Baby Babblings

Yh I wonder if aspirin or blood thinners would help? Don't know if it's safe to have them or not tho.

I had a wee! Lol got heartburn kicking in a bit :( off out for a meal just now tho then going cinema to see men in black 3 :) xx
Yh I wonder if aspirin or blood thinners would help? Don't know if it's safe to have them or not tho.

I had a wee! Lol got heartburn kicking in a bit :( off out for a meal just now tho then going cinema to see men in black 3 :) xx

I got given Aspirin when I was in hospital but only a couple of tablets because of the sudden symptoms.

Yay for having a wee :haha: Oh dear, I feel sorry for you hun, heartburn is awful! Makes me feel sick! Hope you feel better soon chick :hugs: Ooo enjoy your meal and Men In Black 3 hun :D xx
Hmmm let's hope IF it happens again, you manage to find something to help with the headaches.

Had it mild all evening! :( meal was lovely, we didn't get to see MIB tho cause they were half hour late with our table so by the time everyone had ate it only gave us 20mins to get tickets, popcorn and seated so decided to give it a miss and go another time! Was nice being with both sets of parents, my brother and SIL and Si's brother :) xxx
Laura - Fingers crossed I will hun, I'm just making sure I'm stocked up on Paracetomol :)

Glad to hear you had a lovely meal hun and hope your heartburn has died down a bit now. Aww that's a shame about MIB, no point rushing around though huh? Aww a family outing, how lovely :D xx
Good idea! Lol I've been quite a lot of headaches lately, bet they're nothing compared to yours tho!

So ar so good, no heartburn today :happydance:

Baking a cake for a 16th birthday today, 3 tiers for a 16th! Bit daft personally but hey ho will be my first tierd cake!

How you feeling today?

Just messages one of the lads Simon used to work with cause he's had some pretty shit fb status lately, turns out one of his mates, who I dated very briefly, has been texting dirty things to his ex for months! What a *******!

Good idea! Lol I've been quite a lot of headaches lately, bet they're nothing compared to yours tho!

So ar so good, no heartburn today :happydance:

Baking a cake for a 16th birthday today, 3 tiers for a 16th! Bit daft personally but hey ho will be my first tierd cake!

How you feeling today?

Just messages one of the lads Simon used to work with cause he's had some pretty shit fb status lately, turns out one of his mates, who I dated very briefly, has been texting dirty things to his ex for months! What a *******!


Oh no, my friend went to the doctors with severe headaches, he told her to drink 1.5 litres of water a day, it must be dehydration or something :wacko:

Yay for no heartburn!! :happydance:

Wow!! Sounds like it's going to be an amazing cake! Will we be seeing pictures? :winkwink:

I'm not too bad today thank you, just tired, was awake from about 4am this morning, not sleeping well at all! :(

Omg..what kind of a mate does that?!? :growlmad: xx
Hello girlie's sorry haven't been on for a bit. Iv been on and kept up with your post's ladie's but just haven't replyed, I know that sound's horrible but I did'nt really no what to say and dont mean it in a bad way iv just been quite low. I dunno what the hell is gonna happen for me this month. Iv been on a June testing thread but as soon as I join nearly everyone one got BFP's im really happy for them but It's hard to wonder weither I will be getting my BFP any time soon. Sorry if my writting dont make sence lol. Im all over the place at the moment. Keep forgetting thing's and stand there lost sometime's. How sad is that hay. But anyway forget about me.

How are your ladie's and your little bump's. :D x x x
Hi girlie's,

Just found a doopler on sale, and it's a good one from what the ladie said. I cant remember but im sure i see one of you ladie's wanted one that got a heart beat from early pregnancy, well this one she said 10 weeks she got a heaet beat.

That's the link above. If anyone's looking for one.

x x x
There's no way I can drink that much! Lol I hate drinking water too!

Heartburns coming and going today but it's not too bad! I shall post cake pics once it's finished :)

Try and get some naps in hun, Have you thought of tryin a pregnancy pillow? Might help you sleep.

I know what a twat! I can't believ he's done it! Poor phil is so nice aswell :(

Jess hun sorry your not doing great :hugs: sounds like your all out of sorts and could do with a shove in the right direction. I mean that in a nice way lol just take it easy and don't push yourself. Did you manage to get in at the doctors? It might help to just have a chat with them, or even a nurse who can refer you to the docs and make an appointment for you.

Your not being sad Hun your mourning. You lost your baby at the end of the day and that's traumatising no matter how far along you are. You need time to recover :hugs:

We're fine thanks hun, starting to grow a little bit now, my boss commented on it this morning!

Make sure that no matter how shit you feel you talk to us or someone, even if it's a pm. Just don't be afraid to talk and bottle it up, it doesn't do anyone any good. Sending you big :hugs: xxx
Hey ladies,

I hope that you are all doing well. I am sorry to hear about the headaches going around!

Natt - I am becoming increasingly worried about the symptoms that you are posting. Numbness for any amount of time isn't good (unless you were sitting on your limb and it "fell asleep")...please don't wait or self-medicate..PLEASE go to a doctor...ASAP. I would hate for it to be something horrible and you not know until it is too late. If you talk to your mid-wife tell her about the hospital visit, and all of your symptoms, if she isn't concerned, please seek a 2nd opinion...also, do not take aspirin if you have not been instructed to, it is very dangerous for the baby and you during pregnancy (again, unless you have been prescribed it).

Laura - as for your headaches, Natt mentioned that water can help, where do you gage your water intake at? high or low? I am an avid water drinker, and I have yet to suffer from a headache - if I am busy at work and I skip an hour or more of drinking from a bottle of water, I start feeling HORRIBLE. I guess that since I have always drank a ton of water that my body hates it when i skimp on's weird.

Jess - tell us about your weekend?! did you do anything fun with the LO? She's a doll! As for the BFP's - I understand, I felt a twinge of jealousy at both of my sister's pregnancies and also when Laura and Natt got their BFP's...It's only natural!


11+4 weeks preggers! Eeeeeeeee!
Overall feeling - CRAP. Horrible acidic stomach and heartburn. Burping 24/7, like mid-sentence I'll just belch! Bloating that starts about an hour after I wake...and lasts all night until I wake up 3-4 times in the night to pee liters! I seriously have such a full bladder from the fluid shifting from my bloated limbs and tummy, that IT HURTS.

As for my weekend at the beach - great! Hubby and I really enjoyed ourselves, and I came to the realization that he is JUST NOT a beach or water person...I thought that driving to a posh clear water beach and staying on the ocean would make him want to play in the water with me...NOPE...spent a total of 20 mins in water the entire weekend (my preference is to stay out until it starts getting dark)...but we still had fun together laffing and laffing, snuggling, eating (what I could eat), and just spending time together! When we got home yesterday in the late afternoon I decided to book a prenatal massage, and he decided to go to the gym, so I went to my massage, and it was OK I guess...the girl was really strong and I am really sensitive, so it hurt at times! I knew that my muscles needed it due to the looooong drive over the weekend, so I just took the pain...Ooooo....and you know how I was carrying on about my damn bladder, well, it totally decided to FILL TO THE BRIM about 8 mins into the massage, and I suffered with that the whole time as I was too lazy to get dressed and travel to the bathroom mid-massage...UGH...SO ANNOYING...

Um...overall, I am just moaning over the feeling of being pregnant right now...I love my baby and he/she is worth it, but DAMN, this sucks!

I don't drink much at all, maybe 2-3pints a day. I know I should drink more but I just can't :( makes me feel ill :(

Haha teenah you make me laugh! Glad you had a lovely weekend :) sounds like you needed it! I'd love a massage but pennies are tight ATM :( cars got mot on sat too!

Soooo tired and I've got this cake finish tonight! Mind you I'm not impressed the gilt who it's for has got chicken pox so techincally I shouldn't have any contact with her nor her family. So we shall see! Lol

Well ladies this is the pic I was going off

And this is what I made :)
Jess - Sorry to hear you are not feeling too good at the moment hun, can't really say much else as Laura covered everything in her post. Time is a healer chick :hugs: xx

Laura - I hate drinking water too, I don't mind cordial or flavoured water but not on it's own :sick: I daren't take naps during the day if I can help it because then I definetly wouldn't sleep at night :( Going to go to the chemist today and see if there is anything they can give me to help, last time I asked I was only 12 weeks so it was up to my Doctor. Omg!! That cake is amazing!! Looks too good to eat :haha: xx

Teenah - Thank you for your advice hun. I think it's quite common to suffer from migraines during pregnancy. If they keep re-occuring then I will go to my Doctor and also inform my Midwife when I see her at the end of the month. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend hun :) xx
Haha thanks hun :) pretty chuffed with it :) I'm like you no plain water :nope: lol at hosp again today! Had a pretty bad this morning so I'm gonna mention it to docs, be nice if they scan me to check everything but Simons not here :( on my own :(

Lots of really preggers ladies here today! I want a big bump! Xx
Haha thanks hun :) pretty chuffed with it :) I'm like you no plain water :nope: lol at hosp again today! Had a pretty bad this morning so I'm gonna mention it to docs, be nice if they scan me to check everything but Simons not here :( on my own :(

Lots of really preggers ladies here today! I want a big bump! Xx

You're welcome hun. You should be proud of it :D Why are you at the Hospital hun? Hope everything is ok? :shock: Sorry to hear you are on your own :( :hugs: xx

I've got heartburn AGAIN today :(
This ones for the doc to asses me and decide if I need to be referred to a consultant! Such a faff lol at least I can ask about my pains and get my medical exemption signed at last! If I remember that is :haha:

I don't get it until just after I've ate lol which I haven't yet and I'm starving! Lol xx
This ones for the doc to asses me and decide if I need to be referred to a consultant! Such a faff lol at least I can ask about my pains and get my medical exemption signed at last! If I remember that is :haha:

I don't get it until just after I've ate lol which I haven't yet and I'm starving! Lol xx

Oohh I see hun, I thought something was wrong! :( What pains are you getting hun? Make sure you don't forget to ask lol!

Aww bless, heartburn is one of the worst things ever! Make sure you eat well when you leave there then :winkwink: xx
Not that I know of lol I'll def ask about the pains, scared that when I stand up I'll get them again as I was crouched down looking in A kitchen cupboard and it was when I stood up I got the pains.

Ok saw I've now saw a midwife who informed me I could have an infection! Sample sent off again and if it's raised I'll get a prescription in the post. Nothing's ever plain sailing is it lol xx
Laura - Really sorry to hear that you may have an infection hun, I hope it's nothing! During pregnancy..nothing is plain sailing lol! :haha: Maybe they are stretching pains from standing up too quick? I used to get them when I moved too fast, I don't know :( Aww thank you hun :hugs: You'll be 16 weeks tomorrow right? :shock: Wow, time sure does fly.. xx

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