Baby Babblings

Sarah - I'm sure you have a lovely little bump :cloud9:

The doppler I had was amazing chick, you can also get the LCD ones where you can see the beats per minute, it's up to you which one you want :)

That's great that you are going to try and breastfeed hun, I also said that I would express some so that Karl can have a go at feeding him aswell

Hope you and Matt have a lovely evening at Subway :D xxx

Laura - Awww your poor little geckos! They will be warm soon when you get them a new heat lamp :) xxx

Jess - Sorry to hear AF got you hun :( Was praying she would have stayed away with your lack of AF symptoms :hugs:

Thank you hun, I'm sure I look bigger today than I did yesterday lol :shock: xxx
Perhaps hes been having a growth spurt!! Cant wait for the next bump pic now :D

We didnt go to subway :( We gunna go eat some chinese food on matts birthday at a restaurant instead, so he can have sushi, then go watch Sinister at the Cinema. He made the suggestion himself that we skip the animap park and go in the summer with the little one :cloud9:

I always thought they could play the heartbeat at the 12wk that not the case?

Sarah you'll get your mixed grill soon Hun ;)

Natt I get like that, some days I look loads bigger than others!

Jess hunni there's nothing I can add to what the others have said so I'm just gonna send you buckets of :hugs: and even bigger buckets of :dust: for next cycle, glad your feeling ok hunni, makes it so much easier.

Sarah it's a great idea about a meal and cinema, however I don't agree with the film choice :p I don't do scary films, I even hide from the trailers lol

Well scan wasn't as good as last time, partly because I had to lie flacon my back for them to get half decent pics of him as he was cuddled upto the placenta and slept pretty much all the way through it, lil monkey! But....we got to see our lil man again and found out he weighs 4lb 5oz! Also he's head down with his back curled round to my left side, facing the right. Love him so bloody much!

I stood my ground tho! Simon's mum asked if we were going back to there's for a drink, well she basically bullied him into going, so we got in the car and he asked me if we were going, I said I wasn't cause I wanted to sort the geckos viv out (still no heat, need a new thermostat instead of new lamp!) as I didn't want to argue in the car as my folks were with us. So he went round and I came home :p

I lifted the lid on the plastic tank inside the glass one and picked Delilah out, had a quick handle and let them meet each other, they seem to be ignoring each other lol frankie is climbing upto the roof walking across is and then jumping to land on the plastic tank! I think she needs a crash mat tho as they have no perception of distance lol sorry I ramble on about them lol they're my lil girls :cloud9:

Oh and he's the piccies :)
Sarah you'll get your mixed grill soon Hun ;)

Natt I get like that, some days I look loads bigger than others!

Jess hunni there's nothing I can add to what the others have said so I'm just gonna send you buckets of :hugs: and even bigger buckets of :dust: for next cycle, glad your feeling ok hunni, makes it so much easier.

Sarah it's a great idea about a meal and cinema, however I don't agree with the film choice :p I don't do scary films, I even hide from the trailers lol

Well scan wasn't as good as last time, partly because I had to lie flacon my back for them to get half decent pics of him as he was cuddled upto the placenta and slept pretty much all the way through it, lil monkey! But....we got to see our lil man again and found out he weighs 4lb 5oz! Also he's head down with his back curled round to my left side, facing the right. Love him so bloody much!

I stood my ground tho! Simon's mum asked if we were going back to there's for a drink, well she basically bullied him into going, so we got in the car and he asked me if we were going, I said I wasn't cause I wanted to sort the geckos viv out (still no heat, need a new thermostat instead of new lamp!) as I didn't want to argue in the car as my folks were with us. So he went round and I came home :p

I lifted the lid on the plastic tank inside the glass one and picked Delilah out, had a quick handle and let them meet each other, they seem to be ignoring each other lol frankie is climbing upto the roof walking across is and then jumping to land on the plastic tank! I think she needs a crash mat tho as they have no perception of distance lol sorry I ramble on about them lol they're my lil girls :cloud9:


Awww noes! What type of movies do you watch then? I love the scary ones. Mostly because matt is a massive WUSS when it comes to movies. Hes the guy who jumps out his seat squealing. When we saw Paranormal Activity 2 in the cinema i spent most of the movie watching him instead..super entertaining lol. My big bad scary viking is a little girl inside!

Sorry to hear that litle man was sleeping for the scan and curling up! Its super cute though how they curl up and go sleepies :D And like you said..the important thing is you got to see your little man again before he comes into the world! Hes adorable. We have gorgeous babies in our group thats for sure! And amazing that they can tell you his weight too. Did they say how that compared to your pregnancy weeks?

Proud of you for standing your ground. Things not gotten any better with his side of the parentage yet?

ITs cute to hear you talk about them because its obvious they are your little babies :) I get attached like that to bloody goldfish hehe. Do you want to make it so that eventually they will live together full time?

Hes sooooo cute Laura!! EEEK cant wait to see him when hes born! Tyler and Diona too! :hugs: xx

Its getting me really excited. Though i keep sitting here, hand on my tummy, still shocked at the prospect that theres a baby in there. When does it sink in fully? When they move? hehe xx
I'm a proper girl when it comes to movies lol I like rom coms :blush: I like some action films too, mainly because I'm bullied into watching them lol and comedies I like too. Bless him lol we should double date and you and Simon can go watch a scary film and me and matt can watch a comedy lol

Y they said its 32wks and a few days so measuring spot on really :) I just don't want him to get massive before I have him lol I want him to be a good size obviously but not too big lol

A bit better but I'm just making a point. Fed up of letting it go and being walked all over and treated like poo!

Haha I just love um :) def the best lizzies to get :) my chameleon is stroppy and moody so doesn't eat much which makes him look poorly :( and the bearded dragon is a diva lol she's a madam if she doesn't get attention lol I love um all tho :) yh I want the geckos to live together, leaving them in together tonight to see how they get on, should be fine as there's plenty of room for them to get away from each other if they want to. I do need to see what gender Delilah is tho else ill have fertilised eggs lol

Heheh thanks hunni :) got mega chubby cheeks :)

I was like that, couldn't believe I had a baby in my tummy! Still can't! I don't think it sinks in at all, you kinda get used to it tho if that makes sense, the movements become part of your everyday routine, like I don't get up until I've felt at least a little movement and you learn when they're most active, it's still to think I have a proper little person growing in me! Xxx
Sarah - I think you might be right to be honest as I said to Karl earlier that my tummy was sore, had something like stretching pains, unless Tyler was just led funny :o I'll take another bump pic on Monday when I reach 31 weeks, if I don't forget :dohh:

Sorry to hear you didn't get to go to Subway chick :( Your plans for Matt's birthday do sound better though hehe. That's a good idea about putting the animal park on hold and taking the little one in the Summer instead :D

Aww thank you hun, I can't wait to see all our little ones when they are born hehe. It didn't sink in properly for me until I felt Tyler move :cloud9: xxx

Laura - Oh phew, thank god it's not just me :haha: I guess they can get themselves into some funny positions which make us look bigger aswell, Tyler is funny sometimes as I think he sticks his bum out and it makes my belly go all weird shaped :rofl:

Sorry to hear your scan wasn't as good as your last one chick, your pictures are amazing though and as you said, at least you got to see your lil man again :cloud9:

Your geckos are so cute, talk about them as much as you like chick. I am a big animal lover but we don't have any at the moment, may get a dog when Tyler is a bit older or a cat, depending on what he wants hehe xxx
Haha lil blue shoves his bum out too :)

i think having pets of any kind makes a house a home :) we've always had something tho, normally quite a few :haha: we had 3 guinea pigs once, then when we lost them I had another 2 girls and then a boy, sadly the neighbours cats scared them to death tho and just left us with the boy who was stunning! So we got another 2 girls and wen they were old enough we started breeding from them, ended up with 19 a few years later, hard work on clean out day, especially as I was allergic to them, but the babies were sooooo cute! Perfect.little minitures, but as we started to loose our breeding pigs we didn't replace them and let them retire, such cities tho :) just a shame im allergic to them! And rabbits and cats lol hence my liking the non furies :haha:

Getting tired now I think its bedtime for me and blue! Daddy's still watching Tele tho! Night all xxx
Haha lil blue shoves his bum out too :)

i think having pets of any kind makes a house a home :) we've always had something tho, normally quite a few :haha: we had 3 guinea pigs once, then when we lost them I had another 2 girls and then a boy, sadly the neighbours cats scared them to death tho and just left us with the boy who was stunning! So we got another 2 girls and wen they were old enough we started breeding from them, ended up with 19 a few years later, hard work on clean out day, especially as I was allergic to them, but the babies were sooooo cute! Perfect.little minitures, but as we started to loose our breeding pigs we didn't replace them and let them retire, such cities tho :) just a shame im allergic to them! And rabbits and cats lol hence my liking the non furies :haha:

Getting tired now I think its bedtime for me and blue! Daddy's still watching Tele tho! Night all xxx

Aww bless him, it's so cute :)

Yeah that is so true hun, used to have loads of animals when I lived at home as we lived on a farm, I miss them all to be honest. Wow! Sounds like you have had a lot of animals in your life :D

Night night chick, hope you and Blue sleep well, also Simon once he joins you :) xxx
I'm a proper girl when it comes to movies lol I like rom coms :blush: I like some action films too, mainly because I'm bullied into watching them lol and comedies I like too. Bless him lol we should double date and you and Simon can go watch a scary film and me and matt can watch a comedy lol

Y they said its 32wks and a few days so measuring spot on really :) I just don't want him to get massive before I have him lol I want him to be a good size obviously but not too big lol

A bit better but I'm just making a point. Fed up of letting it go and being walked all over and treated like poo!

Haha I just love um :) def the best lizzies to get :) my chameleon is stroppy and moody so doesn't eat much which makes him look poorly :( and the bearded dragon is a diva lol she's a madam if she doesn't get attention lol I love um all tho :) yh I want the geckos to live together, leaving them in together tonight to see how they get on, should be fine as there's plenty of room for them to get away from each other if they want to. I do need to see what gender Delilah is tho else ill have fertilised eggs lol

Heheh thanks hunni :) got mega chubby cheeks :)

I was like that, couldn't believe I had a baby in my tummy! Still can't! I don't think it sinks in at all, you kinda get used to it tho if that makes sense, the movements become part of your everyday routine, like I don't get up until I've felt at least a little movement and you learn when they're most active, it's still to think I have a proper little person growing in me! Xxx

I dont mind a good romcom! I really liked that one actually with jennifer lopez where she goes for artificial insemination then meets the man of her dreams...cant remember what its called now but thought it was great. Might have to watch it again now! Oh...the backup plan...that might be it!

Haha u know..if we did that..matt would probably go watch the romcoms with you! Theres no :grr: in my matt!

Thats good that hes on track with his weight. Im actually a bit terrified of having a large baby. Matt was heading towards 9lb. A lady on the forums i know just had a 9lb 5...I dont think I could push that out!!

Well youre doing the right thing in my opinion. Sometimes you just have to be stubborn on your point of view until others really see the bigger picture. Youre protecting the most precious thing in your anyone can miss that point is beyond me :shrug:

Awwww babies!! Did you see that in the news the other day abaout how a boy let his lizzies in together and he found 92 eggs and they all hatched! The pics of the tank were crazy!! Its cute though that they have their own little personalities. Matt always goes look at them at pets at home. I think he has a secret desire to have one :p

That makes a lot of sense! Its strange though isnt it cos everyone says how weird it is when they are born and they miss their belly :) I think im going to cry like a baby when I first feel something. Matt is being really cute stroking me and kissing my tummy every chance he gets. Atleast hes gotten the idea now as to where baby is :p Think the abdo scan gave it away..hes no longer kissing my ribs :p

Sunday tomorrow! I have a mad craving for a big sunday roast with chicken and stuffing..mmmm! xx
Sarah - I think you might be right to be honest as I said to Karl earlier that my tummy was sore, had something like stretching pains, unless Tyler was just led funny :o I'll take another bump pic on Monday when I reach 31 weeks, if I don't forget :dohh:

Sorry to hear you didn't get to go to Subway chick :( Your plans for Matt's birthday do sound better though hehe. That's a good idea about putting the animal park on hold and taking the little one in the Summer instead :D

Aww thank you hun, I can't wait to see all our little ones when they are born hehe. It didn't sink in properly for me until I felt Tyler move :cloud9: xxx

Laura - Oh phew, thank god it's not just me :haha: I guess they can get themselves into some funny positions which make us look bigger aswell, Tyler is funny sometimes as I think he sticks his bum out and it makes my belly go all weird shaped :rofl:

Sorry to hear your scan wasn't as good as your last one chick, your pictures are amazing though and as you said, at least you got to see your lil man again :cloud9:

Your geckos are so cute, talk about them as much as you like chick. I am a big animal lover but we don't have any at the moment, may get a dog when Tyler is a bit older or a cat, depending on what he wants hehe xxx

Ill remind you about tht pic dont you believe it! I hope its not as sore tomorrow hun :( You know..when you consider how big babies feets are compared to say...your belly surprised there arent people getting cracked ribs from baby!!

Im still sad about the subway! Matt made me some lovely soup and toast but it wasnt the same. I tried to pretend just werent no steak and cheese foot long!!

Ohhhh I hope he picks dog natt! Theres something magical about the bond between children and dogs :D Its one thing matt and i are glad of that we have moo and that shes only 3...the baby will grow up with the dog! Best childhood memories I have are me playing with our german shepherd at the time...awww Max...I miss you! :cry: x
I bet you do! What did you have?

We've had guinea pigs, rabbits, mice, hamsters, gerbils, degus, fish, dogs, turtles, and now the Cham, beardie and geckos :)

Started rolling over onto my right again when im alseep :( standing up this morning bloody hurt! I need some sort of device that stops me rolling over lol blue's awake and kicking but Simons fast on still lol xxx
Thank's girlie's,

What you all said was just fine. It always makes me feel better but with a tear to my eye lol. :D x x x

Awwww Love the scan piccie, His got little porky chop's love him. Well cute. But after his born and the swelling goe's down then you see your little boy's real look's. lol his gonna be so cute hun. x x x
Sarah it is the back up plan lol a really good film actually :) bless him, all his Viking is in his spermies :haha:

I'm scared of a big bubs too! Not sure what Simon was but I was 8lb something I think, this is why I wouldn't mind him coming earlier rather than later lol I told Simon the eviction process starts at 36wks lol only because they usually take a good few weeks to actually work! Lol

Crested geckos are the best! My friend has 2 juveniles and her 2yr old and 1yr old love them! Soooo cute to see Harvey with his ecko! Lol

Simon doesn't really tend to touch my belly much tbh, even when I say oh he's got hiccups, he doesn't, i physically put his hand on my belly last night so he could feel them! I think he feels a lot while im alseep tho. I think he picks up on me not liking people touching my belly and rubbing it all the time tho, i get all uncomfortable lol i don't when its Simon tho which is strange!

I think I'll miss an excuse to be fat lol i won't miss the pain when rolling over in bed or standing tho! I slide I'll miss it being only me who knows what blue's doing and it just being me and him tho.

We've got hog roast at my mums for my grandads birthday so im off to try and find something to decorate a cake for him, fishing style, then gotta make it, not looking forward to it tho, feel like I've lost my va va voom and confidence in decorating cakes atm :( xxx

Jess how you doing today? Thank you, he's got my cheeks lol xxx
I bet you do! What did you have?

We've had guinea pigs, rabbits, mice, hamsters, gerbils, degus, fish, dogs, turtles, and now the Cham, beardie and geckos :)

Started rolling over onto my right again when im alseep :( standing up this morning bloody hurt! I need some sort of device that stops me rolling over lol blue's awake and kicking but Simons fast on still lol xxx

Is there any way you can like..hmm...roll up a blanket or something and wedge it down into the side of you to stop you rolling? :(

I always wanted a turtle :( but my dogs way too curious! x
Thank's girlie's,

What you all said was just fine. It always makes me feel better but with a tear to my eye lol. :D x x x

Awwww Love the scan piccie, His got little porky chop's love him. Well cute. But after his born and the swelling goe's down then you see your little boy's real look's. lol his gonna be so cute hun. x x x

Aww..sending you a :flower: chick. Stay can do this!! :thumbup: x
Sarah it is the back up plan lol a really good film actually :) bless him, all his Viking is in his spermies :haha:

I'm scared of a big bubs too! Not sure what Simon was but I was 8lb something I think, this is why I wouldn't mind him coming earlier rather than later lol I told Simon the eviction process starts at 36wks lol only because they usually take a good few weeks to actually work! Lol

Crested geckos are the best! My friend has 2 juveniles and her 2yr old and 1yr old love them! Soooo cute to see Harvey with his ecko! Lol

Simon doesn't really tend to touch my belly much tbh, even when I say oh he's got hiccups, he doesn't, i physically put his hand on my belly last night so he could feel them! I think he feels a lot while im alseep tho. I think he picks up on me not liking people touching my belly and rubbing it all the time tho, i get all uncomfortable lol i don't when its Simon tho which is strange!

I think I'll miss an excuse to be fat lol i won't miss the pain when rolling over in bed or standing tho! I slide I'll miss it being only me who knows what blue's doing and it just being me and him tho.

We've got hog roast at my mums for my grandads birthday so im off to try and find something to decorate a cake for him, fishing style, then gotta make it, not looking forward to it tho, feel like I've lost my va va voom and confidence in decorating cakes atm :( xxx

Jess how you doing today? Thank you, he's got my cheeks lol xxx

Oh im not sure now...its the one with jenifer lopez in it anyway :p

Haha eviction it!! Im guessing someones gunna be on all the old wives tails then in a few weeks!! I got myself thinking about hot curry and I really wants one! :(

Its not strange darling :) I mean..Simon is your love and daddy :) I think tbh I would get very awkward and unomfortable if people kept wanting to touch my tummy all the time. Maybe because he knows how you feel about it in general he doesnt want to overdo it :)

Aww chick, no reason for the lack of confidence youre awesome at it! You should do it full time, they look so professional. Im jealous of your roast!!

Im so happy today. A lady I met here and followed her through her journey bought a doppler. When she had her baby and another of our good friends got pregnant she let her borrow it. And now they have decided that the torch is being passed and it being sent on to me! It made me so emotional. It feels like a wonderful thing because ive seen them conceive, go through their pregnancies and give birth..and now its my turn. come the hormones again!

Despite waking up and puking me guts in a really good mood today :) I have no stress, no anxiety, just the need to pee a lot lol :D

10wks tomorrow god...double figures!! xxx
I could try a blanket but id probs just roll over it lol my v shaped pillow that's between my legs goes with me lol

Haha ours just ignored them tbh, even when they were in the paddling pool lol

Haha think I'll start with reflexology and clove oil massages/baths lol lots of walks, if I still can too lol might give the hot curry a miss tho, im thirsty enough as it is lol

Yh maybe he does :) bless him :)

Aww hun that's really lovely of them :) kinda like an heirloom in a way. You're probs not far off being able to find bubs now too, tips for rippling....full bladder, patients, lay really flat and start mega low down like, pubic bone low, also I used to hold the Doppler with one hand and use the other to find my own pulse that way its easy to tell if its your hb or snooky's!

So glad your happy hunni :) it'll make everything a much nicer experience.

We've gone for a fish shaped cake so im just waiting for it to all cool down so I can construct and decorate it! That's really lovely of you to say hunni :) gonna do the Christmas cakes this week! Can't believe its October already! Where did September go?!?! Xxx
Then theres the sex, the raspberry leaf tea...and bouncing on one of those balls!

We gunna have to start a sweepstake soon for when we think youre going to give birth!

Thanks so much for the tips hun! Ive heard that its easy also to mistake the placenta for baby too. I might have to record it and ask you ladies if what im hearing is baby :haha:

I have nooo clue who stole sept but someone bloody did! I cant believe my last period was in July!!

Did you take some piccies of the cake hun? I wanna see!! xx

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