Baby Babblings

Laura - I am so glad that your appt went well! I can't believe you have a 22 week appt scheduled already! OMG, you are totally flying through the weeks!

Natt - when is your next appt doll? Also, how is the new place? It's been a few weeks, are you still in love? Have you done any further decorating? Personally, I am so bad at decorating, not because I have bad taste, but because I am lazy! My husband immediately hangs pictures in new homes, I don' Weird.

My oldest sister is also pregnant as you know. She's about 25ish weeks, and concidered high-risk due to her age (30) and having a low progesterone in early pregnancy. Well, she had an ultrasound yesterday and they discovered that the baby has a heart condition called TGA - transposition of the greater arteries, which means that her aorta that should be on her right side is on her left side. It will require immediate open heart surgery the moment she is born. :( but the overwhelming majority of babies who get the surgery survive, but they might need more surgeries as they grow and they will forever have to see a cardiologist.

Ok ladies, so my hatred for work and all work things is at an all time high. People talk so much shit it's not even funny. From managers on down to the "little people." Ugh. It is so annoying. The great thing is I am super stuck-up and I am honestly uneffected by any shit talking about me, since I know how petty these country-f*$ks are...I just hate hearing people talk about others and then play the field between different people. It's so unhealthy and unprofessional.



Ok, so last night DH and I BD'd and we had to try all sorts of positions to figure it out, as my belly is slowly getting annoying! Anyhow, I ended up on top and things got EXTRA bouncey and forceful :winkwink: Well, after I felt just WIPED OUT, and I just felt guilty and worried that we hurt the baby, not with HIS MEMBER but by my fatass bouncing like a mad woman...It's embarassing but I am super worried right now...especially since I don't have my doppler (it's like crack to me hahaha). Anyhow, do tell me if you all get a little out of hand, and if you think it's ok, or not...Also, I spotted a bit of pinkish red after like two wipes...but I am sure that is from my tender cervix and nothing to do with the baby...
Thanks teenag, I can't believe how quickly its going!

So sorry to hear about your sister :-( at least she can prepare herself for her being taken straight to theatre and fixed up, fxed she'll be ok. Send her our wishes xx

haha isn't work fun! Not long and you'll be gone!

Teenah in sure everythings fine hun, tbh once a week is about our limit atm in soooo tired we just don't get chance :-( have you had any pains? And the spotting was a tiny a bit so don't worry :) xxx
Laura - I didn't sleep great hun, was a bit comfier though as I led on my tummy. I get really restless legs and it's awful! :( Did you hear anything about the house chick? Fingers crossed you don't have a urine infection! :hugs: xx

Teenah - Our next appointment is on 26th June hun, not long to go now :happydance: The new house is great thank you chick, absolutely loving it! We are getting there slowly but surely, getting essentials etc and little bits and bobs. We have hung a picture up but not done any painting yet, can't wait to decorate though! :thumbup: Really sorry to hear about your older sister hun, brought goosebumps to my arms reading that! Fingers crossed everything turns out ok for baby and family :hugs: xx
Have you tried having a bath or reading just before bed? Might relax you a bit more so you sleep better. Hope tonights better :)

still not heard about the house :( getting impatient now lol on the plus side....the pjshchairs here!!!!!! And we love love love it :) its gorgeous :happydance: wanted to bring it home but its better off at the shop so it stays clean and dust free, for now at least ;-) I might cave in lol

thanks hun, me too!

Might go and find a big babies R us tomorrow, they've big sales on! I've fell in love with a travel cot that's now £59.99, not sure how much use we"d get out of it tho, what do you think? Xxx
Laura - I have tried reading and having a bath before bed hun. It relaxes me for so long but when I actually try and sleep, I get restless. I have done some research on it and it says to go to bed only when ready to sleep, how is that possible?!? Lol! Thank you hun, me too! Went to a friends today with OH and MIL and they said I looked pale and think I'm anaemic, I think a trip to the doctor is in order, maybe it's because I'm not sleeping aswell? :(

Sorry to hear you still haven't heard anything about the house hun, fingers crossed you hear something soon! Yay for your pushchair finally arriving! :happydance: Omg you have more willpower than me lol! I just had to bring ours home! :D

That's not bad for a travel cot hun, I guess it depends how much you think you would use it? To me, it's pointless paying a lot of money for something you would only use once or twice etc :) xxx
Our Little Miracle's Heartbeat At 15 Weeks And 1 Day :D Uploaded it to youtube as the file was too big to upload straight to here :(

Honey thats so fantsatic!!!! What a lovely sound! xx
Sarah - I am in the WORST part of the United States right now due to my husband being military, and us relocating 2 years ago - I live in South Carolina...UGH...full of hillbillies and morons. DO NOT EVER COME HERE. I am originally from California, but moved to Colorado at 18 years old, and I still own a home there that I rented out once I married and moved. We hope to return back to the real world someday...WE HATE IT HERE. Only one year left in this hellhole, and then off to some other place, hopefully back out west. As for time flying...not fast enough! This is not a good time for me...I am only complaining bc it HURTS and I am tired of feeling ill...I hope that it does ease up since I just feel so badly. I tell the baby to be nice to mommy all of the time! As for American food, which items did you enjoy the most? Our recipes are super easy because we are a lazy culture, so if you want some pointers I can help! Also, I am half Mexican, so if you like Mexican food, I am your girl!

Natt - isn't it a wonderful sound!? So perfect! I am glad that you are enjoying your doppler!

Laura - feeling any better doll?


12+5 weeks preggers. Overall feeling: UGH!
About 30 mins ago and band of slight burning/hurtiness started in my lower abdomen, like exactly where my uterus is, it's fine now - actually just started feeling better within the last 3 mins. If it continues I might go to the doctor, it's a new feeling, and it does cause discomfort...anybody else experience this? Hmmm...

Awww hun :(

Im a few days behind and working my way through the posts but I hope that youre feeling better now and things settle down :( Think about how things will be better soon...everyone preggo keeps telling me 2nd tri is fantastic times and youre going to be there soon enough! I think it must be awful though when youre feeling so crappy but much you cant take!!

Ohh well..the burgers and the steaks were amazing...and chilli cheese dogs!! To be honest, I was a bit neglected on the proper american food because my fiance at the time was korean american so i ate a lot of their native food :p

OOOOO mexican...I LOVE mexican!!!! Any hints on something super lovely I can make for my fella thats a bit more beyond enchiladas and tacos? I think hes getting bored :p xxx
Teenah - It's such an amazing sound! So soothing to listen to. Might try and listen again before sleep, might help me doze off knowing our little miracle is nice and snug! I have experienced the burning sensation in my lower abdomen, I think it's just things stretching hun, it will pass soon :hugs: xx

Sounds like stretching to me too Teenah. All those ligaments need to make space for growing bits and pieces! x
Thanks Sarah, I drank 3 litrs yesterday and spent the whole evening outside at the cricket which helped loads! So we'll see how today goes!

Its so lovely to feel LO mind you I only had a couple of movements yesterday, nothing like ut has been so as soon as we got home last night the Doppler came out, just a shame jellybean was in hiding! Only got a couple of little listens but much better than nothing!

Aww natt that's lovley :) so glad you got a good listen :)

thanks :) can't believe in 17wks already! Almost half way there! Midwife tomorrow too :)

Teenah I hope you feel. Etter soon hun, like natt said in sure its just all the stretching going on xxx

Good..keep up that drinking lady!!!

Bless...soon baby wont be able to hide hell be all squished up!
Thanks hun I can't believe it! I hope the midwife can find jellybean! Lol

Bet you can't wait? I'm might see if my mum can come with me tomorrow cause Simons gotta work :-( hate him not being able to come with me.

I tend to find that if I listen to jb just after work or before about 7/8 she's easy to find but after that I really struggle!

think she rolled over earlier too! Made mw pause for a second lol

How are we today? Xxx

Ohhhh youre saying She a feeling it might be a little princess youre cooking? xx
Laura - It's good when you know where to look hehe, then you are not looking around for ages and panicking.

Oh dear, some days I don't think they wriggle as much as other days, especially when they get bigger! Can't wait to feel a kick! :D On my instructions it says to only listen for no more than 4 minutes and only use it 3-4 days apart :( I used it on Tuesday and used it today :shock:

Yay for your mum coming today, yeah I know what you mean hun :(

I'm not sure what's stopping me from sleeping hun, possibly hormones or I'm scared of squashing bump as I can only get comfy on my tummy :(

Sorry to hear about work hun, not long to go though :D xx

Thats weird...woulda thought it was one of those things that didnt matter how often you used it...did it give any reason?

Hope you get better sleep soon hun :( x
Hey guys,

I hope you are all well.

Laura - yay for an appt! Mine is on the 27th. I hope I get a scan, as I wanna see my baby!

Natt - I am so glad that you are enjoying ur doppler! It's really a great way to connect with your pregnancy...I really miss mine! LoL.


13 weeks complete today! Starting my 14th week of being preggers! Yay!

Still feeling horrid. Full of burps, having reflux from hell...ugh.

Happy 14wks!!
Natt I always sleep on my tummy, your fine until babys bigger :)

As for the Doppler, midwife just told us there's no harm using it as often as you like so honestly don't worry :)

She also said it could be 20wks before I get regular movements which makes me feel better too.

Cnt wait to get out of that place! Lol

Yay for 14wks teenah :happydance: it should start to ease off soon, hopefully! Try drinking warm/hot drinks, might help :) I ate a full pack of cherry tomoatos Tuesday evening! Odd craving! Lol

Everything went well with midwife, she's really lovely too :) next midwife apt is at 22wks so not long!

Oh and with the house, we're the only offer you going in atm so fxed we get it :) xxx

Good luck with the house!!! Glad all went well too chick :) x
Thanks chick, how did you sleep?

Hoping we hear about the house today!

I was like that at first lol tbf we don't use it that much now, midwife got a different sound when she listened so might try finding that next time lol

They said I might have a mild urine infection still do sent a 3rd sample off to be tested and if that still shows signs i night have antibiotics.

Yay its Friday again!! :happydance: bit tired today so hope works nit too bad!

How's my ladies? Sarah how you doin? Xxx

Im okish! Ive been a bit sick also. Im hoping and praying that the cold symptoms i ahd were the type that lots of women said they had around implantation lol. wishful thinking I know but a girls gotta hope!

Im also my fertility specialist letter through today. Was expecting a 6month wait and my appointment is 11th July...get in!! Nervous now :p

BOOOO to the urine infection. Good that they are checking into it though..dont want to be dealing with one of those when preggo! xx
Laura - I am so glad that your appt went well! I can't believe you have a 22 week appt scheduled already! OMG, you are totally flying through the weeks!

Natt - when is your next appt doll? Also, how is the new place? It's been a few weeks, are you still in love? Have you done any further decorating? Personally, I am so bad at decorating, not because I have bad taste, but because I am lazy! My husband immediately hangs pictures in new homes, I don' Weird.

My oldest sister is also pregnant as you know. She's about 25ish weeks, and concidered high-risk due to her age (30) and having a low progesterone in early pregnancy. Well, she had an ultrasound yesterday and they discovered that the baby has a heart condition called TGA - transposition of the greater arteries, which means that her aorta that should be on her right side is on her left side. It will require immediate open heart surgery the moment she is born. :( but the overwhelming majority of babies who get the surgery survive, but they might need more surgeries as they grow and they will forever have to see a cardiologist.

Ok ladies, so my hatred for work and all work things is at an all time high. People talk so much shit it's not even funny. From managers on down to the "little people." Ugh. It is so annoying. The great thing is I am super stuck-up and I am honestly uneffected by any shit talking about me, since I know how petty these country-f*$ks are...I just hate hearing people talk about others and then play the field between different people. It's so unhealthy and unprofessional.



Ok, so last night DH and I BD'd and we had to try all sorts of positions to figure it out, as my belly is slowly getting annoying! Anyhow, I ended up on top and things got EXTRA bouncey and forceful :winkwink: Well, after I felt just WIPED OUT, and I just felt guilty and worried that we hurt the baby, not with HIS MEMBER but by my fatass bouncing like a mad woman...It's embarassing but I am super worried right now...especially since I don't have my doppler (it's like crack to me hahaha). Anyhow, do tell me if you all get a little out of hand, and if you think it's ok, or not...Also, I spotted a bit of pinkish red after like two wipes...but I am sure that is from my tender cervix and nothing to do with the baby...

Thats normal honey. In pregnancy the cervix is engorged with blood and so any bed dancing can cause a little spotting. I wouldnt worry about it at all! need to is safe for a long time yet so his member or your bum doing the jiggy jive "on" his member wont cause any damage either chicken! The only thing you need to worry about is not whacking your cervix when its sore...that shit can make you jump!

Enjoy the bed dancing...youre gunna miss it when youre banned for a while post delivery!! :p

I hate that kinda environment too. Nothing worse than bitchyness and all that. ITs so uncalled for. Atleat you can just ignore it though chick thats the good thing. Plus youll be on maternity soon enough and after that you might be back west! yay!
Laura - I am so glad that your appt went well! I can't believe you have a 22 week appt scheduled already! OMG, you are totally flying through the weeks!

Natt - when is your next appt doll? Also, how is the new place? It's been a few weeks, are you still in love? Have you done any further decorating? Personally, I am so bad at decorating, not because I have bad taste, but because I am lazy! My husband immediately hangs pictures in new homes, I don' Weird.

My oldest sister is also pregnant as you know. She's about 25ish weeks, and concidered high-risk due to her age (30) and having a low progesterone in early pregnancy. Well, she had an ultrasound yesterday and they discovered that the baby has a heart condition called TGA - transposition of the greater arteries, which means that her aorta that should be on her right side is on her left side. It will require immediate open heart surgery the moment she is born. :( but the overwhelming majority of babies who get the surgery survive, but they might need more surgeries as they grow and they will forever have to see a cardiologist.

Ok ladies, so my hatred for work and all work things is at an all time high. People talk so much shit it's not even funny. From managers on down to the "little people." Ugh. It is so annoying. The great thing is I am super stuck-up and I am honestly uneffected by any shit talking about me, since I know how petty these country-f*$ks are...I just hate hearing people talk about others and then play the field between different people. It's so unhealthy and unprofessional.



Ok, so last night DH and I BD'd and we had to try all sorts of positions to figure it out, as my belly is slowly getting annoying! Anyhow, I ended up on top and things got EXTRA bouncey and forceful :winkwink: Well, after I felt just WIPED OUT, and I just felt guilty and worried that we hurt the baby, not with HIS MEMBER but by my fatass bouncing like a mad woman...It's embarassing but I am super worried right now...especially since I don't have my doppler (it's like crack to me hahaha). Anyhow, do tell me if you all get a little out of hand, and if you think it's ok, or not...Also, I spotted a bit of pinkish red after like two wipes...but I am sure that is from my tender cervix and nothing to do with the baby...

Oh shite forgot to finish, im such an idiot atm lol :doh:

Thats really sad about your sisters little bundle :( The good thing though is that its been picked up early so it can be handled, and that its also something that can be fixed. That baby will get such good care when its sure everything will be fine :) Keep us updated though! x
Laura - I didn't sleep great hun, was a bit comfier though as I led on my tummy. I get really restless legs and it's awful! :( Did you hear anything about the house chick? Fingers crossed you don't have a urine infection! :hugs: xx

Teenah - Our next appointment is on 26th June hun, not long to go now :happydance: The new house is great thank you chick, absolutely loving it! We are getting there slowly but surely, getting essentials etc and little bits and bobs. We have hung a picture up but not done any painting yet, can't wait to decorate though! :thumbup: Really sorry to hear about your older sister hun, brought goosebumps to my arms reading that! Fingers crossed everything turns out ok for baby and family :hugs: xx much bloody changes...last time I take a break!! I go and come back and youve managed to go and move on me!! Congrats on the new place! Remember we want pics of baby buys...that goes for all of you...I wanna see your babies stuffs!!! x
Have you tried having a bath or reading just before bed? Might relax you a bit more so you sleep better. Hope tonights better :)

still not heard about the house :( getting impatient now lol on the plus side....the pjshchairs here!!!!!! And we love love love it :) its gorgeous :happydance: wanted to bring it home but its better off at the shop so it stays clean and dust free, for now at least ;-) I might cave in lol

thanks hun, me too!

Might go and find a big babies R us tomorrow, they've big sales on! I've fell in love with a travel cot that's now £59.99, not sure how much use we"d get out of it tho, what do you think? Xxx

I had a mate who used that instead of a standard one. She had it in her bedroom and then just moved it in the nursery. Tbh, think thats not a bad idea!

Wanna see the pushchair!!! Show which one u picked! yes im nosey lol :p x
Sarah - Thank you hunni. It's amazing to just lie there and listen to our little Miracle. It's the best sound ever and it's so soothing! It doesn't give any reason as to why it suggested you only use it every 3/4 days, maybe then baby doesn't get too stressed out? Thank you hun, I hope I get some sleep soon too! My MIL and her friend said I looked really pale today and thinks I may be anaemic! I went really light headed all of a sudden and needed something to eat otherwise I think I would have collapsed! :shock: Aww sorry I moved and you didn't know about it hun, we moved on 1st June. Thank you chick, we absolutely love our new house! We haven't really bought much for baby yet as we can't find much neutral things. We have a Silver Cross pram, a starter kit which has 2 baby gro's, 2 vests, 2 pairs of scratch mittens and a little hat. We have some newborn booties and matching scratch mittens which my sister in law bought for bump-a-lump and we have a snowsuit and some bibs :D xx
Awww sounds like the start of a lovely stash to me! Theres still plenty of time tho! :D

Chick sounds like you might be. Plus baby is on a spurt too and s taking a lot of your energy. Make sure you drink loads and eat regularly and if youre still feeling a bit lightheaded on monday go see the doc please! x

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