Baby Babblings

Glad your back Sarah and feeling a little better :) yay for fertility apt :happydance: i so so so hope the feeling crap is due to eggy snuggling in tight on the roght shelf! That'll be a good week, its the day after our 20wk! I think we're cooking a lil lady lol not so sure about simon, I said that we should stop saying she cause we might be a but dissappointed if we have a boy lol

ive read all your posts can't remember half of them! Soooooo thank you lol

We've got a cossato me mo,
Well worth the money :)

yes natt go see the docs hun!

We've got the pram, steriliser, 2gro-swaddled and a couple of gro-bags, Muslins, a couple of teddies, hats, mitts, a gorgeous knitted top and trousers from boots which I think could be coming home outfit :D 2 snowsuits, I love my mummy/daddy grows, cream grows, bibs, and I can't remember what else lol my mum and man have a stash too and so does my friend, I think we've git a years supple of johnsons products too cause she worked for boots and they were like 75p buy one get one free in the staff shop!

We've picked the bedding we want too lol oh and we've got the pram rattle in the Bering range :)

how are my ladies today? Xxx
Sarah - Oh definetly hun, as soon as we find out wether our little miracle is a he or a she, we are going on a shopping spree :haha:

I have some Iron tablets here but it says to talk with your doctor before taking them so I don't just want to take them. I will see how I feel on Monday hun and if there is no change, I will get my bum to the doctors :thumbup: xx

Laura - I will go to the doctors hun and get checked out if things don't change. Sounds like you have a nice collection of baby stuff already! :happydance: I forgot to mention that we have a steriliser aswell, was the first item we bought :winkwink: xx
Glad your back Sarah and feeling a little better :) yay for fertility apt :happydance: i so so so hope the feeling crap is due to eggy snuggling in tight on the roght shelf! That'll be a good week, its the day after our 20wk! I think we're cooking a lil lady lol not so sure about simon, I said that we should stop saying she cause we might be a but dissappointed if we have a boy lol

ive read all your posts can't remember half of them! Soooooo thank you lol

We've got a cossato me mo,
Well worth the money :)

yes natt go see the docs hun!

We've got the pram, steriliser, 2gro-swaddled and a couple of gro-bags, Muslins, a couple of teddies, hats, mitts, a gorgeous knitted top and trousers from boots which I think could be coming home outfit :D 2 snowsuits, I love my mummy/daddy grows, cream grows, bibs, and I can't remember what else lol my mum and man have a stash too and so does my friend, I think we've git a years supple of johnsons products too cause she worked for boots and they were like 75p buy one get one free in the staff shop!

We've picked the bedding we want too lol oh and we've got the pram rattle in the Bering range :)

how are my ladies today? Xxx

Noooo!!! Links not working!!! Cry cry cry!!!
Sarah - Oh definetly hun, as soon as we find out wether our little miracle is a he or a she, we are going on a shopping spree :haha:

I have some Iron tablets here but it says to talk with your doctor before taking them so I don't just want to take them. I will see how I feel on Monday hun and if there is no change, I will get my bum to the doctors :thumbup: xx

Laura - I will go to the doctors hun and get checked out if things don't change. Sounds like you have a nice collection of baby stuff already! :happydance: I forgot to mention that we have a steriliser aswell, was the first item we bought :winkwink: xx

Natt its a good idea to talk to the doctor before taking anything really when pregnant so I agree with not taking them till you know :)
Sarah - Very true hun, going to get myself booked in for some bloods doing to test my Iron I think. The bloods I had done last time, I haven't even heard any results from! Unless my Midwife tells me on Tuesday :shrug: xx

Laura - The pram you have chosen is lovely! :D xx
Bloods sound like a good idea Hun, she'll probs tell you Tuesday too :)

Thanks Hun I love it, soooo chuffed hehe :happydance:

I can't believe it's Sunday already! Don't wanna go to work tomorrow :(

Oh ladies there's a lovely baby clothes website I've found, stunning clothes :D check it out :)

Well my niece/nephew was due yesterday and so far no signs! I need newborn snuggles! Lol Natt are finding out the sex of YLM? we'd said no but im still undecided! I want to wait but want to know too! I even asked simon if we could find out but not tell anyone, he said no :( lol

I want to fast forward about 5months so I've not got long to wait lol

Need this cake to hurry up and cook so I can have a bath! Lol xx
Laura - Maybe my Midwife will tell me if there are any problems tomorrow? Like low Iron or Calcium defficiency etc?

You should be chuffed, it's lovely! :D

Aww hun, time is flying at the moment isn't it? Will be Christmas before we know it! :haha:

Come on Laura's Niece/Nephew, Laura wants to meet you and have snuggles! :D We are indeed finding out the sex hun, no way could I wait until I popped lol! Aww must be awful being in that situation, maybe nearer the time, Simon may want to find out? :winkwink: I wish we could fast forward the time too hun! Can't wait to meet OLM :yipee:

Ooo do we get to see pictures of your beautiful cake? :D xxx

Thank you for the link chick, I'll have a browse, I love looking at baby clothes :happydance:
Our Little Miracle at 15 weeks and 6 days :D


  • Bump2.jpg
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Awwwww YLM is getting bigger!! So love seeing these piccies :) MIGHT have another fully fledged babbler here soon...looky...


  • IMG_20120624_164709.jpg
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Awwwww YLM is getting bigger!! So love seeing these piccies :) MIGHT have another fully fledged babbler here soon...looky...

He/she sure is hun :happydance: Thank you hun, can't wait to see yours :winkwink:

Woohoo! Bring it on hun! Congratulations!!!! I wish you a Happy and healthy 9 months and beyond :yipee: :happydance: :yipee: :happydance: :D :dust: xxx
Awww thanks honey :D :hugs:

Im remaining cautios at this point though.

Couple of hours after the frer i went to the bathroom and discovered bleeding. Red blood, watery in nature sure...but still there. Discolours the paper when I wipe a tiny bit, and its defo there when i dig or look for it. But its not af level bleeding so im just hoping that its things snuggling deeper.

Yh if there's a problem in sure she'll tell you :)

I forgot to take a piccie :( it was cow print for my sil's birthday lol

Awww wow look at bump :) soooo cute :)

Omg omg omg wow Sarah :happydance: my fingers are sooooo tightly crossed! Will you test again? I hope the discharge stops asap! Might be an idea to ring your docs too :) awwwww wow congrats my lovely xxxx
Sarah - When was AF due chick? I had some spotting the day AF was due but that was all, I think it may just be bean snuggling in a bit more. Fingers crossed! :dust: xx

Laura - Aww, can't wait to see a picture of your cake hun, you make beautiful cakes! Thank you hun, Midwife tomorrow..let's hope she can find baby's heartbeat :shock: xx
AF is due thursday, but hit me today instead. Chemical it was it looks like. Waiting for blood results to confirm miscarriage, should know for definite on friday but its highly unlikely to be anything but a loss

AF is due thursday, but hit me today instead. Chemical it was it looks like. Waiting for blood results to confirm miscarriage, should know for definite on friday but its highly unlikely to be anything but a loss


:af: Stay away! :growlmad: Keeping everything crossed it's anything but a loss chick! :hugs: xxx
Oh hunni I so hope its not a loss and just heavy bleeding, some people suffer all the way through. Sending you all my hugs and thoughts xxx
14 weeks preggers today...YAY!

CRAZY UPDATE Re: Reason I've been away:

During the late afternoon on Friday, I was primping in front of my bathroom mirror (naked) when I felt a warm wet leaky feeling. I figured that I started to pee myself, so I went to the toilet to wipe up. When I wiped I found a good amount of bright red blood on the toilet paper and between my thighs. I decided to retrieve my phone from downstairs, call my husband and then my doctor, so that I could get checked out. I held the toilet paper to my girl parts and began to head downstairs. As I walked I could feel the toilet paper filling with blood, and I began to think that this was getting serious. I didn't get my husband on the first try, by the time I walk back upstairs I dialed him a second time with no answer. So I removed the toilet paper from where I was holding it and looked at how saturated it was, I was just deciding on the severity of the bleeding when I felt, heard, and saw a gush of streaming blood fall from my girl parts to the bathroom floor with a SPLAT! At that point I knew that I was hemoragging and that it was serious. I stood for microseconds in a pool of blood, my feet were covered, my thighs had long strikes from the rapid flow and my hands were covered in blood. I started dialing 911 emergency and layed on my bed, as I knew that the more I moved around the faster I would bleed out and die. I got really cold, shakey and clammy...the 911 operator stayed on the line with me until the ambulance came. I did make the executive decision to walk downstairs again to unlock my front door, as I didn't want them to do a forced entry and ruin our door (yeah, I guess I still thought of money while dying!) I wrapped myself in a blanket from my formal living room couch and waited. They got there, a nice lady got my some loose fitting pajamas from my room as I was naked! I was loaded onto a stretcher and wheeled away. My husband came home just as I was loaded on the stretcher, he was really scared and in shock I tried to calm him, and told him to follow behind us. he could see my bare feet covered in blood peeking out from my pants and he got even more nervous. in the ambulance my blood pressure went very high, and then very low before it evened out. I called my on-call emergency OB/GYN when we got to the Emergency Room, he agreed to meet me at the room I was assigned after he delivered a baby. Soon he came and said that I probably just have a cervical bleed...but after the exam and seeing the flow of blood, he said that it was coming from within my uterus. He did a super quick ultrasound transvaginally and there was baby kicking away and acting crazy with a good heartbeat! I was so relieved! I was diagnosed with a subchorianic hemorrage and sent home after a few hours with the expectation of continued bleeding. I was put on bedrest and pelvic rest. I went in yesterday and had another ultrasound to measure the blood clot, it's about 4 cm long. DH got to see baby squirming and stuff...too bad the little brat crossed its legs so we couldnt tell the sex, but if I had to guess I would say next appt with scan is on July 23rd, so we look forward to finding out the sex then.

Overall, it's been CRAZY. I am back at work today, but pelvic rest will continue on for another week or so...

I hope that you all are ok. I've got some post reading to catch up on!

Teenah - Omg! Hope you are ok hunni! What an awful experience! I'm really sorry to hear what you went through! So relieved that baby is ok though and kicking away with a nice healthy heartbeat. Hope the bleeding calms down soon :hugs: xx
Thanks girls. Hopefully ill be able to be back with you at some point. It was a short lived happy feeling, but atleast I was able to experience a few hours of hope and excitement.

Glad all is well Teenah.

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