**Baby Predictions** ((Cheri * Gail * Sandra * Others))

feel so yuck today feel sick and dizzy head feels like its full of air

morning hon :hugs:

Sorry your feeling rough today.....hoping its a positive sign :thumbup:

Today i dont feel as bad as yesterday (less cranky lol!) and at the min i just have the ever present lower stomach pressure/dull aches and backache but this is not different from last month ssssssssssssso:shrug: Ewcm still on holiday :dohh: Which is definatly ssssssssssso different to norm :wacko:

still think ur ginna get them two lines this mth:thumbup:

thanks hon :hugs: Praying we are in it together!

Dont want to :cry: But need to ask.....hows sam and ickle one?
she text me just before 1 last night baby is fine she was rolling and sucking her thumb on scan then waved at them . Bloody midwife told them to prepare for the worse and of course what they have been thru with lilly-maye was the worst so thats is what they prepared for :nope: But little miss aggie is still holding in there:cloud9:

oh thank god hon! Was thinking about you,her last night as you never came back to this thread after you posted and then i went to bed.......rolling and sucking her thumb aw cute and she waved! (am ok mummy & daddy!)
feel so yuck today feel sick and dizzy head feels like its full of air

morning hon :hugs:

Sorry your feeling rough today.....hoping its a positive sign :thumbup:

Today i dont feel as bad as yesterday (less cranky lol!) and at the min i just have the ever present lower stomach pressure/dull aches and backache but this is not different from last month ssssssssssssso:shrug: Ewcm still on holiday :dohh: Which is definatly ssssssssssso different to norm :wacko:

still think ur ginna get them two lines this mth:thumbup:

thanks hon :hugs: Praying we are in it together!

Dont want to :cry: But need to ask.....hows sam and ickle one?
she text me just before 1 last night baby is fine she was rolling and sucking her thumb on scan then waved at them . Bloody midwife told them to prepare for the worse and of course what they have been thru with lilly-maye was the worst so thats is what they prepared for :nope: But little miss aggie is still holding in there:cloud9:

oh thank god hon! Was thinking about you,her last night as you never came back to this thread after you posted and then i went to bed.......rolling and sucking her thumb aw cute and she waved! (am ok mummy & daddy!)
the amount of time she was without oxygen as she was compressing her cord and hadnt moved she shouldnt still be alive shes definatly got someone looking after her
Im so angry and upset with the negativity and lies of some people ...and dont worry I am removing my profile from here anyway. How nasty to call someone ridculous....so personal and uncalled for ........you go around with your false accusations without understanding or knowing any facts
1) I came to the boards as a lady from here invited me to see the lovely remarks made about my readings, I came back to these boards to defend someone spreading lies
2) I have never name called or bullied , thats actually slander
3) For your info....which I didnt want to publish , I have always been happy to have my readings printed anyway, and 3 months ago on baby center website, sandra gibbs and a lady called Maria was copying my readings, and sending these to ladies claiming they were original, it caused alot of upset, and thankfully my regular clients informed me of this, that they had ordered a reading off her, and got the same reading they ordered of me months ago, so no there is nothing dodgy why I dont want them printed, sorry to burst your bubble there.
4) I will defend any false comment about me and my work, people often sound off in forums spreading rumours untruths and lies, and everytime I will defend this, thats the person I am, I dont like lies.
5) I didnt complain to ebay, ebay contacted me, after a lady left 3 false negatives, because she wasnt happy that I told her an ex wouldnt return, they class this as feedback abuse, and trust me its hard to get any feedback removed, they do not favour the seller,and because this was again false it was removed.
I do not brag about my feedback, I have good feedback, sorry if that offends you
6) I do not or cannot get any information from the forums, firstly I wouldnt have the time, peoples emails from which they purchase do not show on here, and Im an ethical reader, who wouldnt even want to do that
7) The pregnancy readings, purchases from her are a very small minority of my work and sales, and wouldnt phase me if I never sold another pregnancy reading.
8) This forum can be read by anyone if your a member or not, I joined to speak to alot of the nicer ladies and thank them for their comments, if I spot a vicious post, of course Im going to reply to it, like you say everyone is entiltled to their opinions
9) in all my 25 years of reading have I ever come across such nastyness, skepticalness, people going out of their way to discriminate my work or myself as a person without having facts, and spreading rumours with no back up, all my readings are original, if two are the same go ahead and print them, dont just say I read 'somewhere' someone had the same, or I saw on 'some board' more untruths, have your opinions, but dont print a sladerous remark because you have a feeling Im not genuine or you heard something saw something without any backup or proof!
The people I help , and the people who email me to thank me, totally outway this kind of negativity, every person in the world has a view, has a opinion which is wonderful voice them all you like, thats great, but dont spread vicious rumours without proof, thats wrong. You spoil it for others who have faith and positivity in me and their readings, and you bring a cloud over what I do for no reason, its peoples personal choice to come to me, if you have doubts thats fine , dont spoilt it for others, with your hearsay and without having facts or quite frankly a clue about the psychic reading world, you have to look for unhand reasons why I simply dont want me readings printed, when the fact is this is only due to them being used ( fact!) Nothing underhand, no mystery, no ulterior reasons at all, but think what you want, say what you want
Personal jibes dont phase me, it just shows who you are as a person at the end of the day, I know and my loving family know Im not ridiculous, and Im a genuine kind person, who would never think of going on a public forum to question someone as a person or their profession.
Negativity breeds negativity back to you, something you may consider when asking the universe to grant you what you want in life.
Have lovely lives, post on and on, my account will be gone.
Thanks to the lovely ladies, the kindness and senserity of 95% of people here, I loved reading the posts ( and no not to gain info) sigh!
I hope I have helped give hope, when on the days ladies are so down about ttc, they can get out there reading and once again find that hope, and nothing you say will take away the joy I personally feel when someone emails me to say their bfp came in, and Im leaving through personal choice, not through words of others, because the world is full of unhappiness and doubt and I thought of all places good karma would of been spread here more than anywhere.........I guess I was wrong.........Good bye :)
My intention was not to offend you gail but I do think that readings CAN be wrong (I dont mean that yours are!) but they can be and I just think that prediction readings should be considered a little bit of fun and a pma boost.....this is indeed what they were for me and I am a great believer (YOU ONLY HAVE TO ASK MY DH WHOS A SKEPTIC!) and I personally am perfectly happy for you to pop in on these threads and I do appreciate why you dont want your readings posted in full!
feel so yuck today feel sick and dizzy head feels like its full of air

morning hon :hugs:

Sorry your feeling rough today.....hoping its a positive sign :thumbup:

Today i dont feel as bad as yesterday (less cranky lol!) and at the min i just have the ever present lower stomach pressure/dull aches and backache but this is not different from last month ssssssssssssso:shrug: Ewcm still on holiday :dohh: Which is definatly ssssssssssso different to norm :wacko:

still think ur ginna get them two lines this mth:thumbup:

thanks hon :hugs: Praying we are in it together!

Dont want to :cry: But need to ask.....hows sam and ickle one?
she text me just before 1 last night baby is fine she was rolling and sucking her thumb on scan then waved at them . Bloody midwife told them to prepare for the worse and of course what they have been thru with lilly-maye was the worst so thats is what they prepared for :nope: But little miss aggie is still holding in there:cloud9:

oh thank god hon! Was thinking about you,her last night as you never came back to this thread after you posted and then i went to bed.......rolling and sucking her thumb aw cute and she waved! (am ok mummy & daddy!)
the amount of time she was without oxygen as she was compressing her cord and hadnt moved she shouldnt still be alive shes definatly got someone looking after her

absolutely amazing hon shes a little fighter :happydance:
gail i know the readings are just for fun kinda thing but the readong you did for me really hit hom to the point i burst into tears you said end of june begining of july what at first i thought nah cant be trur then my cycle went for longer and i THINK io have ovd end of june wat wouldnt of bene possible with a normal cycle
I do appriciate that thanks, I dont come to beg for praise as the doubters think, I just like facts, I dispise rumour, but thanks,
P.S. can anyone advice how I remove my account and posts from here please, feel Im Drowning with the negativity at the moment, cant think straight
advise on doing that would be appriciated, then I can get back to normal :)
I do appriciate that thanks, I dont come to beg for praise as the doubters think, I just like facts, I dispise rumour, but thanks,
P.S. can anyone advice how I remove my account and posts from here please, feel Im Drowning with the negativity at the moment, cant think straight
advise on doing that would be appriciated, then I can get back to normal :)

Sorry gail I have absolutely no idea how to remove posts/account etc :nope:

I also wanted to say I bought my readings from ebay but realised other day you actually have a website too :dohh: I was browsing your products and def would purchase again! Me and lindsey here mostly keep this thread going with out little chats :haha:, we both have team spirit and I think I speak on behalf of lindsey too that we both hold faith in your readings but we also try to remember that prediction readings are a bit of fun and a pma boost too.....I know lindsey is amazed due to the change in her cycle your prediction is on track for her BFP and I had two readings from you that predict end of june/beg of july and I am also on track for that too! I have faith!:hugs:
There a negative people everywhere and when i read the posts i thought how and more so why do they write things they no nothing about i have had lots of readings from pschics on this site and they give me hope, dont let a few bullies remove you from the site gail if someone made assumptions about my work as a nurse and it was in a public forum i would answer it to your well within your rights
why should they be allowed to make remarks they dont know are true and get away with it you wont win with these people they think they are right and they wont budge
so they just try and spoil it for others
I remember the reading copying problems on baby center im a member there too and if someone had copied my work i wouldnt want that to happen again
they only see what they want to see gail and take their anger and frustrations out with life on you
non of their posts have facts just gossip you have as much right to be here as anyone i no for a fact other pschics read all the posts the thing that makes me laugh is if they doubt all you do or that its fake why do they come here to cause trouble and put others down
I read all my readings pretty much everyday it keeps me going i think pychics are great just because they buzz off rumours they need to stop ramming their opions down our throats they have to see evil bad or something suspicious in everything leave them to it
There a negative people everywhere and when i read the posts i thought how and more so why do they write things they no nothing about i have had lots of readings from pschics on this site and they give me hope, dont let a few bullies remove you from the site gail if someone made assumptions about my work as a nurse and it was in a public forum i would answer it to your well within your rights
why should they be allowed to make remarks they dont know are true and get away with it you wont win with these people they think they are right and they wont budge
so they just try and spoil it for others
I remember the reading copying problems on baby center im a member there too and if someone had copied my work i wouldnt want that to happen again
they only see what they want to see gail and take their anger and frustrations out with life on you
non of their posts have facts just gossip you have as much right to be here as anyone i no for a fact other pschics read all the posts the thing that makes me laugh is if they doubt all you do or that its fake why do they come here to cause trouble and put others down
I read all my readings pretty much everyday it keeps me going i think pychics are great just because they buzz off rumours they need to stop ramming their opions down our throats they have to see evil bad or something suspicious in everything leave them to it

here here:thumbup:
There a negative people everywhere and when i read the posts i thought how and more so why do they write things they no nothing about i have had lots of readings from pschics on this site and they give me hope, dont let a few bullies remove you from the site gail if someone made assumptions about my work as a nurse and it was in a public forum i would answer it to your well within your rights
why should they be allowed to make remarks they dont know are true and get away with it you wont win with these people they think they are right and they wont budge
so they just try and spoil it for others
I remember the reading copying problems on baby center im a member there too and if someone had copied my work i wouldnt want that to happen again
they only see what they want to see gail and take their anger and frustrations out with life on you
non of their posts have facts just gossip you have as much right to be here as anyone i no for a fact other pschics read all the posts the thing that makes me laugh is if they doubt all you do or that its fake why do they come here to cause trouble and put others down
I read all my readings pretty much everyday it keeps me going i think pychics are great just because they buzz off rumours they need to stop ramming their opions down our throats they have to see evil bad or something suspicious in everything leave them to it

please can I echo this too!:thumbup:
so how are we all feleing ladies we need some pma back on here ive just ahd a bath and noticed my boobs seem to have expanded again along with veins and spots:S lol
Can you add my correct ones also :))) x

hi Gail, the correct ones meaning :bfp: are they on this thread or babyandbump board?..if not may I just get their first name to add them to the first page please..thats awesome Gail can't wait to see more :bfp: coming....:happydance:
so how are we all feleing ladies we need some pma back on here ive just ahd a bath and noticed my boobs seem to have expanded again along with veins and spots:S lol


and I had the most strange feeling.....I was lying in bath reading my book and my lower tummy got so hard and rigid :wacko: I hope this is another good sign :thumbup: your going to be sick of me saying this: but still no ewcm :shrug: WTF I just dont get where its gone :shrug:
Gail hun I invited you to this thread that I started because I wanted you to see how everyone was sooo happy with their readings I didn't want ANYONE to come here and be negative toward you and say things that would upset you...I'm truly sorry...and hope that you will stay here with us and if anyone doesn't like it they don't have to be a part of this thread..and also I invited sandra here also and i will invited cheri and jennyrenny to...these readings have given me so much hope I'm 41 years old so my fertile years are not long so with Gails reading and what all she picked up and has touched my heart...thanks gail for being a part of this thread..:hugs:
so how are we all feleing ladies we need some pma back on here ive just ahd a bath and noticed my boobs seem to have expanded again along with veins and spots:S lol


and I had the most strange feeling.....I was lying in bath reading my book and my lower tummy got so hard and rigid :wacko: I hope this is another good sign :thumbup: your going to be sick of me saying this: but still no ewcm :shrug: WTF I just dont get where its gone :shrug:

im the opposit lol have TONS of ewcm well looks like ewcm but when rubbed between fingers goes to creamy mlky:wacko:
so how are we all feleing ladies we need some pma back on here ive just ahd a bath and noticed my boobs seem to have expanded again along with veins and spots:S lol


and I had the most strange feeling.....I was lying in bath reading my book and my lower tummy got so hard and rigid :wacko: I hope this is another good sign :thumbup: your going to be sick of me saying this: but still no ewcm :shrug: WTF I just dont get where its gone :shrug:

im the opposit lol have TONS of ewcm well looks like ewcm but when rubbed between fingers goes to creamy mlky:wacko:

:dohh: now am knicker checking :dohh: I just had a tiny bit when I went to pee right now.....I cant believe am looking for ewcm :haha:
so how are we all feleing ladies we need some pma back on here ive just ahd a bath and noticed my boobs seem to have expanded again along with veins and spots:S lol


and I had the most strange feeling.....I was lying in bath reading my book and my lower tummy got so hard and rigid :wacko: I hope this is another good sign :thumbup: your going to be sick of me saying this: but still no ewcm :shrug: WTF I just dont get where its gone :shrug:

im the opposit lol have TONS of ewcm well looks like ewcm but when rubbed between fingers goes to creamy mlky:wacko:

:dohh: now am knicker checking :dohh: I just had a tiny bit when I went to pee right now.....I cant believe am looking for ewcm :haha:
:haha: we are nuts and its ttc fault
so how are we all feleing ladies we need some pma back on here ive just ahd a bath and noticed my boobs seem to have expanded again along with veins and spots:S lol


and I had the most strange feeling.....I was lying in bath reading my book and my lower tummy got so hard and rigid :wacko: I hope this is another good sign :thumbup: your going to be sick of me saying this: but still no ewcm :shrug: WTF I just dont get where its gone :shrug:

im the opposit lol have TONS of ewcm well looks like ewcm but when rubbed between fingers goes to creamy mlky:wacko:

:dohh: now am knicker checking :dohh: I just had a tiny bit when I went to pee right now.....I cant believe am looking for ewcm :haha:
:haha: we are nuts and its ttc fault


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