Baby Babblings

Yh the 28wk one is fastin :( having the day off work for that one!

Thank you hunni :happydance: sooooo excited :) bought some blue grows and burping cloths already lol that's how I'll tell my folks, show them to them and see what that say before telling them :) then we're going shopping when Simons home and gonna do the same with his folks :)

When's your scan? Xxx

I don't blame you hun, I have heard that it can make you :sick: or even pass out because of the sugar rush!

You're more than welcome chick, I bet you are! :D Awwww bless, that's a good idea hehe. That's exactly my plan, as soon as we find out wether he or she, we are going pink or blue shopping :happydance:

My scan is on 24th July hun, not long now :yipee: xxx
yh they tell you to take food with you for after the second lot of bloods. the good thing is i dont always have breakfast so hopefully it wont be too bad.

theres so much stuff i wanna buy now :haha: been looking at blue nursery interiors already lol

only 2 weeks away then :) it'll fly by :) the only thing with nhs scans is you only get one pic whereas if you go private you get several :(

im thinking depending on what monies like later on i might book a private for around 32weeks or so, got the 4D at 24 weeks but think i'll still want another peek lol xxx
yh they tell you to take food with you for after the second lot of bloods. the good thing is i dont always have breakfast so hopefully it wont be too bad.

theres so much stuff i wanna buy now :haha: been looking at blue nursery interiors already lol

only 2 weeks away then :) it'll fly by :) the only thing with nhs scans is you only get one pic whereas if you go private you get several :(

im thinking depending on what monies like later on i might book a private for around 32weeks or so, got the 4D at 24 weeks but think i'll still want another peek lol xxx

They didn't tell me to take food for afterwards, I'll make sure I do though, thank you for that tip hehe. I always have breakfast and I am always starving in a morning, oh dear lol!

I don't blame you hun, I would be exactly the same when we find out what we are having, I say go for it chick :D

I hope it flies by hun, seriously can't wait now! Do you not get more pictures if you pay for more or do you get one free one?

We are looking into a 4D scan aswell, you want everything for your 1st baby don't you? Such a special time! :happydance: You can book a position scan later on can't you? xxx
haha def take something with you, even if its just crisps or a sandwich, you'll need something!

we only got 3 copies of the same pic :( had to pay for them all too, didnt get any free, expensive at £5 a pop! be cheaper to go private :haha:

oh yh lol i think i'd like the reasurrance more than anything, seem to get so much at the start then nothing after 20wks, not scan wise anyway! im not sure what type of scan it would be, gonna see what this place is like where going at the end of the month, the 28th actually so only 18days away!! 22 wks then not 24 lol xxx
haha def take something with you, even if its just crisps or a sandwich, you'll need something!

we only got 3 copies of the same pic :( had to pay for them all too, didnt get any free, expensive at £5 a pop! be cheaper to go private :haha:

oh yh lol i think i'd like the reasurrance more than anything, seem to get so much at the start then nothing after 20wks, not scan wise anyway! im not sure what type of scan it would be, gonna see what this place is like where going at the end of the month, the 28th actually so only 18days away!! 22 wks then not 24 lol xxx

Noted :haha: I'll make sure I take something for afterwards :)

Omg..that is expensive..would have thought they would have given you different pictures at least :(

That's true, do you get anymore scans after your 20 week scan or do you have to go private if you want anymore?

Ooo 18 days! Woohoo! :happydance: xxx
Yep tis expensive, but worth it :)

We don't get anymore after 20wk :( which is why im thinking private last peek at our lil man :)

Can't wait to see what he looks like :) :) :) xxx
LAURA!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG! A BABY BOY!!!! Eeeeeeeeeee! BOY were we WRONG! LoL. I was certain you were having a princess, but I am MORE than happy at the news of being wrong! Eeeeee! So cute! Esp. since Stacey just had a girl and now you'll have a boy in the fam to balance it out. WOW! I'll know which team I am on on July 23rd! DH can't go to scan, but it's ok.

P.S. Bump PIC time!

So...that's me...HUGE at 1 day away from being 5 months! I start my 17th week tomorrow!


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Haha thanks teeneh :) its still sinking in that we're getting a dude lol waiting for Simon to get home so we can go shopping :happydance:

Aww not long to go Hun! I'm glad to see you back, was getting worried as when your not on for a few days I worry something happened :blush: check out your bump! Mines sooooooo saggy in comparison lol I shall piccie up tomorrow!

Well my boss has had me in tears AGAIN today and that's only from being on the phone!!!! So tonight, after retail therapy we're gonna look at what our options are see what we can do, cut down the amount of time I'm gonna be at work all together, I can't have her stressing me out and upsetting me, I'm sure my lil man doesn't appreciate it as he's kicked like mad since I got upset, maybe he's saying 'hey mommy, we're the important ons do what's right for us' or maybe he wants to beat her up for upsetting mommy lol

colds gone onto my chest now and I'm loosing my voice! Things are great just now! Lol xxx
Ahh...Laura, I'm sorry to hear that your boss is so rude! Retail tx and then a talk about your options seems like a good place to start!

I'm in a crazy work situation myself - I applied for a higher paying job in a Department that I dont want to work for, but I am 99% sure I got the job, they actually cancelled my interview, and said that they'd be in touch (I'm flattered that I didn't even have to interview, as it says I am as good as I'd like to think, lol) but I seriously DO NOT want to work for this department or the people...but it's more money, and I need more money for our little baby on the way...Ugh...

I'm sorry i've been MIA - I have just been busy and ill feeling, as always. I think it's easing up a bit I have felt ok. :) I've even started eating a bit that's good...

Also, YOU NEED TO REST LAURA! Like NOW! Cold's are not good.
We've decided for me to go on the sick until next Friday when im off for 2wks anyway then and go on maternity leave as soon as I can.

Aww hun its so horrible hating work :( nothing worse! Thing is with me im obviously not as strong a person as I and others think, but now monies not important to us, mine and our lil man's health are :)

I'm just glad everything ok hun and your feeling better and eating more :)

I shall get plenty of rest hun, I'll make sure of it :) xxx
Laura - Shame that we don't get to see our little ones after our 20 week scan unless we go private :( Oh well, they are worth every penny of private scans hehe! Hope your cold goes soon chick and you don't lose your voice! That's awful! :hugs: Sorry to hear your boss is still being an idiot hun, I think the sooner you go on maternity leave, the better! xxx

Teenah - Lovely bump hun :D You have your gender scan the day before me! Jealous! :) xxx
I always thought we had another scan at 32wks but we don't :( private it is lol

I'm annoyed with my mil over it all too, my mum and nab have both said to forget about money and do what's best for me and blue but mil turned round and said this could be our only chance to get a mortgage?!?! Wtf is she on about?! Really peed me off yesterday, its only because she doesn't want us still living with my folks when he's here cause she thinks she'll be missing out! The fact that my parents work full time unlike her means they won't be around until the evenings anyway. I hate that she's being selfish and nit thinking bout me and blue :( and we're going round for dinner tonight! Eugh :(

I kinda hope we're nit back from my mums graduation till late and its too late to go round lol

Anyways.....still feeling crap but got some gorgeous stuff lil man last night and my dad bought him a gorgeous cream knitted cardigan (just like Simons) and a dubgaree set too :) uber cute :) xxx
I always thought we had another scan at 32wks but we don't :( private it is lol

I'm annoyed with my mil over it all too, my mum and nab have both said to forget about money and do what's best for me and blue but mil turned round and said this could be our only chance to get a mortgage?!?! Wtf is she on about?! Really peed me off yesterday, its only because she doesn't want us still living with my folks when he's here cause she thinks she'll be missing out! The fact that my parents work full time unlike her means they won't be around until the evenings anyway. I hate that she's being selfish and nit thinking bout me and blue :( and we're going round for dinner tonight! Eugh :(

I kinda hope we're nit back from my mums graduation till late and its too late to go round lol

Anyways.....still feeling crap but got some gorgeous stuff lil man last night and my dad bought him a gorgeous cream knitted cardigan (just like Simons) and a dubgaree set too :) uber cute :) xxx

I always thought they gave you a scan later on aswell to make sure baby was head down guess I was wrong. Oh well, they are worth the private scans hehe :)

Omg..why is your MIL being like that? :wacko: It doesn't matter where you are living once he arrives, as long as you have a roof over your head and food and somewhere to sleep etc, if she wants to see you and baby then she will have to travel to see them. I hate selfish people! :growlmad:

Fingers crossed you get home from your mums graduation late :haha:

Sorry to hear you are still feeling like crap hun, hope you feel better soon :hugs: Aww bless, like father like son :D xxx
Your so right hun! Its not like she'd never see him, probably see him more as the house we're looking at buying is 15min drive away and my mums is like 5mins! She's so irritating! We're going to look at a wedding venue Sunday and were gonna take both our mums but we've not even asked her yet, well I haven't anyways lol

We didn't come out the ceremony til half 4 and were calling at the pub on our way home so I got out of it :haha: was nice thought cause we'd just got home and I git straight into bed at 7:45, text Simon and he was home 5mins later so I actually spent more time with him in the hour we saw each other than normal, we don't normally get home til gone 9, sometimes 10!

Def like father like son :D off to docs again this morning, hopefully get a sick note and my results for glucose test if they're back.

This is really odd but for the last week or so my feet are really itchy, I even wake up scratching hell out of them, there's like a small rash in places and bites in others, pharmacist gave me aqueous and calamine cream which did naff all! I'm wondering if a fish pedicure would help cause of them improving circulation to your feet, not sure if I can have one whilst pregnant tho, I shall google! Xx
Your so right hun! Its not like she'd never see him, probably see him more as the house we're looking at buying is 15min drive away and my mums is like 5mins! She's so irritating! We're going to look at a wedding venue Sunday and were gonna take both our mums but we've not even asked her yet, well I haven't anyways lol

We didn't come out the ceremony til half 4 and were calling at the pub on our way home so I got out of it :haha: was nice thought cause we'd just got home and I git straight into bed at 7:45, text Simon and he was home 5mins later so I actually spent more time with him in the hour we saw each other than normal, we don't normally get home til gone 9, sometimes 10!

Def like father like son :D off to docs again this morning, hopefully get a sick note and my results for glucose test if they're back.

This is really odd but for the last week or so my feet are really itchy, I even wake up scratching hell out of them, there's like a small rash in places and bites in others, pharmacist gave me aqueous and calamine cream which did naff all! I'm wondering if a fish pedicure would help cause of them improving circulation to your feet, not sure if I can have one whilst pregnant tho, I shall google! Xx

Exactly hun, she needs to take a step back and grow up lol! I'm sure if she carries on the way she is, she will just push you further and further away anyway and then you probably won't want her to see baby at all. Her loss :winkwink: Ooo wedding venue's hey? Hope you have a lovely time chick :hugs:

Yay for getting out of it :haha: That's nice that you got to spend some quality time with Simon, nothing better hehe :D

Hope everything goes well at the Doctors hun and oh dear, that sounds sore and irritating! Maybe you should ask your Doctor for any diagnosis or treatment for your feet? xxx
Awwww natt the heart beat was well stron. :D x x x

Awww teenah loving bump pic. :D x x x

Natt and laura wanna see new bump pic's soon :d x x x
Awwww natt the heart beat was well stron. :D x x x

Awww teenah loving bump pic. :D x x x

Natt and laura wanna see new bump pic's soon :d x x x

Hehe thank you hun, got to listen to the heartbeat for a good few minutes the other morning, it's amazing! :D

I'll do a bump pic on Monday when I'm 19 weeks :happydance: xxx
Your so right hun! Its not like she'd never see him, probably see him more as the house we're looking at buying is 15min drive away and my mums is like 5mins! She's so irritating! We're going to look at a wedding venue Sunday and were gonna take both our mums but we've not even asked her yet, well I haven't anyways lol

We didn't come out the ceremony til half 4 and were calling at the pub on our way home so I got out of it :haha: was nice thought cause we'd just got home and I git straight into bed at 7:45, text Simon and he was home 5mins later so I actually spent more time with him in the hour we saw each other than normal, we don't normally get home til gone 9, sometimes 10!

Def like father like son :D off to docs again this morning, hopefully get a sick note and my results for glucose test if they're back.

This is really odd but for the last week or so my feet are really itchy, I even wake up scratching hell out of them, there's like a small rash in places and bites in others, pharmacist gave me aqueous and calamine cream which did naff all! I'm wondering if a fish pedicure would help cause of them improving circulation to your feet, not sure if I can have one whilst pregnant tho, I shall google! Xx

Exactly hun, she needs to take a step back and grow up lol! I'm sure if she carries on the way she is, she will just push you further and further away anyway and then you probably won't want her to see baby at all. Her loss :winkwink: Ooo wedding venue's hey? Hope you have a lovely time chick :hugs:

Yay for getting out of it :haha: That's nice that you got to spend some quality time with Simon, nothing better hehe :D

Hope everything goes well at the Doctors hun and oh dear, that sounds sore and irritating! Maybe you should ask your Doctor for any diagnosis or treatment for your feet? xxx

She really does! But I chose Simon so gotta put up with his folks lol is it bad that I kinda want to stop at home in one way, I don't know why, maybe it's cause I'm comfy here or the realisation of us not getting a house in time is sinking in, maybe it's cause I want to start nesting. Who knows lol

I just wish I wasn't so tired and sleeping all the time, he's popped into tOwn this morning, I don't what for tho, my head was hurting too much to be bothered with asking lol diazepam are kicking in now tho!

Doc was amazing! Signed me off for 2wks which is such a relief, the second week I should be on holiday tho so I'm not sure what that will mean with pay but I'll get an extra weeks holiday either way which is good :) I've never known my nose to produce so much snott as it does ATM :haha: forgot to ask about my feet :blush:

Got some Elsie cuddles for the first time in a wek cause of my cold yesterday, boy have I missed them! Was holding her, staring down at her thinking I'm getting a blue one soon :happydance: I want to surround myself with baby things even more now lol

As for a bump pic jess......20wks 3days xxx
Oh and Simon got to feel baby blue kick on Wednesday :happydance:
awww girlie's how cute. x

Laura your defo getting bigger :D Is baby going to be called BLUE :D awww bet he loved that x x x

natt how nice. Do you listen alot? x x x

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