**Baby Predictions** ((Cheri * Gail * Sandra * Others))

just sat and worked out dates dont think we have much chnace as we only coverd sunday mon n tues and counting bkk 13 days from the day i hadmy longest cycle so 55 im out by a few days
ok please excuse my face lol but this was the opk i got on the 28th so monday its not fully pos so ov coulda been sunday or tues or even later that day what u think?


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ok please excuse my face lol but this was the opk i got on the 28th so monday its not fully pos so ov coulda been sunday or tues or even later that day what u think?

Hey hon,

It looks like mine did on sat at 11.30am before it got darker at 6pm then on sunday I got a positive....for me it would look like that the day before my +....hope this helps :hugs:

heres mine hon...............so in the first pic the top one is 11.30am and the bottom 6pm on the sat and then the second pic is at 11.30am on the sunday.....when I tested again on the monday at about 11.30am it had faded back to what it looked like at 11.30am on the sat and so I didnt test again.....normally the rest of my cycle the second line isnt detected at all on an opk you can barely make it out


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:cry: my friend sam is at the hospital babys heartbeat keeps stopping and they dont think shes oing to make it:cry:
Yes it does contain what i paid for but there is nothing in it as far as im concerned that couldnt have been made up by anyone!

Hey guys..You know I found on another board something disturbing, just in my own opinion and I am not saying anything negative here, I am none confrontation, but I do speak my mind when need be. Do you feel its fair that Gail is on the forums with us?? I dont see Cheri or Jenny here or any of the others in that matter. Its very easy to get info especially if you use the same user name, google is a bad mo fo!!! I liked my Gail reading for sure, but I have read other places she said some of the same things she said to me to others. Now I am not saying this to discourage anyone, But who would want to steal a reading that she did especially for you? Wouldnt it be easier to just make something up? I believe that if this continues its gonna get messy. because I have seen where she actually went back and forth with a few different gals on different threads and that isnt what these forums are for. If we conduct business with her it should be off the forums and its our own choice to share our predictions as one. Now I want to see everyone get their wishes, and desires. But we all should be able to voice our dislikes and likes. I would hate for anyone to put so much into something and it doesnt happen. so I am saying is, go into this with a guarded heart and do what you have to do, to conceive beyond the psychic realms. :hugs: And believe me I am hoping she was right for me, but after reading some of the other predictions it sounded like mines:shrug:

I have readings as well
Gail and Jenny said july/early august :thumbup:

sandra said oct/novemeber
i just got a cheri predition =) so excited to hear what she has to say
Hi again, ladies. :wave:
I'm currently CD15, with about a week or ten days till OV. Drinking my grapefruit juice, reading the forums, and generally just HOPING Jenny/Brooke are right that this is my cycle. Wanted to come by and say hello to everyone again. :)
Yes it does contain what i paid for but there is nothing in it as far as im concerned that couldnt have been made up by anyone!

Hey guys..You know I found on another board something disturbing, just in my own opinion and I am not saying anything negative here, I am none confrontation, but I do speak my mind when need be. Do you feel its fair that Gail is on the forums with us?? I dont see Cheri or Jenny here or any of the others in that matter. Its very easy to get info especially if you use the same user name, google is a bad mo fo!!! I liked my Gail reading for sure, but I have read other places she said some of the same things she said to me to others. Now I am not saying this to discourage anyone, But who would want to steal a reading that she did especially for you? Wouldnt it be easier to just make something up? I believe that if this continues its gonna get messy. because I have seen where she actually went back and forth with a few different gals on different threads and that isnt what these forums are for. If we conduct business with her it should be off the forums and its our own choice to share our predictions as one. Now I want to see everyone get their wishes, and desires. But we all should be able to voice our dislikes and likes. I would hate for anyone to put so much into something and it doesnt happen. so I am saying is, go into this with a guarded heart and do what you have to do, to conceive beyond the psychic realms. :hugs: And believe me I am hoping she was right for me, but after reading some of the other predictions it sounded like mines:shrug:


ITA. She is ridiculous. I told her myself that I thought that her being here was inappropriate and that she was out of line in many of her comments. You can see for yourself how she reacted when I asked a simple question of a poster whom claimed that Gail was usually right...it's in the Gail thread which I REFUSE to read or go to anymore. I have NO idea why she doesn't want her readings posted. TTC boards are LITTERED with the predictions of Cheri, Jenny, Ruby and Brooke. I have yet to see any of them complain or request that their predictions be removed or not posted. The thing is...if you google Gail and ..save for this site...there are hardly any postings about her at all so I have no clue whom was allegedly stealing her postings since you can barely find any at all about her on other TTC sites in the first place!!

I even read a thread on here where a poster complained about her on ebay...of course...Gail responded here...and then reported the poster to ebay!!! Just who do you think ebay will support? Gail whom pays them lots and lots of listing fees or the poor poster that feels that she was wronged? The worst part was that Gail then turns around and brags about all of her positive ebay listings :growlmad: Makes you wonder. People should be free to say what they think of Gail or anyone else without her coming in at every turn to comment. When she could not adequately address my issues...issues which I never asked her to address in the first place..she turned around and began name-calling. I guess she thought that she could bully me away.

I say... Let the predictions speak for themselves. Goodness knows...some aweful things have been said about many of the psychics listed above but I have yet to see one act like this. In fact...I have never seen one respond at all. Like I said... just ridiculous.
Yes it does contain what i paid for but there is nothing in it as far as im concerned that couldnt have been made up by anyone!

Hey guys..You know I found on another board something disturbing, just in my own opinion and I am not saying anything negative here, I am none confrontation, but I do speak my mind when need be. Do you feel its fair that Gail is on the forums with us?? I dont see Cheri or Jenny here or any of the others in that matter. Its very easy to get info especially if you use the same user name, google is a bad mo fo!!! I liked my Gail reading for sure, but I have read other places she said some of the same things she said to me to others. Now I am not saying this to discourage anyone, But who would want to steal a reading that she did especially for you? Wouldnt it be easier to just make something up? I believe that if this continues its gonna get messy. because I have seen where she actually went back and forth with a few different gals on different threads and that isnt what these forums are for. If we conduct business with her it should be off the forums and its our own choice to share our predictions as one. Now I want to see everyone get their wishes, and desires. But we all should be able to voice our dislikes and likes. I would hate for anyone to put so much into something and it doesnt happen. so I am saying is, go into this with a guarded heart and do what you have to do, to conceive beyond the psychic realms. :hugs: And believe me I am hoping she was right for me, but after reading some of the other predictions it sounded like mines:shrug:


ITA. She is ridiculous. I told her myself that I thought that her being here was inappropriate and that she was out of line in many of her comments. You can see for yourself how she reacted when I asked a simple question of a poster whom claimed that Gail was usually right...it's in the Gail thread which I REFUSE to read or go to anymore. I have NO idea why she doesn't want her readings posted. TTC boards are LITTERED with the predictions of Cheri, Jenny, Ruby and Brooke. I have yet to see any of them complain or request that their predictions be removed or not posted. The thing is...if you google Gail and ..save for this site...there are hardly any postings about her at all so I have no clue whom was allegedly stealing her postings since you can barely find any at all about her on other TTC sites in the first place!!

I even read a thread on here where a poster complained about her on ebay...of course...Gail responded here...and then reported the poster to ebay!!! Just who do you think ebay will support? Gail whom pays them lots and lots of listing fees or the poor poster that feels that she was wronged? The worst part was that Gail then turns around and brags about all of her positive ebay listings :growlmad: Makes you wonder. People should be free to say what they think of Gail or anyone else without her coming in at every turn to comment. When she could not adequately address my issues...issues which I never asked her to address in the first place..she turned around and began name-calling. I guess she thought that she could bully me away.

I say... Let the predictions speak for themselves. Goodness knows...some aweful things have been said about many of the psychics listed above but I have yet to see one act like this. In fact...I have never seen one respond at all. Like I said... just ridiculous.

I know I may be jumped by some of the Gail fans, and dont get me wrong I have ordered from them all:flower: But its not fair, we all are suppose to be sticking together not going against one another and we all have our own opinion, I only fear that some of the lovely ladies here that really put their faith into these readings and it doesnt pan out in their favor, correct let the readings speak for themselves..I am very sure that either way, it can happen rather the readings are going to pan out or not I have seen a couple ladies that received their BFP before the predicted times and some after so dont get discouraged. I am just saying her behavior is questionable, and after seeing her going back and forth with a couple of the ladies, I thought that was inappropriate and these forums are not for all of that. Again why would someone steal her readings especially the simplified ones..With Gender, and conceive time? Couldnt someone else just make their reading up for that matter? I dont really get it. Its easy to pick up info and I was very amped when I got my reading, but then after I read that she said similar things to other women, I got skeptic. My mother told me to go in with a guarded heart with these readings...and Ask the Higher Power to lead me to conceiving and he will grant my hearts desire if I have faith in him. The readings are exciting, but at the end of the day have in faith in he and he is whom will make it happen. Thats all I am saying...if the readings happen that is truly a blessing, but before we start defending this lady, lets allow things to happen and respect each others opinions. We are all in it for the same reason. So if someone is skeptic dont jump them embrace them and lets hope that, these readings do pan out. Support ladies support:happydance: support:hugs:

I think each to their own. I'm sure most of the ladies who have purchased readings are aware that they are a guide and can be wrong. For me personally, the readings have given me a much needed pma boost. I'm not particulalry fussed by Gail being on here - I am yet to see any negative comments from her (maybe I've just not come across them). Who's to say other readers aren't on here under names which wouldn't identify them as their psychic identity - just a thought.

I can understand not wanting people to display full readings - if the same reading (or a slightly reworded version) is given by another reader then people will question who's original reading it was and who's a fake. If this is someone's business then they need to take measures like copyright to protect that.

I'm not protecting any particular reader, just putting forward my personal thoughts on the subject.

I agree with letting the readings speak for themselves and allowing people to believe in whatever they wish - whether that be psychics or something else.

:) Best of luck to all :flower:
I think each to their own. I'm sure most of the ladies who have purchased readings are aware that they are a guide and can be wrong. For me personally, the readings have given me a much needed pma boost. I'm not particulalry fussed by Gail being on here - I am yet to see any negative comments from her (maybe I've just not come across them). Who's to say other readers aren't on here under names which wouldn't identify them as their psychic identity - just a thought.

I can understand not wanting people to display full readings - if the same reading (or a slightly reworded version) is given by another reader then people will question who's original reading it was and who's a fake. If this is someone's business then they need to take measures like copyright to protect that.

I'm not protecting any particular reader, just putting forward my personal thoughts on the subject.

I agree with letting the readings speak for themselves and allowing people to believe in whatever they wish - whether that be psychics or something else.

:) Best of luck to all :flower:

you do know that just about all of then have accounts here and i have seen them reading the thread too
feel so yuck today feel sick and dizzy head feels like its full of air
Morning Ladies,

I have removed my readings from my siggy (as you can see!) When I got my readings they gave me a much needed PMA boost BUT then I started to feel like I was holding too much hope on the predictions been correct......my predictions all predicted this cycle,next or the one after that.....this is my 3rd cycle of ttc and IF I get as far as my prediction in 3 cycles time we will have been ttc 6mths and most ladies fall preggers by this mark! Am not saying my readings werent amazing especially sandras who was so indepth and amazingly correct for me on so many levels and am not saying I dont hope that at least some of my readings predict right BUT I now see my predictions for what they are A LITTLE BIT OF FUN!

That said I am sure I will concieve this cycle or next due to my reading with my psychic lady who I have visited every 3months for the last couple of years and I know she will indeed be correct when she tells me I will have given birth again by end of april 2011 (meaning I will concieve this/or next cycle!) So indeed cause of this some of my other readings will be correct....or that I have no doubt!!!!!!

feel so yuck today feel sick and dizzy head feels like its full of air

Morning hon :hugs:

sorry your feeling rough today.....hoping its a positive sign :thumbup:

Today I dont feel as bad as yesterday (less cranky lol!) and at the min I just have the ever present lower stomach pressure/dull aches and backache but this is not different from last month ssssssssssssso:shrug: ewcm still on holiday :dohh: which is definatly ssssssssssso different to norm :wacko:
feel so yuck today feel sick and dizzy head feels like its full of air

Morning hon :hugs:

sorry your feeling rough today.....hoping its a positive sign :thumbup:

Today I dont feel as bad as yesterday (less cranky lol!) and at the min I just have the ever present lower stomach pressure/dull aches and backache but this is not different from last month ssssssssssssso:shrug: ewcm still on holiday :dohh: which is definatly ssssssssssso different to norm :wacko:

still think ur ginna get them two lines this mth:thumbup:
feel so yuck today feel sick and dizzy head feels like its full of air

Morning hon :hugs:

sorry your feeling rough today.....hoping its a positive sign :thumbup:

Today I dont feel as bad as yesterday (less cranky lol!) and at the min I just have the ever present lower stomach pressure/dull aches and backache but this is not different from last month ssssssssssssso:shrug: ewcm still on holiday :dohh: which is definatly ssssssssssso different to norm :wacko:

still think ur ginna get them two lines this mth:thumbup:

Thanks hon :hugs: praying we are in it together!

Dont want to :cry: but need to ask.....hows sam and ickle one?
feel so yuck today feel sick and dizzy head feels like its full of air

Morning hon :hugs:

sorry your feeling rough today.....hoping its a positive sign :thumbup:

Today I dont feel as bad as yesterday (less cranky lol!) and at the min I just have the ever present lower stomach pressure/dull aches and backache but this is not different from last month ssssssssssssso:shrug: ewcm still on holiday :dohh: which is definatly ssssssssssso different to norm :wacko:

still think ur ginna get them two lines this mth:thumbup:

Thanks hon :hugs: praying we are in it together!

Dont want to :cry: but need to ask.....hows sam and ickle one?
she text me just before 1 last night baby is fine she was rolling and sucking her thumb on scan then waved at them . bloody midwife told them to prepare for the worse and of course what they have been thru with lilly-maye was the worst so thats is what they prepared for :nope: but little miss aggie is still holding in there:cloud9:

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