Baby Babblings

Laura - Woohoo!!!! Happy 27 weeks chick and happy 3rd Tri :happydance: :yipee: Glad to hear things are finally moving forward with the house too :D xxx

Sarah - Hope you get your results soon and yay for test line being almost as dark as the control line :happydance: xxx

Teenah - Thank you for your advice hun, wow, you have big boobies :winkwink: I plucked up the courage to get measured by a professional today and I am a size 42F! :shock: xxx

Had our 25 week Midwife appointment today, apart from waiting an hour and a half to be seen, as everyone's times had been messed up, Tyler is measuring as he should, well, my bump is..measuring at 26cms, he had a nice strong heartbeat at 146BPM, my pulse was 68BPM, my blood pressure was 110 over 70 which was good and I also have to have the Flu Vaccination as I'm classed as high risk :(

*EDIT* Forgot to mention, we also got given our MATB1 form :D

Fantastic hun!! Well done on being a good incubator! :thumbup:

When is the first midwife appointment anyway?

F cup eh! Lots of bouncy babbalies around here! xx
Quick question:

Should I wash all of my baby clothes now or closer to the birth? I have the intense urge to wash and organize all of the babies clothes and stuff...

IF its an needs to be scratched!

You can always do it again before labour :) x
Natt they won't start measuring me until after my glucose test, I'll be about 29wks at the appointment :( I wanted them to start sooner but they won't :( I think they offer the flu jab to all pregnant women now, I'll ask for it if they don't mention it, especially cause of when lil mans due, he's gonna get it to some extent too which is good :) the vaccine that is lol

Teenah if you wanna wash them now go ahead :) I'm sure you'll want to wash them again closer to the time! I'll wash all the smaller things about 35/36wks and gradually work my way through then I guess, if I go over I can always wash them again :) same with the bedding, I'll wash it when we do the nursery then ask my mum to wash it again while I'm in hospital to freshen it up :D eeeek it's all exciting :) xxx

Yep I asked when I went for my flu jab if it was safe when ttc and they told me that its now standard for all prego women to get it so yes :) x
That's good then hun, so nice to see you relaxing about your pregnancy :) and woohoo for nausea lol its things like that which make it all the more real!

Woke up this morning glad that I don't have to be doing this when the weather turns all cold and horrible! I can stay in bed all cosy and warm :happydance:

Even put a winter oh top on last night! Mind you its the one I bought when we went to western supermare, a mens XL and was massive on me then, now its not so big and even a tad snug over bump! I thought this would see me through till he's here, not so sure now lol xxx
LOL hes gunna have a growth splurt too now right? :D

God laura you were up early today!!

I know what you mean though...its been bloody freezing here hasnt it since yesterday! Im looking at the window right now and feeling emo about the prospect of going for my bloods...I really dont want to go outside!!

When is the first midwife appointment thede days anyway?

I tell yah..I was shocked. I asked a mate of mine how long they keep you in these days after you give birth and she said all going smooth...three hours. THREE HOURS?! I thought they still kept you in over night atleast lol!!
Only up cause of work lol

I'm boiling now! Then cold....then hot lol

I had my booking ATP at 6wks then scan at 9 as they thought i was 12wks, so had another scan at 12wks then midwife at 16 and also doctors at the hospital at 16wks due to my raised bmi.

Hmm its still overnight here, was it her second? 3hours isn't ling enough to get cleaned up! Lol xxx
Its her first. Apparently if you give birth early enough in the day you -can- leave after the three hours. Though if theres space you can stay overnight apparently.

Just had my second bloods done..what a joke. Im difficult with veins and took 8 attempts before jackpot. My poor left arm is looking very bruised and battered lol.

She spoke to the ladies in the reception about me needing a scan and shes getting the doctor to make my referral to EPU really quickly so they can hopefully see me before holiday time. Be nice to have a day that I will know whether all is ok :)

I think my sense of smell is starting to sharpen. Matt smokes and its never bothered me before (as i smoked once), but in the doctors surgery it was driving me nutty lol.

Fun times!

Hows my ladies and their bumps today? x
Blimy not heard of that before!

ooo yay for bloods and epu ref! When will you get the results?

Haha its strange isn't it the things it affects! I'm always moaning at Simon for smoking lol

We're fine thanks :D I really want another 4D scan! Emailed the company we had it through this morning to get prices for what we want! Will be £89!! Think I need to sweet talk Simon into paying :haha: I really wanna know how big he is, what he weighs, and see what he looks like now! Thinking we might get it done when I finish work at 32wks, if he'll let me lol xxx
Im betting he will :D

Just had the doctor call :D Im getting my first scan next week, Friday at 10. Its early and they say they might not be able to see too much but atleast im hoping for a sack!

Ill be 5+4. xx
I hope he does lol

Wow that fantastic news hunni :) eeeeek only a week to wait!!! Will they do an internal if they can't see much? How you feeling about it? Xxx
Yep I already know its internal because they need to check my ovaries too :)

Im feeling nervous, but ok about it. I just want this part over and done with lol.

How u doing? x
That's ok then, at least you know what your getting lol I've got a feeling it'll be twins, dunno why just do! Twin boys at that! Lol

Aww I bet you do, must be so nervewrecking!

I'm ok ta, just tired, always bloody tired lol xxx
The joys of third trimester eh? :D

LOL...i hope its not twins cos if it beta levels are WAY too low lol!!!

I got the results on my hsg btw. I was right there are problems with my right tube. Its thickened and scarred probably from the ectopic. But seems that there was some dye that made it through atleast.
Oh yes lol

Maybe not twins then lol

Then its perfect that you caught this month! I reckon its cause you've relaxed slightly knowing that things are being done to help you guys out. Lets hope that eggy was from the left and made it all the way through. That might be a dafy thing to say as I don't know if the spermies would get to it or not lol either way you is preggers and this ones gonna be on the right self :D can't wait for your scan to back us all up :) xxx
I think with my right being slighly reduced, i have a higher risk of ectopic if i have a right sided ovulation.

To be fair though 95% of the cramping and pains ive had have been on the left side :)

It will be nice to atleast have peace of mind. We had to have several scans done with the first pregnancy and i still remember the devestation and tears on matts face when we found out for sure. I hope this time its tears of joy. I do feel differently though. Got to be a good sign!

Im so depressed about googling what we can and cant eat. Its going to make me cry isnt it? :p
Lmao ignore most of the dos and don't! I do lol I've had to eat what I want when and want else its not good!

I'm hoping so badly that its not ectopic and it is indeed tears of joy on matts face! I'll make sure I check in about 11 to see what the results are! Mind you my boss might not be in that day so fingers crossed I can check in whenever I like lol and feeling different is def a good sign hun xxx
And..i was not prepared for how tired id hell.

Laura cant believe youve only got 90 days left!
Laura - You simply MUST hurry and get a new 4 D scan - and that goes for Natt too, because Dionna is going to need to see some headshots to choose between which boy she'll be dating first! LoL. Plus, now that Sarah's all preggy and stuff, it might be a stiff competition if she has a girl! Dionna has dibs on those cute little potential suiters! LMFAO!

Sarah - I am so happy to read your updates, as I remember my first weeks - and they are very special, yet aweful! LoL. Remember that if you are a bit chubby (I dunno if you are) that you need to take 800 mcg or mg (cant remember) of Folic acid, as it takes more for chubby girls like me. Also, YOU AND I ARE TWINS when it comes to taking bloods whilst preggers! Dude, EVERYTIME since becoming pregant I have to get stuck a million times! And I am not even dehydrated! I am Ms. Water-Only drinker!

As for me:

Last night was MAJOR in two ways.

1 - Dionna decided to show-off her big girl moves and move in ways I have NEVER felt. Very good rolls, and wiggles! So sweet! I felt a few from the outside and saw a tiny bit too!

2 - suffered ALL evening and ALL night with a very odd pain. It was the size of my open hand to the left side of my belly button - like if you lay your hand on the left side of your belly button with most of your palm sorta higher than belly button level...My tummy on that side was REALLY HARD and I felt aching and deep pain there. It wasn't the ligaments, it was MY UTERUS...I don't know if it was the baby all balled up, but it was literally painful. I woke up as always to pee numerous times, I tried laying mostly on my left side, at one point I got on my hands and knees and started doing a yoga move i learned in my birthing class that promotes the baby to lay in an optimal position. It didn't seem to help - next I got a ton of BioOil and layed sitting up against pillows in bed and massaged my belly...a bit firmly, only because it was so hard on that side...I don't know if it helped, but eventually at 4 am I fell to sleep for an hour or so before having to wake up...when I woke up...then pain was GONE. So effing weird...any similar experiences?

What was it? It really HURT!

P.S. Dionna is dancing again! She's really strong now!

P.P.S. I am 23 weeks today! 6 months preggers!
Get yourself all snuggled up lady!

Haha it only gets worse lol

Lol teenah, its be at around 32wks when we get it done, last one was only 5weeks ago! Yau for big movements and 23wks weeks! Hmm the pain...i would say its baby! I've started getting pressure under my right ribs which is bugs cause when I press hard there he moves and kicks me lol if you get it again maybe ask at your next apt.

I've started getting pressure in different places at diff times, and I know this is baby blue and where he's at, its a weird feeling cause its not kicks at all, its like he's surfacing lol had it quite a bit recently, I get the pressure and then movements to go with it then the kicks stop and so does the pressure.

Also with the scan im leaving booking one cause IF I do have GD, which I doubt I might get another scan on the NHS so would book it so its not the same time/week. Xxx

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