Baby Bugs Due February 2013

Good morning. <3

I have already had a meltdown this morning. :( I'm feeling rather overwhelmed that this mothering business is constant and relentless, and I'm not sure DH quite understands how it feels for me. He went out with his workmates last night, whereas I had to take Harry into the bathroom with me while I had a bath because he wouldn't settle. :( It's not like I want to go out or anything (I would miss my boy!), but the freedom would be nice.

It's not anyone's fault, and it is how it is, but it doesn't stop it from being hard. :cry:

Snow here, so I won't be getting out of the house either, and part of keeping my sanity is getting out at least once a day. :(

On top of all this, I think Harry has become lazy with his latch and my nipples are so sore. :( Sigh sigh sigh.

Sorry for the pity party!

hugs: we don't get a break! My dh says he is tired so misses his bit of night duties(he sometimes winds and settles Thomas of a weekend so I grab an extra bit of sleep) I can't ever miss a single feed. It's just to have a bit of time to be you instead of mum (even though being mum is amazing)

My sister started sleeping through at 3 weeks old MF and she was a teeny tiny baby (5lb something) - my Mum just said she had to be chilled out as she was the 3rd child and my Mum was so busy!

I think Elodie sleeps pretty well for a bf baby who is still under 8lb. She seems to do a 4-4.5 hour stretch and then a 2-3 hour block.

That is amazing sleep. Brilliant. Xx

And I'm moping about this, but we had a fun girls night planned with dinner and drinks with some girl friends of mine and now it looks like we're going to one friends house with all the babies because one friend's husband made other plans :( :cry:

Rather crappy of him not to give up his plans since one friend is in from out of town but I can't blame him as he's not one to go out with friends often himself and I think he got late notice of our plans : /

Not that that won't be fun, I am just so depressed because I haven't been out with the girls babyless and able to drink a little in 10 months (I have tons of freezer milk :(). I was really looking forward to this and now I am afraid I am going to be in a shit mood because I am not doing what I wanted to be doing this evening.

Thinking about skipping out on it now altogether...

Go out. It will be great to just meet up and chat about girly stuff. Xx

Afm- got christening tomorrow with wag SIL. Got a dress, pulling in knickers and nice shoes (now think I will be in wellies!) Not comfy in dress (but because not comfy in my skin) got big bags under my eyes and so worried Thomas will need feeding/ have a meltdown in the ceremony!
Morning everyone

Mf hope you had a good night
Wriggler me too a day inside again when is the weather gonna cheer up!
Embo hope your sister can make it, I'm down to 2 children for weekend my eldest is away shame she is the easiest :-(
Smiley I feel your pain phoebe woke for bottle just as she settled ollie decided 5am was good to get up and he had changed his gro clock so the sunshine was on so I couldn't send him back to bed cos he thought he had been good!

I just noticed your post farida about gripe water I gave phoebe hers with a syringe and she choked, I too had a meltdown she went red and I thought she had aspirated! Now too frightened to give although I gave it the way I was trained! Husband also nurse told me not to be daft and it was just one of those things :-/

Oh no, I just got a syringe today, now I am worried to use that! Yes it's one of those things but one of those scary ass things, not like you can control panicking...

Good morning. <3

I have already had a meltdown this morning. :( I'm feeling rather overwhelmed that this mothering business is constant and relentless, and I'm not sure DH quite understands how it feels for me. He went out with his workmates last night, whereas I had to take Harry into the bathroom with me while I had a bath because he wouldn't settle. :( It's not like I want to go out or anything (I would miss my boy!), but the freedom would be nice.

It's not anyone's fault, and it is how it is, but it doesn't stop it from being hard. :cry:

Snow here, so I won't be getting out of the house either, and part of keeping my sanity is getting out at least once a day. :(

On top of all this, I think Harry has become lazy with his latch and my nipples are so sore. :( Sigh sigh sigh.

Sorry for the pity party!

Oh huny! I feel for you, I really do, I feel like that sometimes too, and it just helps to get some sympathy and hugs and understanding of what you are going through.. Anyone not in your exact situation won't understand, that's why I find it really hard to blame OH but still expect him to totally get it haha...
:hugs: from us, we understand :)

Anyone's LO is taking suddenly less milk? I am starting to switch to Formula now, since BFing has taken it's toll on me too... I still give one or two bottles of expressed BM.. but she used to take 4.5 ounces then gone up to 6 per feed.. but now down to 4 again... is that normal? :shrug:
Good girl Lena.

Ruby has between three or four oz at a time, sometimes only two. Don't worry xx

Have a nice christening, I'm sure you will look lovely.

I'm about to have a lovely curry, hoping Ruby will settle down after this bottle? X
And I'm moping about this, but we had a fun girls night planned with dinner and drinks with some girl friends of mine and now it looks like we're going to one friends house with all the babies because one friend's husband made other plans :( :cry:

Rather crappy of him not to give up his plans since one friend is in from out of town but I can't blame him as he's not one to go out with friends often himself and I think he got late notice of our plans : /

Not that that won't be fun, I am just so depressed because I haven't been out with the girls babyless and able to drink a little in 10 months (I have tons of freezer milk :(). I was really looking forward to this and now I am afraid I am going to be in a shit mood because I am not doing what I wanted to be doing this evening.

Thinking about skipping out on it now altogether...

Still go- I didnt want to go last night but I am glad I did xx

Good morning. <3

I have already had a meltdown this morning. :( I'm feeling rather overwhelmed that this mothering business is constant and relentless, and I'm not sure DH quite understands how it feels for me. He went out with his workmates last night, whereas I had to take Harry into the bathroom with me while I had a bath because he wouldn't settle. :( It's not like I want to go out or anything (I would miss my boy!), but the freedom would be nice.

It's not anyone's fault, and it is how it is, but it doesn't stop it from being hard. :cry:

Snow here, so I won't be getting out of the house either, and part of keeping my sanity is getting out at least once a day. :(

On top of all this, I think Harry has become lazy with his latch and my nipples are so sore. :( Sigh sigh sigh.

Sorry for the pity party!

hugs: we don't get a break! My dh says he is tired so misses his bit of night duties(he sometimes winds and settles Thomas of a weekend so I grab an extra bit of sleep) I can't ever miss a single feed. It's just to have a bit of time to be you instead of mum (even though being mum is amazing)

My sister started sleeping through at 3 weeks old MF and she was a teeny tiny baby (5lb something) - my Mum just said she had to be chilled out as she was the 3rd child and my Mum was so busy!

I think Elodie sleeps pretty well for a bf baby who is still under 8lb. She seems to do a 4-4.5 hour stretch and then a 2-3 hour block.

That is amazing sleep. Brilliant. Xx

And I'm moping about this, but we had a fun girls night planned with dinner and drinks with some girl friends of mine and now it looks like we're going to one friends house with all the babies because one friend's husband made other plans :( :cry:

Rather crappy of him not to give up his plans since one friend is in from out of town but I can't blame him as he's not one to go out with friends often himself and I think he got late notice of our plans : /

Not that that won't be fun, I am just so depressed because I haven't been out with the girls babyless and able to drink a little in 10 months (I have tons of freezer milk :(). I was really looking forward to this and now I am afraid I am going to be in a shit mood because I am not doing what I wanted to be doing this evening.

Thinking about skipping out on it now altogether...

Go out. It will be great to just meet up and chat about girly stuff. Xx

Afm- got christening tomorrow with wag SIL. Got a dress, pulling in knickers and nice shoes (now think I will be in wellies!) Not comfy in dress (but because not comfy in my skin) got big bags under my eyes and so worried Thomas will need feeding/ have a meltdown in the ceremony!

Have fun tomorrow xx

Morning everyone

Mf hope you had a good night
Wriggler me too a day inside again when is the weather gonna cheer up!
Embo hope your sister can make it, I'm down to 2 children for weekend my eldest is away shame she is the easiest :-(
Smiley I feel your pain phoebe woke for bottle just as she settled ollie decided 5am was good to get up and he had changed his gro clock so the sunshine was on so I couldn't send him back to bed cos he thought he had been good!

I just noticed your post farida about gripe water I gave phoebe hers with a syringe and she choked, I too had a meltdown she went red and I thought she had aspirated! Now too frightened to give although I gave it the way I was trained! Husband also nurse told me not to be daft and it was just one of those things :-/

Oh no, I just got a syringe today, now I am worried to use that! Yes it's one of those things but one of those scary ass things, not like you can control panicking...

Good morning. <3

I have already had a meltdown this morning. :( I'm feeling rather overwhelmed that this mothering business is constant and relentless, and I'm not sure DH quite understands how it feels for me. He went out with his workmates last night, whereas I had to take Harry into the bathroom with me while I had a bath because he wouldn't settle. :( It's not like I want to go out or anything (I would miss my boy!), but the freedom would be nice.

It's not anyone's fault, and it is how it is, but it doesn't stop it from being hard. :cry:

Snow here, so I won't be getting out of the house either, and part of keeping my sanity is getting out at least once a day. :(

On top of all this, I think Harry has become lazy with his latch and my nipples are so sore. :( Sigh sigh sigh.

Sorry for the pity party!

Oh huny! I feel for you, I really do, I feel like that sometimes too, and it just helps to get some sympathy and hugs and understanding of what you are going through.. Anyone not in your exact situation won't understand, that's why I find it really hard to blame OH but still expect him to totally get it haha...
:hugs: from us, we understand :)

Anyone's LO is taking suddenly less milk? I am starting to switch to Formula now, since BFing has taken it's toll on me too... I still give one or two bottles of expressed BM.. but she used to take 4.5 ounces then gone up to 6 per feed.. but now down to 4 again... is that normal? :shrug:

Yes, jade changes amounts all the time. xxx

eeek we weighed lena today shes now 9 n half lbs!


Good girl Lena.

Ruby has between three or four oz at a time, sometimes only two. Don't worry xx

Have a nice christening, I'm sure you will look lovely.

I'm about to have a lovely curry, hoping Ruby will settle down after this bottle? X

Yep jade has between 2-4. Enjoy your eve x
Thanks girls :) our night got saved! The other hubby cancelled his plans :happydance:

Sophie woke for a feed then decided that 4am is a good time to be awake for a while and so we sat up for a while. She gave me lots of smiles, as soon as I tried to get a pic she was back to her usual grumpy self :haha: bless her :cloud9:
omg so tired :( Connor has a really horrible cold and he's really unsettled and not really sleeping. I need some help! Roll on tomorrow when OH is home for a few hours and I can hand him over to have a blooming shower in peace, feel like I'm loosing my mind a little :wacko:
Hugs embo :hugs:

Im on the verge of collapse, barely slept again :nope: Had to change Jacks clothes several times in the night and change the bedding on our bed and went through so many muslins. His sicky problem is out of control.
oh hun :( Is your OH there today to give you some restbite? Have the docs been able to help at all? x
Oh dear sorry for the rubbish nights, can anyone help you? Embo I don't know how you do it!!

I had another good night, 11pm till 6 (cuddle and milk offered but she didn't want it) so she went back to sleep Till 8am!!! Can't believe it.

Oh when she woke up at 6am, I got a whiff of this awful smell, I just thought DH had done it... But no Ruby must have done a pooh in her sleep coz it looked like it had been there a while? I never heard her go!! Lol.

Keep your chin up ladies with the nights, Ruby is 6 weeks, so slightly older than yours and it's only now she is going a bit longer at night... So it will happen :)

What everyone up to today? Xx
Glad you had a good night Jem :D I just have to cope, I mean some mums never get any help so I could be a lot worse off.

Does anyone know if I need to take Connor to the docs for his cold or how long it might last?x
Yeah he is here but he looks after Oscar in the night (he sleeps in his room and has done since Jack was born. Oscar still doesnt sleep through and kicks up a fuss if someone isnt with him when he wakes up). So this morning when I complained about how tired I am he said "yeah Im tired too, Oscar woke up at like half 5" :wacko: I felt like saying are you fucking kidding me?! Ive barely had 2 hours sleep all night and youre moaning that Osc woke up at half 5?! So no, Im not going to even bother asking if he can manage to look after them both while ai have another hour in bed.

I have done every single night feed since Jack was born. Ive changed every nappy in the night since Jack was born. Ive done every change of clothes in the night since Jack was birn. OH hasnt had to help out in the night with him once yet he always complains about how tired he is. Pisses me off. Oscar wakes in the night, has a whinge, and goes back to sleep. Sometimes he does this a few times a night. But it takes 10 minutes each time to settle him, so its not as if its a massive chore.

Raaarrr sorry for the moan. Probably doesnt even make sense.

Em...not been to the doctors with him about the sick, they will just give him infant gaviscon and say he has reflux. Ive already tried him on the gavi because I have loads left over from when Oscar was on it till he was 9 months or so. It didnt make a difference for Jack so Im not wasting my time on it.
Jem, glad you had a good night, I cant wait till we are at that point.

Embo, they dont often give much for a cold do they, but if it is persistent then I would perhaps pop down to see someone and see what they say, just to be on the safe side.
Ruby has a slight cold- think it will get worse as my other two have had it all this week.
I'd just look out for a persistent cough, Demi had that at four weeks and had to go into hospital.
Hope Connor feels better soon.
And it think you ladies are super stars xx
:( girls. Smiley that does sound hard work its a shame you dont feel there is much doctors can do. I hope the end of the sicky stage is in sight. You do need to get some rest :(
Aw bless him em. Is he getting chesty too? I dislike babies having colds. Its so nasty :( hope he is better soon.
Jade done 9-2.20 but I was expecting that since she only took 1oz at 9pm feed. Then straight back down till 5-30 but she was restless and and kept farting but she woke up at 8.30. My other two have just got up. Rubys complaining of being cold and achy ffs bet she's ill again.

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