Baby Babblings

Sarah - Yay thank you, I was supposed to take a picture each week on Mondays but I always forget :dohh: Thank you chick, it hasn't been as sore today, Tyler must have just been led funny or had a bit of a growth spurt!

You know, I keep thinking the same thing, how ladies don't suffer from cracked ribs etc, Karl's sister's little one kept getting her foot lodged in her ribs and she has to keep literally grabbing her foot and moving her..:shock:

Awww gutted about Subway hun :( Maybe you can treat yourself to one another day? :hugs:

I hope he picks dog too, they do say that dogs are a man's best friend :haha: That's good that baby will have a little doggy to grow up with :) Aww no, really sorry to hear about Max chick :hugs: I have had a few German Shepherds in my life, Teddy was our last but we had to have him put down as he kept following me to the fields when I went to collect my horse and he killed sheep :( xxx

Laura - Wow! That sure is a lot of animals! :shock: You have had more than me hehe. We had cats, dogs, a horse, hens, cockerals, ducks, geese, ducklings :cloud9: Used to have a snake when I was younger aswell, now I hate snakes!

Ooo can't wait to see piccies of your cake hunni :happydance: xxx
Haha very true Sarah! I wanna get a ball as soon as we have space cause they're supposed to be good for realigning hips!

Haha I dunno why but I think either between 36 and 37wks or 2nd Dec, strange ey!

I searched it on YouTube lol there's some really good videos on what bubs sounds like and what the other noises are, don't think I ever really heard the placenta, once you lrleaen where they are its much easier too :)

Crazy isn't it! Mine was January! Lol

Yh I took one, I'll upload it tomorrow tho as Simons on the iPad tonight. Xxx
Natt id love ducks! Nit keen on chickens tho, they're pecky and scratchy lol id love some degus again, such awesome lil creatures ,:)

I'll upload a piccie tomorrow :)

I try and take a bump pic every Wednesday, not done too badly at remembering lol woohoo for 31wks tomorrow!! Single digit weeks now :D and midwife tomorrow too? Let us know how you get on :hugs: seeing mine Tuesday :) xxx
Natt id love ducks! Nit keen on chickens tho, they're pecky and scratchy lol id love some degus again, such awesome lil creatures ,:)

I'll upload a piccie tomorrow :)

I try and take a bump pic every Wednesday, not done too badly at remembering lol woohoo for 31wks tomorrow!! Single digit weeks now :D and midwife tomorrow too? Let us know how you get on :hugs: seeing mine Tuesday :) xxx

Ducks are so sweet, and the little ducklings, so fluffy hehe! The chickens kept themselves to themselves really lol, just wandered around the garden :)

Yay, can't wait for piccie :happydance:

You have done better than me at remembering to take pictures chick. I'm getting slightly nervous but excited now, single digit week! Eeeeeeek! I'll be sure to let you know how I get on at the Midwife hun :hugs: Yay, not long to wait until your Midwife appointment either :yipee: xxx
Sarah - Yay thank you, I was supposed to take a picture each week on Mondays but I always forget :dohh: Thank you chick, it hasn't been as sore today, Tyler must have just been led funny or had a bit of a growth spurt!

You know, I keep thinking the same thing, how ladies don't suffer from cracked ribs etc, Karl's sister's little one kept getting her foot lodged in her ribs and she has to keep literally grabbing her foot and moving her..:shock:

Awww gutted about Subway hun :( Maybe you can treat yourself to one another day? :hugs:

I hope he picks dog too, they do say that dogs are a man's best friend :haha: That's good that baby will have a little doggy to grow up with :) Aww no, really sorry to hear about Max chick :hugs: I have had a few German Shepherds in my life, Teddy was our last but we had to have him put down as he kept following me to the fields when I went to collect my horse and he killed sheep :( xxx

Laura - Wow! That sure is a lot of animals! :shock: You have had more than me hehe. We had cats, dogs, a horse, hens, cockerals, ducks, geese, ducklings :cloud9: Used to have a snake when I was younger aswell, now I hate snakes!

Ooo can't wait to see piccies of your cake hunni :happydance: xxx

Happy 31wks!! New picture day!! *poke poke* :D

Ouch that sounds WELL painful!! Its the only part im not looking forwrds too with the movement :) The pain sometimes must be awful!

Oh my lordy about Teddy!! He must have had some worker instinct in him if he didnt like sheep. Yeah can see why it was a problem though...cant have a dog around a farm that likes to kill the fluffies :( I reckon he will pick dog :D Cats are very aloof and not very "petty" so I think Tyler will want something he can play with :D

Haha very true Sarah! I wanna get a ball as soon as we have space cause they're supposed to be good for realigning hips!

Haha I dunno why but I think either between 36 and 37wks or 2nd Dec, strange ey!

I searched it on YouTube lol there's some really good videos on what bubs sounds like and what the other noises are, don't think I ever really heard the placenta, once you lrleaen where they are its much easier too :)

Crazy isn't it! Mine was January! Lol

Yh I took one, I'll upload it tomorrow tho as Simons on the iPad tonight. Xxx

ive heard that too! Youll be sat watching Telly in no time bouncing on that! Its a win win though if it helps get Baby Blue down into the best position and helps mummy with the hips too!

I know they say boys are notorius for being late but...I reckon youll go early too!

Natt id love ducks! Nit keen on chickens tho, they're pecky and scratchy lol id love some degus again, such awesome lil creatures ,:)

I'll upload a piccie tomorrow :)

I try and take a bump pic every Wednesday, not done too badly at remembering lol woohoo for 31wks tomorrow!! Single digit weeks now :D and midwife tomorrow too? Let us know how you get on :hugs: seeing mine Tuesday :) xxx

Im gunna turn into the bump police now prepared!

Degus are sooooo cute! They like little teddybears! :cloud9: x
Sarah - Yay thank you, I was supposed to take a picture each week on Mondays but I always forget :dohh: Thank you chick, it hasn't been as sore today, Tyler must have just been led funny or had a bit of a growth spurt!

You know, I keep thinking the same thing, how ladies don't suffer from cracked ribs etc, Karl's sister's little one kept getting her foot lodged in her ribs and she has to keep literally grabbing her foot and moving her..:shock:

Awww gutted about Subway hun :( Maybe you can treat yourself to one another day? :hugs:

I hope he picks dog too, they do say that dogs are a man's best friend :haha: That's good that baby will have a little doggy to grow up with :) Aww no, really sorry to hear about Max chick :hugs: I have had a few German Shepherds in my life, Teddy was our last but we had to have him put down as he kept following me to the fields when I went to collect my horse and he killed sheep :( xxx

Laura - Wow! That sure is a lot of animals! :shock: You have had more than me hehe. We had cats, dogs, a horse, hens, cockerals, ducks, geese, ducklings :cloud9: Used to have a snake when I was younger aswell, now I hate snakes!

Ooo can't wait to see piccies of your cake hunni :happydance: xxx

Happy 31wks!! New picture day!! *poke poke* :D

Ouch that sounds WELL painful!! Its the only part im not looking forwrds too with the movement :) The pain sometimes must be awful!

Oh my lordy about Teddy!! He must have had some worker instinct in him if he didnt like sheep. Yeah can see why it was a problem though...cant have a dog around a farm that likes to kill the fluffies :( I reckon he will pick dog :D Cats are very aloof and not very "petty" so I think Tyler will want something he can play with :D


Thank you chick :D Ooo thank you for the reminder, I shall get my camera out before I forget :haha:

Happy 10 weeks pregosaurus mummy! :yipee:

Some of the kicks can be painful but mainly they are amazing haha, I could sit there all day watching Tyler wriggling around in my tummy :cloud9:

He must have hun, they wasn't our sheep though, they were a farmers that lived up the road, he came to our house with a gun threatening to shoot him so we agreed to take him to the vets and have him put to sleep, the farmer said fair enough as long as he was there to witness it and make sure we didn't back out. I had a right go at him as he was threatening to shoot him in the stable next to where my horse was! I said if you go in there and shoot him, I'll f****** shoot you! :rofl: He soon shut up as I was only young! :blush: xxx
Natt what a ******* that farmer was! I know it's his livestock but he should have been civil about it and sat down and spoke to you calmly about it!

Happy 31wks natt :)

Happy 10wks Sarah :)

Can you ladies believe how quickly it's going?! I sure cant! Going to buy a bath box thingy that goes with the bath to keep all his shampoo etc in when my mum finishes work :)

Bit pissed off too! I've just got the geckos a new heat lamp, set it all up, when I could find a bloody extension lead! Because its in the middle of the room and its a big glass tank I can't move it I had to balance the extension lead on the sofa, Bella jumped up for a cuddle and it all fell off the viv, bulb popped didn't it! I thought not to worry I bought spares on sat, put it and the fucking thing is blown! Put the other spare i bought for Darwin in and the fuckers blown too! So gotta go back up there and get them exchanged! Not a happy bunny at all! Think I'll just pick some up from pets at home for now and go all the way up there sometime in the week!

And this is the shit fish cake lol
That cake is awesome!! I spy the toad in the hole too...that looks well yum!! ive said that i hope it was toad in the hole lol.

That farmer was a dick. I feel so sorry for your doggy :(

Laura - Oh he had a few screws loose chick, he brought one of the sheep in the back of his van to show us what Teddy had done to it, although there was more than one dog that roamed the fields :sick:

I can't believe how quick it's going either hun, doesn't seem two minutes since we announced our bfp's! :shock:

Sorry to hear you are not having much luck with your Gecko tank, hope you get things sorted soon :hugs:

You fish cake is amazing hun! I would love to have talent like that! :cloud9: xxx

Sarah - He was a complete jerk, I would have took the gun off him and shot him if he went anywhere near the stables lol! xxx
Hey ladies,

How are you all?! I feel so bad that I never have time to post and interact as much as the rest of you! I've just been so busy, and extremely pregnant! OMG, can I get any bigger?! Granted I've only gained 2-4 lbs (depending on the day it changes). My bump is huge to me!

I'm still desperate for a complete night's sleep free from pain and peeing, but I have to admit, I've had 2 nights where I managed to sleep 2 hours straight without peeing or waking up from the pain, on those nights I had taken tylenol, so maybe that helped. I try to avoid meds, but I was in so much agony. Combine that with the massive amounts of stretching pain I've had since last week...ugh...I literally felt like my stomach was ripping apart...last week it went from a very tight tummy with a sore spot in the center above my belly button, to a spot right beside my belly's weird. I read that it's my abdominal walls ripping apart to accomodate baby Dionna...

DH has been feeling our little girl kick for the past few weeks, it started slowly, with one small kick, but now she actually responds to his voice. He is convinced that the only way to feel her is to lay his ear/head on my belly when he does that he says, "Baby Dionna, it's daddy, I love you so much, show me your moves baby girl." it's so darling. I am sooo thrilled to have my baby I can't even say. He is REALLY happy too! I put her swing together this weekend and packed her hospital's really gunna happen!!!!! Eeeeeeeee!

Laura - I totally have to log on using another computer to see Blue's pics! Ugh, I'm annoyed that I can't see them or your bump pics! Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

Question: How much weight have you all put on so far?

Also, here's my bump pic 28+5 weeks preggers!


  • 28+5.jpg
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Natt he sounds like a psyco!

Thanks for the cake comments, it really sucked tho lol

Geckos are hot and happy :) slowly starting to interact with each other too which is nice :)

Teenah Hun I hate to say it but your gonna get a whole lot bigger! Lol looking good tho :thumbup: you Oh sounds sooo cute :) and yay for swing building! I can't wait to get the lounge finished so I can build blue's up :D

I'm with you on the painful sleep:hugs: I actually managed to roll over without it hurting last night tho! Couldn't get comfy at all tho, my hips hurt when I lie on them but my belly hurts if I lie on my back! Can't bloody win!

Congrats on only gaining a couple of pounds Hun! I'm too scared to weigh myself, afraid ill sit and cry lol

Well that's 2 of my friends have been induced in the past 2weeks, both had girls :)

Midwife today, went well, blue's now between 50th and 90th centile so growing nicely, my BP's good, slightly lower than before which she said is healthy, only prob is there's protein in my urine so it's being sent off, if i need antibiotics I'll get a call/letter, gotta have my flu jab Monday and I'll get an apt for the whooping cough vaccine come through the post in a few days!

Mega itchy again! I might go and have a bath and slather myself in moisturiser lol xxx
Thank's girlie's (laura and sarah). x x x

Laura that cake look's yummy, I know honey would munch that lol. Then be nutty. Trying to keep her away from sweetie's and choco she's hypo as it is lol. x x x

Im good thx laura not to bad. AF look's like it's leaving. Just in serious pain in my tooth. Got a whole but my dentist will most likely wanna drill it but I would rather it out then have pain again in a few month's/year's time. Natt you had a tooth out. What was it like??? x x x

Teenah lovely bump pic hun. x x x

Laura I would'nt Worry about big baby to much. Honey was only 7lb dead on but labour was not that bad and I was a big baby 8lb 4 i think and my fiance was prem by two month's so he was tiny of course. Im sure you will be fine. x x x
Teenah you look fantatic hun :) :hugs:

Ive lost weight..must be from all the puking and lack of food lol. I cant wait till matt can feel the baby move! He already has his hand on my tummy all the time and kissing it :)

Teenah - Hiya hun :hi:

Don't worry about not being so active, it can be hard when you have loads of other things to sort out for baby etc :) Lovely bump chick :winkwink: xxx

Laura - He was a fruit loop :haha: You're welcome chick, I liked your fish cake :D

Glad to hear your Gecko's are getting on well and are hot and happy :happydance: xxx

Jess - Having a tooth out wasn't too bad hun, was painful for a few days but I got an infection in mine which made it worse :( xxx

Sarah - Won't be long now chick until you can feel Snook moving! :D :happydance: xxx
Glad my ladies are all good, the k it'll be an early night in our house, Simons had indigestion for a few days and is really suffering and I'm really starting to feel like I've got a cold coming which super sucks! Started with just my ear and throat a bit sore about an hour ago, now my heads starting to hurt and throat is getting sorer :( no fair!

Any who's thought I'd show you ladies what bumps like nakey, not completely nakey tho s don't worry lol just bump! And then what bumps now like with clothes on lol :)
Laura - Omg I am so jealous of your bump! You don't have 1 stretch mark! My tummy is covered in them! That's why I won't do a naked bump picture :blush: I love my "It's A Boy" belly bar though :D

By the way.............HAPPY 33 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance: :yipee: xxx
Oh I do you just can't see them in the shit light lol I've got old ones which have helped tho, the tops and bottoms of them are going purple again tho, got some lovely new ones on the bottom of my belly too, I can't believe the difference between nakey and clothes lol thanks tho Hun :)

Hehe thanks chick :) heads really starting to hurt now :( might go to bed and turn the lights off lol xxx
Oh I do you just can't see them in the shit light lol I've got old ones which have helped tho, the tops and bottoms of them are going purple again tho, got some lovely new ones on the bottom of my belly too, I can't believe the difference between nakey and clothes lol thanks tho Hun :)

Hehe thanks chick :) heads really starting to hurt now :( might go to bed and turn the lights off lol xxx

Aww bless, I can't see them, looks like you don't have any to me :winkwink: I have them ALL over my tummy, looks awful! :( It does make a hell of a difference looking at your naked bump and with clothes on, weird how it changes so much hehe :)

Hope your head is not as bad today chick, headaches are awful! :( xxx

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