Baby Babblings

you shouldn't struggle too much matt nd if you do it'll be because babys having a wriggle :)

These headaches are really horrible :( getting them every evening now and thumping pressure :( xxx

Awww chick :( Ive heard a lot of 2nd tri people saying they are cursed with headaches. Do you think its because of the increased bloodflow?

Hope you feel better soon babes x
you shouldn't struggle too much matt nd if you do it'll be because babys having a wriggle :)

These headaches are really horrible :( getting them every evening now and thumping pressure :( xxx

Laura - please try more water, put lemon in it, or cucumber and strawberry slices in it for flavor...also, try drinking a gaterade or another electrolite filled drink. You're body now has to supply amniotic fluid, and 50% more blood. You could be dehydrated...It's really worth a try...

Great advice! My Viking drinks water with cucumber left in..its sooo refreshing! Need to try it with the strawberries though that sounds yummy!
I try but just can't do it, I've drank 2ltres of squash and got a big glass of fruit juice now, its always in the evenings it kicks in :(

My friend who lost her baby had a star named after him for fathers day, what a beautiful idea :) they're also getting married in august and i think they might start trying again not too long afterwards. Its so unfair what a lovely couple have gone through, but id imagine the hospital would be more vigilant after loosing Freddie, sleep tight little man xxx

That was such a thoughtful idea! Its an awful thing :( And yeah Im sure they will keep a much closer eye on her the next time around. I hope they find the strength emotionally to start trying again soon :) Im sure their baby will be extremely loved x
It's so funny, I just had to look up what squash was! hahaha I am so dumb when it comes to UK products and lingo!

We don't have squash here...the closest thing would be Grenadine, which is a syrup that people use to mix in cocktails or in soda. It's not typically a popular household item...when you go to a food place or like are mixing drinks one might use it...

Ohhh...come to think of it I never saw any squash there! I miss american food :(

Where abouts in the states are you?
Morning ladies :)

My doppler arrived this morning! Had a quick go of it and sounded like baby was having a right wriggle around! Found the Heartbeat for like 3 seconds then he/she went into hiding, might try again later :happydance:

Awww thats fantastic! EVery day will be easier to find him Im sure! x
Yay for heartbeat :happydance:

Happy 15wks by the way!

Sarah I think Simons getting peed off with not being able to feel jellybean :( she needs to grow and kick daddy!

HOws you today? Xx

Yes happy 15wks! And 17wks for u tomorrow time flies!!!

Aww must be hard for the men. I mean...we instantly bond with our pregnancies but for them they must feel a bit left out. They dont get any of the symptoms and for the first few months we dont even show. And then when we are starting to show we start feeling it move and they dont get to experience that. Atleast not for a while. Matt will be a sad panda too for not feeling it.

Im sure that he will be able to feel jellybean soon though!

Im ok...well as ok as i can be...stupid virus kicking my ass! Keep talking to my egg though and telling it that it better be about to implant or next time im sending in army sperm to cause mayhem!

Sarah - It's amazing feeling the flutters, can't wait for them to get stronger. Karl can't wait to be able to feel baby kick from the outside! :) Thank you hun, just had another go with the doppler and we found the heartbeat, recorded a video on my phone hehe, will try and upload it :happydance: xx

Laura - Thank you hun :hugs: Happy nearly 17 weeks :winkwink: xx
Our Little Miracle's Heartbeat At 15 Weeks And 1 Day :D Uploaded it to youtube as the file was too big to upload straight to here :(
Sarah - I am in the WORST part of the United States right now due to my husband being military, and us relocating 2 years ago - I live in South Carolina...UGH...full of hillbillies and morons. DO NOT EVER COME HERE. I am originally from California, but moved to Colorado at 18 years old, and I still own a home there that I rented out once I married and moved. We hope to return back to the real world someday...WE HATE IT HERE. Only one year left in this hellhole, and then off to some other place, hopefully back out west. As for time flying...not fast enough! This is not a good time for me...I am only complaining bc it HURTS and I am tired of feeling ill...I hope that it does ease up since I just feel so badly. I tell the baby to be nice to mommy all of the time! As for American food, which items did you enjoy the most? Our recipes are super easy because we are a lazy culture, so if you want some pointers I can help! Also, I am half Mexican, so if you like Mexican food, I am your girl!

Natt - isn't it a wonderful sound!? So perfect! I am glad that you are enjoying your doppler!

Laura - feeling any better doll?


12+5 weeks preggers. Overall feeling: UGH!
About 30 mins ago and band of slight burning/hurtiness started in my lower abdomen, like exactly where my uterus is, it's fine now - actually just started feeling better within the last 3 mins. If it continues I might go to the doctor, it's a new feeling, and it does cause discomfort...anybody else experience this? Hmmm...
Teenah - It's such an amazing sound! So soothing to listen to. Might try and listen again before sleep, might help me doze off knowing our little miracle is nice and snug! I have experienced the burning sensation in my lower abdomen, I think it's just things stretching hun, it will pass soon :hugs: xx
Thanks Sarah, I drank 3 litrs yesterday and spent the whole evening outside at the cricket which helped loads! So we'll see how today goes!

Its so lovely to feel LO mind you I only had a couple of movements yesterday, nothing like ut has been so as soon as we got home last night the Doppler came out, just a shame jellybean was in hiding! Only got a couple of little listens but much better than nothing!

Aww natt that's lovley :) so glad you got a good listen :)

thanks :) can't believe in 17wks already! Almost half way there! Midwife tomorrow too :)

Teenah I hope you feel. Etter soon hun, like natt said in sure its just all the stretching going on xxx
Laura - Happy 17 weeks! :happydance: Yay for Midwife tomorrow too, we have our appointment next week :D Sorry to hear Jellybean was in hiding, hope you get a good listen soon chick. It was amazing, at least now we know where our little miracle likes to hide out :haha: xx
Thanks hun I can't believe it! I hope the midwife can find jellybean! Lol

Bet you can't wait? I'm might see if my mum can come with me tomorrow cause Simons gotta work :-( hate him not being able to come with me.

I tend to find that if I listen to jb just after work or before about 7/8 she's easy to find but after that I really struggle!

think she rolled over earlier too! Made mw pause for a second lol

How are we today? Xxx
Laura - You're welcome hun. If the Midwife struggles, at least you will be able to say "Try here" :haha:

I can't wait hun, had a good listen to our little miracle about 10 minutes ago, counted the heartbeats, was about 146bpm :happydance: Aww hun, fingers crossed your mum can go with you, must be awful going on your own! :(

Rolled over?!? Awwwww!!!!!!! Must have been amazing to feel! :)

I'm not too bad thank you hun, tired mainly, not sleeping well at all! :growlmad: How are you hun? xx
Yh at least I know where to look lol

that's good chick :) I had a flap yesterday cause id only been kicked twice in 2 days :( got the Doppler out and found her straight away :) listened for ages :)

mums coming today :) I hate going on my own but don't have much choice sometimes.

What's stopping you sleeping? Just bump? I'm ok, pisses off with work but not long to go thankfully! Xxx
Laura - It's good when you know where to look hehe, then you are not looking around for ages and panicking.

Oh dear, some days I don't think they wriggle as much as other days, especially when they get bigger! Can't wait to feel a kick! :D On my instructions it says to only listen for no more than 4 minutes and only use it 3-4 days apart :( I used it on Tuesday and used it today :shock:

Yay for your mum coming today, yeah I know what you mean hun :(

I'm not sure what's stopping me from sleeping hun, possibly hormones or I'm scared of squashing bump as I can only get comfy on my tummy :(

Sorry to hear about work hun, not long to go though :D xx
Hey guys,

I hope you are all well.

Laura - yay for an appt! Mine is on the 27th. I hope I get a scan, as I wanna see my baby!

Natt - I am so glad that you are enjoying ur doppler! It's really a great way to connect with your pregnancy...I really miss mine! LoL.


13 weeks complete today! Starting my 14th week of being preggers! Yay!

Still feeling horrid. Full of burps, having reflux from hell...ugh.
Natt I always sleep on my tummy, your fine until babys bigger :)

As for the Doppler, midwife just told us there's no harm using it as often as you like so honestly don't worry :)

She also said it could be 20wks before I get regular movements which makes me feel better too.

Cnt wait to get out of that place! Lol

Yay for 14wks teenah :happydance: it should start to ease off soon, hopefully! Try drinking warm/hot drinks, might help :) I ate a full pack of cherry tomoatos Tuesday evening! Odd craving! Lol

Everything went well with midwife, she's really lovely too :) next midwife apt is at 22wks so not long!

Oh and with the house, we're the only offer you going in atm so fxed we get it :) xxx
Teenah - Thank you hun, you should rent another doppler then you can listen to your baby more :) Happy 14 weeks also :happydance: xx

Laura - Phew, that has put my mind at ease lol, I have been trying to sleep on my side and I think that's why I haven't been sleeping, will see how I go on tonight :blush: Yay for using the doppler as much as we want hehe, didn't want to hurt baba by using it too much! Glad everything went well with the Midwife hun and yay for your next appointment not being long off :happydance: Got my fingers crossed for you that you get the house :thumbup: xx
Thanks chick, how did you sleep?

Hoping we hear about the house today!

I was like that at first lol tbf we don't use it that much now, midwife got a different sound when she listened so might try finding that next time lol

They said I might have a mild urine infection still do sent a 3rd sample off to be tested and if that still shows signs i night have antibiotics.

Yay its Friday again!! :happydance: bit tired today so hope works nit too bad!

How's my ladies? Sarah how you doin? Xxx

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