so gonna talk to the financial advisor in a week or so and look at finances again :) things just keep gettig better :)

lol teenah you make me laugh. Thx girlie's for asking yer im not to bad. Im more relaxed but still in pain. I dunno what happened to ovulation this cycle look at me chart. ok i missed a few temp's but but not much rise no crosshair's. Im not to bothered as im quite sure it's not gonna happen for me this month then off to NTNP. But obviously i'll be staying in touch with my lovly ladie's. x x x

Hope you have a since time teenah. x

How are you girlie's doing? x x x
Laura - Time is flying isn't it? :shock: Can't wait for our Midwife appointment, get to listen to baby's heartbeat, tried again with our doppler but couldn't find it, I don't think it will work until 28 weeks as it states on the box :( Yay for losing 6lb's. Tell me about it, I want a bump too lol :brat: xx

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